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Charging to Hold a Teachers Spot Thru the Summer

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  • Charging to Hold a Teachers Spot Thru the Summer

    Just wondering what others do to hold a teachers spot thru the summers when they are off. I am thinking 1/2 rate per week, then they can bring the child 2 days per week for that rate if they choose. What do some of you do in these situations.

  • #2
    I care for a teacher's family but have not implemented a summer holding fee. I do plan to have her sign paperwork before the end of the school year. She has already told me she plans to use me this fall but things do happen & I want some insurance that they are coming back. I'd say your idea is a good one though, especailly if she can bring them to care a few days each week. I'm fairly certain it would not fly with this family though. Dad is very adamant about not paying for days they don't use. But I totally think it is appropriate. I'm just happy about getting a summer break, in fact I am counting the days!


    • #3
      I actually do a 2 week deposit to hold it. THis only goes to hold their spot.


      • #4
        I'd do a deposit along with the signed paperwork, make it nonrefundable, and make it large enough that they'll think twice before making other arrangements at the last minute.


        • #5
          I do half-rate, with a $100 cancellation fee. I'd do the same for a teacher's family.


          • #6
            i dont charge the teachers to hold their spot for the summer, (which is a HUGE bonus to them) only because i fill the spot with school agers during that time. it gives the teachers a break , and i make the same $ either way. this , of course , is just what works for me.


            • #7
              Originally posted by melskids View Post
              i dont charge the teachers to hold their spot for the summer, (which is a HUGE bonus to them) .
              I never have charged a "vacation" fee as long as they complied with 30 my days notice (goes both ways...).

              It has been my experience that after the first couple weeks they all tend to return full time, anyway.:: I have only had one exception to this.

              If it changes I will have to reconsider, though. Good discussion, looking forward to reading other responses.
              Last edited by Golden Rule; 05-04-2010, 10:37 AM. Reason: sp


              • #8
                I had never had a deposit as well when I first started daycare, til I was holding a spot for a 7 month old all summer long. Then 2 weeks before Fall started a teacher got a hold of me, and told me they actually found someone who was $10.00/week cheaper than I was. I had so many calls in the meantime that I could have taken. That sucked, from then on out, I use a 2 week deposit (nonrefundable)to ensure they are serious and are coming back in the Fall!!!


                • #9
                  holding spots of summer or any other time

                  I allow a 2 week vacation per year unpaid for each family.
                  Other then that to hold a spot its $100 per week. Some choose not to hold the spot and they usually lose it an regret it later. Good luck!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    I allow a 2 week vacation per year unpaid for each family.
                    Other then that to hold a spot its $100 per week. Some choose not to hold the spot and they usually lose it an regret it later. Good luck!
                    That's $1,000 for care you are not providing. Lucky you!


                    • #11
                      i could understand requiring a deposit, and i'd have no problem paying one -but there's no way i'd pay full or half price for the whole summer.

                      if half price was required, i like the idea of being able to bring the child part time - that's fair.

                      when i was in school getting my teaching degree everyone was always asking why i didn't go for something that paid more. first, i said cus this is what i want to do. then, i reminded them that teachers make less, but they save a lot in childcare costs. if i got a job starting out making 60,000 - by the time i paid for childcare, i'd have 40,000 left over. so, if i'm teaching and not paying for childcare (or in my case NOW - after school care for 2 kids) it's basically the same. teaching is a mother friendly job for the most part. you work when your kids are in school and you're off when they're out of school. it's one of the main benefits.

                      so, yeah, there's no way i'd pay full price or half price with NO care. that's just MY opinion. i'm not suggesting anyone change their policy or that it's wrong. just answering the OP's question.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by QualiTcare View Post
                        i could understand requiring a deposit, and i'd have no problem paying one -but there's no way i'd pay full or half price for the whole summer.

                        if half price was required, i like the idea of being able to bring the child part time - that's fair.

                        when i was in school getting my teaching degree everyone was always asking why i didn't go for something that paid more. first, i said cus this is what i want to do. then, i reminded them that teachers make less, but they save a lot in childcare costs. if i got a job starting out making 60,000 - by the time i paid for childcare, i'd have 40,000 left over. so, if i'm teaching and not paying for childcare (or in my case NOW - after school care for 2 kids) it's basically the same. teaching is a mother friendly job for the most part. you work when your kids are in school and you're off when they're out of school. it's one of the main benefits.

                        so, yeah, there's no way i'd pay full price or half price with NO care. that's just MY opinion. i'm not suggesting anyone change their policy or that it's wrong. just answering the OP's question.
                        I know childcare is pricey, but who pays 20K a year (or in 9 months) for childcare?


                        • #13
                          if you spend 1,000 bucks a month on one kid....

                          and you multiply that if you have two kids....

                          which i do.

                          basic math.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by QualiTcare View Post
                            if you spend 1,000 bucks a month on one kid....

                            and you multiply that if you have two kids....

                            which i do.

                            basic math.
                            Please tell me this is not a home daycare for $1000 per mo/per child! Either way, I hope they're feeding them caviar and lobster tails for that price!! Wow.


                            • #15
                              joyce, i was estimating when i said 20k per year for 2 kids...not realizing it would be picked apart.

                              1,000 is a bit steep...although there are some people who DO get that, but i won't go there today. actually, 1,000 a month for 2 kids for a year would be 24, i said, i was just estimating when making a point.

                              but since we need to break it down....

                              800 bucks a month (or 200 a week) for a daycare like Kindercare to be exact is pretty typical.

                              800 a month X 12 months = 9,600 dollars for ONE kid.

                              two kids - double that. yup. basically 20K.

