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Hyper Kids, How Do You Handle Them

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  • Hyper Kids, How Do You Handle Them

    Thank you all who answered my question on the early arrival and hyper daycare boy.

    Now I have a question about the hyper behavior during the day. He goes to school (age 7) so I can see how some kids need to "let it out" after being in school all day, and he does just that...the moment he gets off the bus he runs and starts making loud hyper noises. The school kids get a couple days off soon and then spring break in 2 weeks so I will be watching him all day soon.

    The 7 year old boy isn't bad, he's just high strung and hyper...likes to roll around on the floor, hop, and make hyper noises, which gets everyone else hyper. What would you do in this situation? Would you scold the boy for it, or let him be a kid? When he's hyper before school I am constantly telling him to settle down, he seems to forget after 1 min.

    I don't want to spend my entire day telling him to settle down, so what is the best way to handle this if he stays hyper all day?

  • #2
    Bumping up


    • #3
      I don't know if what I do is right or not. But when my DD who is 7 comes home with tons of energy after school and starts getting the dcks all excited and running and screaming, it's time for outdoor time.

      I can't stand the excited tension in the house. If its too cold out I tell dd to get dressed for the cold and go outside and play. Once she settles down she comes back in and plays nicely with the little ones.

      They all enjoy each other so the outside calm down time doesn't take too long


      • #4
        If you can't beat 'em, join 'em! Encourage a brief time period where he can go nuts andyou and the other kids join in. 5 minutes outside of "go bonkers" time? Have him and everyone do jumping jacks, run in place, dance party. Its fun. I like to go bonkers with allthe kids sometimes, takes the edge off. Lol!


        • #5
          I have an 8 yr old boy who I have had since birth. He's the same way. Good kid, but just a "boy" if you kwim. Makes sudden hyper-type noises for no reason, likes anything that has to do with "booty" and makes him laugh, thinks burps and toots are hilarious, etc., etc. This sounds bad, but I'd soooo much rather have girls. My other 5 are girls.

          As far as advice, I really don't have any. I just say "quiet please", "chill out", "calm down", "settle down", "sit down", things like that. It's irritating, but he's really not doing anything WRONG per se, just getting on my nerves! I would obviously correct any wrong behavior, but if it's just normal boy stuff, you really have to just grit your teeth. Today is first day of Spring Break, and I foresee the next NINE days (yes, they get nine days off!) of me saying, "CHILL" a lot. Like all day long.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Lucy View Post
            I have an 8 yr old boy who I have had since birth. He's the same way. Good kid, but just a "boy" if you kwim. Makes sudden hyper-type noises for no reason, likes anything that has to do with "booty" and makes him laugh, thinks burps and toots are hilarious
            This is EXACTLY my daycare boy...he's always talking about butts and laughing loud at at. I have to remind him over and over not to talk about things like that, with him it's ALL the time, I have to keep a close listen and watch of him as he gets out of control and inappropriate.

            I have been laying down the law with the hyper behavior in the house...I do it in a reminding way, and if I find myself saying it too many times my voice gets more firm and so far it's working. My girls can get hyper at times, but the daycare boy seems to be constant all day long. I guess this is a boy thing???


            • #7
              I have a nephew like that...he even pass the gas on me one time.

              I just joke with him and say really funny stuff back to him. BUT I am high energy person too. When he comes over, we always have to have a relay race. I have to do everything physical to tire him out first. I just have to keep him busy.. I always have something for him to do. One of the things that I found he loves very much to do is magic. NOw we do magic together all of the time. He puts all of his energy into it, that you would not realize that this is the same kid. He's only 8.5, so he can't do all of them, but the ones that he can do he is really good at it.

              Perhaps try to find something that he really loves. Ask him what he likes to do. and then watch him shine at it.


              • #8
                Tire him out. Outside time-running races, relay, simon says, jumping jacks, ANYTHING.

