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Pinterest Users- PLEASE READ!

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  • Pinterest Users- PLEASE READ!

    If you are like me; you probably LOVE using Pinterest! I use it almost every day, and it has given me so many great ideas about how to improve my daycare; and also my personal life! I definitely HEART Pinterest! Until now.

    Did you all thoroughly read the Terms of Use when you signed up? All members have to agree to Terms of Use prior to becoming a member. I didn't thoroughly read it when I signed up.

    Please read this article prior to continuing to use Pinterest:

    Basically, it points out some key areas of the Terms of Use; which could result in a copyright lawsuit very easily for any one of it's members- including you. I went back to the Pinterest website myself to see if all of it really was in the Terms of Use. It surely is. Every word.

    It basically says that anytime you pin something (even if it's a repin I think); you agree that you are either the owner of such information or that you have permission to use such content. Also, it says that Pinterest has the right to sell such information and content. Then, it says that you indemnify Pinterest and therefore take legal liability for any copyright infringement that may occur. Any one of your pins (like a picture of a little girl for instance), could get sold by Pinterest, used in a company's marketing campaign; and then the parents of said little girl could go back and sue YOU for using her picture on your board. Pinterest isn't held liable b/c of their Terms of Use. Pretty scary. I sent Pinterest an email myself regarding this, and if they don't plan on changing their terms, I will be deleting my account and encouraging all of you to do the same!

    We all talk about liability on this website with regards to our business, but did you ever actually think using Pinterest could create a liability too??

  • #2
    I don't have an account and didn't read your link but I read an article about a week or so ago from a lawyer that deleted her account for the same reason. She compared it to the illegal downloading of music that had many ordinary people being sued by the music industry for downloading music.


    • #3
      Doubt a lawsuit will ever happen. It is pretty much the same terms of service that every social media site has these days. Look up Facebook, it has the same stuff, you put something on Facebook and they own it now.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Sunshine44 View Post
        Doubt a lawsuit will ever happen. It is pretty much the same terms of service that every social media site has these days. Look up Facebook, it has the same stuff, you put something on Facebook and they own it now.
        Yeah, that's what my hubby said, too. But on FB, I rarely post anyone else's images or info. I use it mostly for my own pics (carefully chosen) and status updates. FB probably wouldn't do anything with any of that info, and if they did; it is mine to give up; not someone else's.

        But the whole purpose of Pinterest is to pin websites that contain content with great ideas. I have about 500 pins to date; all posting content and ideas that are not mine. If, for instance, Pinterest decides to sell an image that I posted, say a picture of someone's dog, to a company that makes dog food. The company puts the picture on their dog food bags. The owner of the dog sees their dog's picture on the bags and contacts their lawyer. Lawyer contacts dog food company, who hands them over to Pinterest, who then puts all liability on me because I posted the picture. It certainly is a scenario I can imagine happening, many many times.


        • #5
          I am choosing not to be afraid of it...I see it as being similar to posting links to other sites here, with pictures. Pinterest links back to the original content. One thing I read on the subject specified that the copyright laws are different if you are using the material for research purposes and I think you could make a very good argument that our pins and things are being used for research.
          Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


          • #6
            They are just covering their own behind in case someone gets a bur up their arse. Repinning is what Pinterest is. It is the whole idea. I doubt any lawsuit would really stand up anyway. So many great ideas I have shared and received there I am willing to take the low risk. Besides I'm sure there's a loop hole there somewhere a good lawyer could find. Thanks for the update though!


            • #7
              What about pins from blogs where the owner gives permission to pin? Does that count? Those are the main things I pin.


              • #8
                I never, NEVER post anyone's picture without permission. Even in pins. As to linking to someone's site, that should be OK on internet world. You are not copying their copywrited stuff for resale, you are simply linking to it.

                It is an area that I'll bet is pretty grey in internet world right now. Until there are clear-cut regulations, I'll keep doing as I do.

                Anyone with a blog, imo, has put their info out there to the public. Not for resale, but for linking.

                NOW, if I wanted to link to that site and then sell the links, THAT would be a whole nother ball of wax. But if Pinterest sells the links, not me, that's their issue, not mine. I don't think I can be held liable as having sold the links or even given permission to, as the permission was not mine to give.

                This is all IMO, as I am no lawyer, just an avid internetter.

                I do thank you for posting that link, tho! I intend on going and reading the whole thing. Maybe I'll change my mind after I read it!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Countrygal View Post
                  NOW, if I wanted to link to that site and then sell the links, THAT would be a whole nother ball of wax. But if Pinterest sells the links, not me, that's their issue, not mine. I don't think I can be held liable as having sold the links or even given permission to, as the permission was not mine to give.
                  That's just the thing. You CAN get sued if Pinterest sells the picture you are pinning. In my previous line of work, I grew really really familiar with something called indemnification. It's when you sign a contract (in this case, the Terms of Use that we click "I agree" to use Pinterest). The other party then is not held responsible, and YOU are. In Pinterest's indemnification clause in their Terms of Use, you are taking responsibility and indemnifying Pinterest (which means they can't get sued) of any copyright infringement.

                  I am still using Pinterest, but now very carefully. I think about what I am pinning, and whose info I am linking to; to make sure that the owner of such content would most likely be okay (and probably happy) about me sharing their information. And so far, I don't think Pinterest is in the business to start selling the content; they would lose way too many followers in the beginning stages of the company. It is something, though, to be mindful and watchful for. If I start reading articles of Pinterest selling their content, I'll be done using it. Too much liability for me.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Lilbutterflie View Post
                    That's just the thing. You CAN get sued if Pinterest sells the picture you are pinning. In my previous line of work, I grew really really familiar with something called indemnification. It's when you sign a contract (in this case, the Terms of Use that we click "I agree" to use Pinterest). The other party then is not held responsible, and YOU are. In Pinterest's indemnification clause in their Terms of Use, you are taking responsibility and indemnifying Pinterest (which means they can't get sued) of any copyright infringement.

                    I am still using Pinterest, but now very carefully. I think about what I am pinning, and whose info I am linking to; to make sure that the owner of such content would most likely be okay (and probably happy) about me sharing their information. And so far, I don't think Pinterest is in the business to start selling the content; they would lose way too many followers in the beginning stages of the company. It is something, though, to be mindful and watchful for. If I start reading articles of Pinterest selling their content, I'll be done using it. Too much liability for me.
                    Thanks for that information, Butterflie. I hope you'll keep us posted of further developments!

