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Daycare Question....

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  • Daycare Question....

    Hi, I am new to this site and was wondering if someone had some advice.... I am looking to start an in-home daycare and live in the country. Being I live out of town, I was wondering if anyone had good advice on how to get the ball rolling to get kids in. Should I drop flyers around the neighborhood? Hope you can help

  • #2
    Originally posted by janderson View Post
    Hi, I am new to this site and was wondering if someone had some advice.... I am looking to start an in-home daycare and live in the country. Being I live out of town, I was wondering if anyone had good advice on how to get the ball rolling to get kids in. Should I drop flyers around the neighborhood? Hope you can help
    Welcome janderson! Do you mean county? If country, where are you coming from?

    Also, click on the "advertise" and "flyer" tags at the bottom left to find more threads that relate to you questions.
    Last edited by Michael; 05-08-2010, 12:16 PM.


    • #3
      It sounds like janderson may just live in a rural area, as opposed to a different country ... If so, you have a definite advantage in that you probably have more space for kids to run and play outside, or to go on nature walks. If that's the case, that's something you can emphasize in your advertising.

      You may want to have a sign made for your yard, so that people looking for you can find you easily. Put up flyers around town, and business cards on bulletin boards, the post office, grocery stores, doctors' offices, and school offices. Post on craigslist or whatever online advertising site people in your area use. Tell everyone you meet that you have a home daycare. If there are factories or large businesses, you may want to ask if you can post a flyer on their staff room bulletin board. Early childhood drop-in/resource centers, indoor playgrounds or McDonald's playlands are ideal for advertising too (just leave some cards on the tables if they don't have a bulletin board)). Also, playgroups that meet in churches or schools may be a good places to network. I've never used paid advertising, but some have had luck placing newspaper ads too.

      Good luck! Keep us updated!


      • #4
        i am 8 miles from town, on a dirt road, on top of a mountain. at first i though for sure i wouldnt get anyone to come up here. i have only been open since july 2009 and am full and turning people away!!! we have a local paper that comes out monthly that i advertise in, and i put fliers up EVERYWHERE in town. word of mouth helps ALOT too. we were new here and didnt know anyone, but all it took was my first family to brag to everyone how great i was ... i also had an open house, and although i didnt sign anyone on from that, people came just to be nosy (small town living...gotta love it), and i think it got everyone talking. it also helps that my husband frequents the local coffee shop everyday and tells everyone and anyone who will listen about me... i also had signs made up for my car with my daycare name and number. that gets alot of attention, cause numerous times i have had people call from far away (when i had traveled to shop apparently) looking for care. good luck...and stick with may take some time.

