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Toys Being Broken

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  • #16
    It also helps to purchase toys ONLY for the daycare so they see a seperation. My kid used to cry bloody murder when she saw others playing with HER toys. Now her toys are in her bedroom upstairs and the daycare toys for everyone are downstairs. When I buy a new toy for the daycare all the children see it at the same time, she doesn't get to play with it first and see it as hers.


    • #17
      My kids have been taught to take care of their stuff so I tell them to put anything they don't want played with by the dcks in their room. That way they know it's safe. It also reinforces the "take care of your stuff" mentality because if they don't pick up and a dck gets their paws on it... It's a hard lesson.


      • #18
        Originally posted by daycare View Post
        I would tell them that anything they don't want to share or to get broken to leave it in their room.
        This is the rule here as well. My dd knew at under a year old which toys she wanted to share. I would see her collecting toys from the playroom and crawling up the stairs to her bedroom, .


        • #19
          Originally posted by mac60 View Post
          How can you break a barbie head off and it NOT be on purpose? She was obviously doing "something" to it for it to have broken.

          I think toy destruction is just considered ok by many parents. Walking on toys, throwing, kicking them over, smacking them together, forcing parts and intentionally breaking, ripping books, what happened to respect at other peoples homes?
          I broke the head off a barbie last week when I was brushing her hair. She had a hell of a knot ::


          • #20
            Originally posted by JenNJ View Post
            I broke the head off a barbie last week when I was brushing her hair. She had a hell of a knot ::
            .hahahhahahhahah sorry I find that horribly funny


            • #21
              I keep my childs toys in his room and daycare toys in the daycare area. Once in a while my son will want to bring something down so he's not all alone in his room and I tell him if it stays down in daycare it's fair game and I don't want to hear if it gets broken. His room is off limits but I have found older daycare kids wandering in there after a bathroom trip just to snoop around. I have a policy in my handbook that is anything gets broken in the "off limit" areas the parents are responsible for replacing it. Also after repeated "accidental" breaks they will have to start replacing those toys as well.

              I had a little boy in here age 4 a few years ago that would break things on purpose when he was mad or even just when he was curious. I told him a few times something couldn't bend that way etc, he would force it and snap it. I finally started making his Mom replace things when it got to him throwing an umbrella stroller down the stairs and breaking the wheel off. I termed him when he went in the living room and climbed back in the shevels and threw my cell phone breaking it. DCM said it was my own fault for having it where he can get to it. This is still a HOME and that's why we have OFF LIMIT areas! I don't think it's possible for anyone to protect every item in their home from every child 100% of teh time.


              • #22
                Originally posted by JenNJ View Post
                I broke the head off a barbie last week when I was brushing her hair. She had a hell of a knot ::
                :::::: That is really funny!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by MrsB View Post
                  I dont let my DCkids bring toys from home, so neither do my own kids. DC toys are mine and no one elses. My kids know that if it gets brought to the playroom, it becomes mine. On occasion I will have a school ager come from a drop in (like on a day the kids dont have school) and they will be friends with my own kids, my DD or DS will INVITE them to play in their room. That is the only time a DCK would play with my son or daughters toy.
                  same here.....

                  Once again, Mrs B. & Mrs. BBO think alike!

