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How Many Kids in NY if Unregistered??

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  • How Many Kids in NY if Unregistered??

    does anyone know how many kids you can watch without being registered/licensed in new york (not the city)?

    i'm currently registered but just found out last week that we are moving next month, so i would love to not have the added pressure of worrying about a site inspection and all the paperwork and things that are required from now until then...i'm currently 24 weeks pregnant, and between trying to sell our house (ie- staging the house for showings and keeping things constantly picked up and clean), packing/sorting out things, rummage sales, searching for housing where we are moving, and looking for a new ob, i honestly can't say i'll be able to keep up with sanitizing the toys as often as they are supposed to be and don't want to worry about whether or not it's okay for me to have boxes stacked here or this placed here, or if my paperwork is all in order, etc, for if they were to come and inspect...

    i have a very small daycare, with only 2 fulltime during the day plus my own, and then 2 afterschool kiddos. the afterschool kiddos both have grandparents that could easily step in to cover if i needed to let them go sooner...


  • #2
    Discover the essential steps to start your nurturing daycare in New York. Navigate childcare licensing in New York and thrive!


    • #3
      maybe i wasn't looking at the right place on the site you posted, but all i could find was info on how many kids you can watch when you are registered, which i already know...

      i'm trying to find out how many kids i can watch without being registered...i plan to call my registering agency on monday and explain what's going on, but i'm just trying to come up with a gameplan if i have to let any of my current kiddos go or what in order to play by the rules...i'm really hoping not as i don't want to inconvenience any of the parents more than necessary, but at the same time, especially being pregnant i can only do/take so much right now and know my own personal limits as far as stress goes...


      • #4
        i'm from NY and from what i understand you can have 2 full time , but i'm not sure if that includes your own or not, and you are allowed to have before and afterschool kids as long as it not for more than 3 hours a day. so they can't be there all day for holidays or school closures.

        i would just call your registrar and ask...

        good luck with moving and your new little one!


        • #5
          I know this one as I am in NY and was turned in while in the process of being registered. You can have 2 children non-related..your own children are NOT included. You can also have as many related children as you want..but only 2 children at your house that are non-related.

          You cannot have 2 full time children plus after school kids, unless of course the full time kids are gone by the time the school kids come..bottom line is only 2 non related children there at a time.

          Good luck with your move.


          • #6
            Originally posted by My4SunshineGirlsNY View Post

            You cannot have 2 full time children plus after school kids, unless of course the full time kids are gone by the time the school kids come..bottom line is only 2 non related children there at a time.
            my neighbor who watched kids unregistered had two full time and 8, (yes 8) before and after school kids. she was turned in by someone in the neighborhood just a few months ago, and they told her it was fine as long as it was not for more then 3 hours per day, so they could be there before and after school, just not on full days when the 2 full timers were there.

