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Payment of Fees for Extra Time Used

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  • Payment of Fees for Extra Time Used

    How does everyone deal with this? Lately DCM has had their preschool daughter here on days she did not have preschool or their school-ager has been here because of no school days. Mom would not add that amount to the weekly check saying that for budgetary purposes she had to bring me cash for it. Fine, I don't care-- just pay me for it!!! Then she would forget the extra cash so I would be stuck waiting. Case in point, last week DCD was here b/c she had no preschool (she goes to preschool near parent's work so she does not come here on preschool days) so mom said she would bring the extra $$$ but then she forgot. So now I will have to remember to "beg" for it tonight. These parents always pay on time but mom is flighty & seems to be forgetful IMO. Also I am getting the feeling that she doesn't like to pay for extra time. In a few weeks when preschool ends DCD will be here everyday until the end of the school year which is not until June 9th. I really don't care HOW she pays for the extra time so long as she does pay.

  • #2
    Does Mom know ahead of time when the girl will not be attending preschool? Have her prepay for these days from now on! For this week, I'd just hand her an invoice today for services provided and highlight the due date with a highlighter. That looks professional and you don't have to "beg" for the money.


    • #3
      Just keep tacking on your late fees. I have bills and late payment due cards that I put in the kids' cubbies. I don't have to say anything -- the parents can see the late fees building everyday, since I make up a new payment due card for each day a payment is overdue.

      Whatever system you usually do (bills, email reminders, etc), just make sure she knows everyday how much she owes you. If you haven't reminded her of the late fees that have already accrued, you could say something like "I just wanted to make sure you know that there are $XX worth of late fees on your account so far. If you bring payment tomorrow, there will only be $X more in late fees." You could also give her a call (as others have suggested in other threads), and say "I'm on the way to the bank, can I swing by and pick up that cash?".

      I haven't had to refuse care yet, although if the amount outstanding were to get too high, I do have a "discontinuation of care" clause in my policy


      • #4
        Originally posted by AfterSchoolMom View Post
        Does Mom know ahead of time when the girl will not be attending preschool? Have her prepay for these days from now on! For this week, I'd just hand her an invoice today for services provided and highlight the due date with a highlighter. That looks professional and you don't have to "beg" for the money.
        She should know ahead of time but she never seems to let ME know until the day before. If I knew ahead of time I would tell her it needed to come at the same time as my check; however, she rarely gives me more than one day's notice. I think I will let her know thought that if she does not let me know ahead of time payment will be due the day service is given. Does that sound fair?


        • #5
          THis is what I would do also. I had a child here before and after school that if they were off for some reason, and I knew about it ahead of time, I would write a note for the Mom. Although she tried to get out of everything!!!


          • #6
            As for snow days, late or early starts, I would just tack it on the next weeks bill, as they pay on Monday for that week.


            • #7
              You could either have her pay the day of. If before care then child can not stay unless she pays or if its after care then child can not come back until paid. Or add it onto the next payment that is due. Either way besure to have a late payment fee if she "forgets" to pay on time.

