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Flipping Out Over "Bite" On Toddlers Face

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  • Flipping Out Over "Bite" On Toddlers Face

    What would a last week doing this be if I was not having something to flip out over!

    Dcb came this morning with a "boo boo" on his cheek. I asked him if he hurt his cheek over weekend. DCM said that he had what looked like a bug bite over the weekend and Saturday night he scratched it like crazy and now it looks the worst it has. It is kind of round and had a bit of scab this morning.

    I didn't think too much about it til later this morning when I turned around and he had blood all around it on his face, on his hands and on his shirt. He must have wiped it or scratched it again. I wiped his face with an anteseptic wipe from my first aid kit and slapped a couple bandaids on it so he can't touch it. I wiped his hands and changed his shirt.

    Now I am freaking out that it may be MRSA. I am highly suggestable when it comes to diseases. Does MRSA start as looking like a bug bite? I never saw the bite so I don't know if it was full of puss at any point. Mom did not say it was, just that he scratched it like crazy the one night and made it all bleed all over his bed. Am I overreacting???? I do plan to mention it to mom at pick up. I wiped all the toys that the kids played with today at nap as well as his high chair with disinfecting wipes. I have washed my hands so much that the skin is coming off.
    Last edited by saved4always; 03-12-2012, 02:38 PM. Reason: fixed a word that came out wrong...I should never write while panicking :).

  • #2
    I've never dealt with MRSA first hand, but one of my dcks has had it a couple of times, and his mom said it starts out as a bite-like mark, but rapidly gets severe, with swelling and pus build up.


    • #3

      I am a scab picker when I get stressed, and scabs on my face bleed a lot. I think it's just a bite. A Mayo Clinic article says that MRSA can start looking like a spider bite or bumps. But, it says that you see a doctor if it gets infected. As long as it doesn't get infected, I would think it was only a bite.


      • #4
        I looked at it right after nap and it didn't look at all infected or puss-filled to me. It looked flat and raw like it does when a scab is picked off. I think I was totally over-reacting. Too much looking online at medical sites during nap. I should know better. Thanks for bringing me down, ladies!


        • #5
          Originally posted by katieica View Post
          I am a scab picker when I get stressed, and scabs on my face bleed a lot. I think it's just a bite. A Mayo Clinic article says that MRSA can start looking like a spider bite or bumps. But, it says that you see a doctor if it gets infected. As long as it doesn't get infected, I would think it was only a bite.
          It didn't look anything like the picture on the mayo site. I am also a picker, so I know what you mean. I guess I just needed something to flip out about. Thanks for helping me calm down.


          • #6
            Originally posted by saved4always View Post

            Now I am freaking out that it may be MRSA. I am highly suggestable when it comes to diseases. Does MRSA start as looking like a bug bite? I never saw the bite so I don't know if it was full of puss at any point. Mom did not say it was, just that he scratched it like crazy the one night and made it all bleed all over his bed. Am I overreacting???? I do plan to mention it to mom at pick up. I wiped all the toys that the kids played with today at nap as well as his high chair with disinfecting wipes. I have washed my hands so much that the skin is coming off.

            That's exactly what it starts out looking like.

            Ask me how I know.

            It may be a bug bite but if he comes in tomorrow with it still looking gross, I'd turn him away. Its your last week anyway.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Hunni Bee View Post

              That's exactly what it starts out looking like.

              Ask me how I know.

              It may be a bug bite but if he comes in tomorrow with it still looking gross, I'd turn him away. Its your last week anyway.
              I told mom that I had put a bandaid on it after he picked it a again so he wouldn't touch it or bleed all over. I think she was going to keep one on tonight. So I am hopeful that it will look better tomorrow. I did tell her when she picked up, too, that I was worried about mrsa...she kinda looked at me like I was crazy and said that it wasn't.

