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Quick Questions..

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  • Quick Questions..

    I am starting my own in-home daycare and working on getting licensed. I am wondering two things...

    My husband and I currently rent our house (in Colorado). Do I have to get anything in writting from the owner of the house to be able to get licensed and run a day care? I know he won't mind, but I want to make sure I'm doing everything by the books.

    Also, I want to get CPR Certified. First of all, is this required to get licensed? Also, I found this website where I can get it accomplished all online: Do you think this would be sufficient, or should I try to go through a program in person?

    Thank you for your time!

  • #2
    I too have been checking for cpr online classes, and have came across quite a few of them. I was safety director at my old job, and have been thru cpr training different times, and feel it is something that can be accomplished online.
    Last edited by Michael; 05-04-2010, 11:24 AM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Momof2Boys View Post
      ...Also, I want to get CPR Certified. First of all, is this required to get licensed?
      For your state, I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure it's a requirement in all 50?

      Originally posted by Momof2Boys View Post
      Also, I found this website where I can get it accomplished all online: Do you think this would be sufficient, or should I try to go through a program in person?
      It depends. Have you ever taken a CPR class in person? If you haven't or it's been a long time and you don't already know it all right off the back of your hand, then I'd recommend taking an in person class. I took an online class last time, but only because I've been certified and re-certified more times than I can count since I was a teen and I still had it down pat. I'm due again soon and I'll be going in person again for a good refresher. Also be sure to check your state regs and make sure it would count if it's not a face to face class.


      • #4
        In my state we have to be CPR/First aide certified. They do not allow online training except for threw American Red Cross cuz after the course is completed then you go in & demonstrate everything before getting your card.


        • #5
          The CPR thing....I have taken it many times in the past and I was looking for an online class thinking,,,,meh....I've got this down.

          Anyway, I couldn't find an online class so I went to the real deal. And Man, oh, man was I wrong. A LOT has changed and now I am glad I went and learned it in case I might need it one day.

