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  • #16
    also, desitin dries your skin so you need to really watch using it. Good old vaselin works better because its protective barrier.


    • #17
      I rarely ever use any cream although I do have parents that slather it on constantly, rash or no rash. My own children are cloth diapered and between the three of them, we have maaayyybe used on tube of cream in the past five years. Cloth is a good option for babies that have constant rash too because a lot of time, it is sensitivities to the chemicals in disposable diapers


      • #18
        I am in love with Bag Balm!!!


        • #19
          Try a Spray on Cream

          The best thing to do is to let rash air dry when possible. If you have to put on diapers then what you want to do is protect the skin from being further aggravated by urine, etc. That is why creams are applied. We have seen a new product called Bum Ease, which is a spray-on zinc oxide cream. It is easy to use and doesn't hurt the baby due to rubbing. Daycare workers like this because it is much quicker and easier to use than rub-on creams. You can ask your parents to provide it as well. You can learn more about this at:


          • #20
            I have a mom who asked me last week, to stop using baby powder cause she thinks it's the cause of dcg's constant rashes. i told her I never use baby powder, EVER, and no bubble baths.

            I've asked parents to send bum cream to keep here just in case. i hate when they wake up from nap poopy with a burn and I have nothing for them.

            So I just filled a salt shaker with cornstarch and started using that. All my parents say "too sensitive for that" have to use specific types of creams. But I never received it, so I use the cornstarch instead.

            I have A+D on hand as well. It was on clearout at walmart so I bought some.

