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Illness Policy Help...

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  • Illness Policy Help...

    I searched and didn't find much on this, but I have never had an illness policy and wanted to know what you all have in yours or recommend as important. I have been flexible because I know how hard it is as a parent to have to take lots of days off in a row and I believe putting a strict policy in place is going to push parents to medicate and drop off anyway. But, we have had stuff that just keeps going around and around! I have a child that now has RSV for the 2nd time in 3 months. Where do you draw the line with runny noses, coughs? What about temperatures? My state has recommended exclusions for illness but nothing clear cut. For instance they say that with RSV a child should be excluded from daycare until they are fever free without medication, but what is considered a fever? 99 or 100, or 101? I just feel like I am going to be calling parents to come get kids all the time but I am sick of all the illness, and hovering over the ones who are sick to take away the toys that are put into mouths.... Somebody help me out here! Thanks!

  • #2
    I can share mine with you if you would like.

    I know how you feel and its frustrating..

    I am going to be adding to my illness policy two more things

    1. if your child is ill with the same symptoms for more than two weeks, you will be required to take you child to be seen by a doctor. You will need to obtain a note from your doctor stating what illness your child has before they can return to care. Your child will not be readmitted into the daycare without it.

    2.For the saftey of your child, you must notify the provider of any form of medication your child received at least 4hours prior to being dropped off at daycare. It is extremely important that the provider is always in the know of what types of medication your child is using in case your child should ever need to be taken to the emergency room or have an allergic reaction to the medication given.


    • #3
      Mine reads:

      Policies for Ill Children and Disease Notification Procedures- The Health Department regulations prohibit the admittance of any child into a family childcare home that exhibits any of the following symptoms:
      • Fever (100 F or higher) - child needs to be fever free for 24 hours without the aid of medication
      • Diarrhea - child must be symptom free for 24 hours without the aid of medication
      • Diarrhea - child must be symptom free for 24 hours without the aid of medication
      • Runny nose with colored discharge - check with doctor
      • Discharge from eyes
      • Lice - child needs to be treated and nits removed before return
      • Communicable diseases - chicken pox, measles, mumps, conjunctivitis (pink eye), influenza etc. The child may return when the incubation and contagious period is passed and the child is well enough to resume normal child care activities. I also require that a child's parent notify me within 24 hours of the diagnosis of a serious contagious illness or parasitic infestation.

      Masking your child's symptoms with over-the-counter medications and bringing them to care anyway is not allowed and could be cause for immediate termination. It is also inconsiderate to all families involved. A sick child should be allowed to recuperate fully at home after an illness so that the other children and the provider do not risk unnecessary exposure. If you are unable to stay home with your sick child it will be necessary for you to make arrangements at your own expense. If your child is out ill regular fees still apply. Your child may be brought to care if they have a common cold (which means a slight cough, clear runny nose, sneezing); however I will call you if your child is just plain miserable (whining, crying, repeatedly asking for you). Your child should not attend if they are not feeling well enough to participate in our daily activities (i.e. a child wanting to sleep all day, lay on the couch and watch TV etc.) It is not fair to the other families, including mine, to have sick children in daycare.

      I have the right to refuse to care for a sick child. If your child develops any of the above symptoms while in my care, or any other symptoms NOT listed above that cause great concern, you or your alternate will be required to pick up your child immediately. If the child is not picked up within an hour of my calling a $5.00 for every 15minutes or portion there of charge may be assessed. If I have to call a parent to pick up a child that has been dropped off for care to ill to participate in the day the child will also be required to stay at home the following day. Your child may return to care 24 hours AFTER symptoms of illness end.
      Give a little love to a child, and you get a great deal back.


      • #4
        Originally posted by daycare View Post
        I can share mine with you if you would like.

        I know how you feel and its frustrating..

        I am going to be adding to my illness policy two more things

        1. if your child is ill with the same symptoms for more than two weeks, you will be required to take you child to be seen by a doctor. You will need to obtain a note from your doctor stating what illness your child has before they can return to care. Your child will not be readmitted into the daycare without it.

        2.For the saftey of your child, you must notify the provider of any form of medication your child received at least 4hours prior to being dropped off at daycare. It is extremely important that the provider is always in the know of what types of medication your child is using in case your child should ever need to be taken to the emergency room or have an allergic reaction to the medication given.
        Yes, please! And thank you! Tough subject...


        • #5
          Originally posted by butlerbunch View Post
          Yes, please! And thank you! Tough subject...
          Pm me your email address


          • #6
            Here are some more samples from eariler threads:

