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Over Stimulated

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  • Over Stimulated

    How do you know if a child is over stimulated in childcare. I'm suspecting two of mine might be or be having issues with it. I know they love being here with their friends but I'm really thinking that they can't handle the stimulation of other children=at least not ones their own age.

    I think one would probably do better with more one on one or a smaller group-even though I usually only have 3-5 children. You can't get much smaller.

    Just looking for some insight to the signs of overstimulation.
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  • #2
    Perhaps it would help to incorporate some chill out time into their day....making a cozy reading corner and have them go read books would be a good start. If have seen HUGE improvements from my kids once I removed all electronic toys, battery operated, flashing lights, screens and media....might be something you would consider. Another thing is plenty of outdoor time. just a few thoughts. maybe tweak things for these kids and see if things improve. it could be other factors but some kids handle daycare environment much better than others.


    • #3
      Some signs of over-stimulation are hyper hyper behavior and an inability to calm down. Meltdowns for no reason, whining and not being able to make up their minds but being upset at whatever is suggested. Just general's similar to being overtired I think.


      • #4
        One of mine can't handle things like dance/music time. Goes just wild with running, bumping into friends, etc. Then there is alot of high vocals constantly-screaming, whining, yelling, when singing drowns everyone else out. Becomes aggressive at times and you can see it on the face when its going to start.

        Other one doesn't like people talking to them, being near them, touching them, playing with certain toys, etc.

        Both kids do excellent if we do a quiet activity and will do it for a long time if I let them. Sensory bin, crafts, puzzles, things like that.

        We have no battery operated toys but have building toys, play figure toys, things that you need to use your imagination.

        We try to go outside but if its not snowing lately its raining and it just to wet to be in my backyard right now. Even when we are outside same problems, just outside-yelling, screaming, rams ride on toys into other kids, won't let them on or in play structures. At times the child almost looks like they are shaking when they do this.

        This is why I'm wondering if they are being overstimulated because I've seen one of them outside of childcare alot and they are very quiet and almost reserved?
        Each day is a fresh start
        Never look back on regrets
        Live life to the fullest
        We only get one shot at this!!


        • #5
          I really hope a lot of people chime in on this one! I've been wondering the same thing about MY dgs in the daycare. Looking forward to the answers!


          • #6
            Forgot to add that one of them it seems needs retraining almost everyday. We don't-run, yell, scream, throw toys, hurt our friends, yell at me, throw a fit, etc.

            When the parents pick up one of the children becomes very passive and quiet! One of the parents one day picked up and saw they child acting out with me and couldn't believe they were doing that. This is why I'm mystified with the behavior.
            Each day is a fresh start
            Never look back on regrets
            Live life to the fullest
            We only get one shot at this!!


            • #7
              I set up a reading corner in the far corner of the play room, away from all of the other stimulating activities. I put a few pillows and books there, and I was surprised at how much the children actually use the area.

              I think that behaviora outbursts are a sign of over-stimuation and being over-tired.

