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Help With The Rising Cost Of Food...

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  • Help With The Rising Cost Of Food...

    Good Afternoon

    I was talking to a friend of mine this morning who also does in home daycare and she suggested an idea that she has started doing to help with the rising cost of food. She didn't want to raise her prices so she starting asking the kids to bring their own snacks with them...however it caused a lot of problems because the kids weren't all eating the same things and the kids were getting upset because they wanted what so and so had and would tantrum because they didn't have a cheesestring or a muffin or whatever....
    Anyway she started asking her dcf to bring in snacks for the whole group. She has 5 dcf so she gives each dcf a day where they are in charge of am snack and a different day where they are in charge of pm snack. The snack must be something healthy and can be as creative or simple as they wish. She said the dcf really seem to enjoy the opportunity to choose what the snack for that day is and my friend has the dck who brought the snack help pass it out to everyone. She said the dcks are so proud of what they have brought and it teaches them to be kind and share with others.
    She gave me some examples of things she had last week..carrot muffins, a bag of apples, a bag of mini carrots and some dip, a fruit platter, crackers and cheese, a box of nutrigrain bars, a pack of minigos......
    It sounds like a neat idea so I thought I would share. I might start the same thing in my daycare too. Any thoughts?

  • #2
    It sounds like a great idea!


    • #3

      I did this the week we were talking about healthy eating. I was pleasantly surprised at how willing everyone was to partcipate and especially how much the kids enjoyed it! The variety of snacks was awesome also.

      I never thought about doing it weekly; great idea! Thanks for sharing


      • #4
        What a great idea, I will have to think about doing that.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Soccermom View Post
          Good Afternoon

          I was talking to a friend of mine this morning who also does in home daycare and she suggested an idea that she has started doing to help with the rising cost of food. She didn't want to raise her prices so she starting asking the kids to bring their own snacks with them...however it caused a lot of problems because the kids weren't all eating the same things and the kids were getting upset because they wanted what so and so had and would tantrum because they didn't have a cheesestring or a muffin or whatever....
          Anyway she started asking her dcf to bring in snacks for the whole group. She has 5 dcf so she gives each dcf a day where they are in charge of am snack and a different day where they are in charge of pm snack. The snack must be something healthy and can be as creative or simple as they wish. She said the dcf really seem to enjoy the opportunity to choose what the snack for that day is and my friend has the dck who brought the snack help pass it out to everyone. She said the dcks are so proud of what they have brought and it teaches them to be kind and share with others.
          She gave me some examples of things she had last week..carrot muffins, a bag of apples, a bag of mini carrots and some dip, a fruit platter, crackers and cheese, a box of nutrigrain bars, a pack of minigos......
          It sounds like a neat idea so I thought I would share. I might start the same thing in my daycare too. Any thoughts?
          Why not get on the food program?


          • #6
            Originally posted by MissAnn View Post
            Why not get on the food program?
            I was thinking the same thing... What will you do if a family falls through and does not bring their snack? Sorry not trying to be a debbie downer.... Just asking


            • #7
              We don't have the food program where we are. I've never even heard of that to be honest....
              She said she always has back-up snacks on hand just in case someone forgets but she sends the dck home with a little card stating they are the Snack Star the next day and she said she hasn't had anyone forget yet.


              • #8
                I did that 28 years ago when I first started.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by sharlan View Post
                  I did that 28 years ago when I first started.
                  happyface I think I am going to give it a whirl too. I wish I would have started it last year when I started up my daycare again because sometimes I find it hard to make changes once things are already established but I am going to mention it to the dcp and see what kind of reactions I get


                  • #10
                    one of my kids preschools used to do this and yes, they love being the one who brought in snack.

                    I think I'm one of the only providers on this board who does not do the food program and kids pack their own meals. When I started up 11 years ago even my licensor said no one around here does the food program so I never even looked at it. I have never had an issue - just like at school, everyone has their lunches brought from home.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Crazy8 View Post
                      one of my kids preschools used to do this and yes, they love being the one who brought in snack.

                      I think I'm one of the only providers on this board who does not do the food program and kids pack their own meals. When I started up 11 years ago even my licensor said no one around here does the food program so I never even looked at it. I have never had an issue - just like at school, everyone has their lunches brought from home.
                      I would really take a look at the food program. It's not hard and it pays for over 1/2 of my food .....and I cook very good meals.


                      • #12
                        The food program works for me. I average around $1000 a month from them. Sometimes a little less, sometimes a bit more, depending on whether the schoolies are all in attendance. We are tier 1 due to our school district which helps. But I would do it at tier 2. Anything helps!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by MissAnn View Post
                          I would really take a look at the food program. It's not hard and it pays for over 1/2 of my food .....and I cook very good meals.
                          theres the answer right there... right now my cost for meals is ZERO and the time it takes me is about 5-10 min. to prepare the lunches they bring. Go on the food program and I am paying for that other 1/2 of the food myself AND I'm cooking on my time, and doing food program paperwork, meal planning, etc. on my time. No thank you. My rates are competitive, maybe on the higher side, couldn't get away with raising them even if I added meals, and I don't know of a single daycare near me who does provide meals so its not like its something people are really looking for.

                          Like I said, 11 years and its worked just fine - not fixing what ain't broken.


                          • #14
                            Everyone recommending the food program... this isn't an option available to Canadian providers. We do get to write-off food costs (generally 30-50%) at tax time.

                            I like the OP's suggestion! However, I would be concerned about days where a parent forgets.... "forgetting" seems to be a common thing with most parents these days.


                            • #15
                              first off, THERE IS NO FOOD PROGRAM HERE IN CANADA. Sorry for the caps but it seems that people don't understand no matter how many times its mentioned.
                              Now, seriously, are you saying that snacks are costing you so much money that you can't afford it. What are you serving the children. A bag of of carrots cost about a dollar, add sum ranch dressing and you can easily feed children for less than 25 cents a snack. I would like to also know then, "what are the parents pay for" when they have to supply food. Sorry, but I find it odd that feeding children is costing people so much money. If its costing you so much, then you need to look at what you buy and where you shop.

