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Brand New

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  • Brand New

    Hey everyone. I'm just getting started. I put out signs, and have done craigslist for a week. Nothing! I did get one scam on craigsligst, . Words of encouragement from you seasons caregivers? I know it takes lots of time i'm sure. How do you guys advertise? Thanks!

  • #2
    Originally posted by katie View Post
    Hey everyone. I'm just getting started. I put out signs, and have done craigslist for a week. Nothing! I did get one scam on craigsligst, . Words of encouragement from you seasons caregivers? I know it takes lots of time i'm sure. How do you guys advertise? Thanks!
    Do you have a local paper that you could advertise in?
    I have stickers on my vehicle, I have business cards that I pass out to everyone, I have postcards to pass out or send out to neighbors, etc. and I have fridge magnets to pass out. Maybe offer a sign on bonus- put up signs where you can. If you have a facebook page, place your openings on there as well. Good luck, it does take a while, even when you have been around for yrs. and yrs. like I have, when you lose 1 or two, it takes a while to replace them, especially with the economy the way it is!!!


    • #3
      Put up a poster, with removable phone number slips, on the bulletin board at the local grocery stores, wal-mart and public library. That is how I started..

      Also, look into keeping the nursery at a local church. Once you build a reputation, you will be turning folks down...


      • #4
        When I 1st started all my families came from Childcare Resource & Referral. You should find the closest office to you & have you add your name to the list of providers with openings.


        • #5
          Originally posted by katie View Post
          Hey everyone. I'm just getting started. I put out signs, and have done craigslist for a week. Nothing! I did get one scam on craigsligst, . Words of encouragement from you seasons caregivers? I know it takes lots of time i'm sure. How do you guys advertise? Thanks!
          The tags at the bottom left can direct you to similar post from the past. I have included a link from the "advertise" tag.


          • #6
            We were very fortunate to be on a local message board of all moms/moms to be and filled up from there. Our capacity is 12 and 11 of them are from the message board!!


            • #7
              Tell EVERYONE you know and come into contact with about your business. Relatives, churches, local schools...the best advertisement is word of mouth. Good luck!


              • #8
                I too am just getting started after a two year break and have been having a hard time getting kids. I have had an ad in our local paper for over a month which is getting pretty pricy. I have posted on craigslist, took flyers to both of the Ped's offices in town and have only gotten one good response.

                Today I took two flyers to our community college and called our schools administrations office to see if I could hang flyers in the schools, she had me email her a flyer and then called and asked for 40 of them. I immediately took off for Office Max to have them printed and dropped them off to her. I'm praying for responses!

                Good Luck!


                • #9
                  Thanks for the advice! The pulloff poster was a great idea. I did get one call from craigslist, fingers crossed!

