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Waking Up And Crying At Naptime?

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  • #16
    Oh, yeah while I'm the subject of this dcb, he doesn't eat either...not baby food/table nothing. I think his parents are quick to just give him a bottle and therefore his not use to eating solid food yet, I do give him baby food he takes maybe three bites and then spits it out...throws the table food to the floor.

    I have two other babies well adjusted to eating table food this kids sees them and I know he wants some too...but every time I give him some he just spits/throws it out!!!!

    I didn't know this home child care was ganna be sooooooooooooo hard.


    • #17
      Originally posted by frugalmama4 View Post
      Thank you Thank you Thank you all!

      I have been dealing with a 10mo dcb who does not sleep at all for about a month now. This kid makes me wanna cry...I have never been so anger with a baby before but this kid takes da's to the point that he will try a full to sleep in his high chair at lunch and I will make as much noise to keep he up (I have to walk my own kid to the bus stop at noon) so I can't afford him falling asleep before that other wise I would never get a break. He would not lay back down once I remove him from the stroller. It's so bad that when does fall out on the floor himself I'.m afraid to move him. He will cry for hours and hours, I'm trying so hard here not to term!

      I think I will try some music tomorrow during nap time hopefully it helps. Thanks!
      I am a bit disturbed by you saying you have never been so angry with a baby before!

      It IS very difficult and exhausting when they will not sleep I really know it is, however you can not get angry at a baby. If you are finding that you are getting angry perhaps you really should term this one. I have been frustrated at times yes! OMG yes! But to get angry is not a good thing.

      I had said in my orinal post that i was ready to "freak out" meaning pull my hair out, cry myself, even term, but before I ever got to the point where I was angry with a baby who knows hardly anything yet, I would term.

      Can you please give us a bit more information? What time does he arrive in the morning? Can you give him a nap early am? At 10 months old he should be having a nap in the am as well as a nap in the afternoon. If he has an am nap then he most likely will not fall asleep when you need him to be awake.

      As for eating, he is only 10 months old! I think this is normal baby behaviour! He is a little baby! Has only been alive for less than one year. Give him a bottle then if he won`t eat!

      I have a 14 month old who I began care with 2 months ago who will not eat. He does not like the texture of foods. I am and I will continue to be patient, I still try everyday because he is just a baby. He is learning to like foods better each day. He will eat one day. I hope it is sooner rather than later but if not that's okay he will eat the way I would like him to when he is ready.

      He would not hold his own bottle either at first which was frustrating for me at times because I also have 2 other littles who need help to eat. Mom admitted that she still held it for him but here I refused. I would not do it. I offered sippy cups and his bottle and after 2 weeks of me refusing to hold it for him he now holds it.

      We have to be patient with babies and children if we choose to have children of our own or if we have chosen this work. They are so dependant for everything. They depend on us to love and care for them and keep them safe!

      How would you feel if you left YOUR baby or young child with a person who felt the way you describe feeling towards this 10 month old?

      I organize my day according to the needs of my children and everyday can be different. What I do with mine is feed them separately. I let the older kiddos play while I feed the babies. When the babies are happy and full and content then I feed the older kiddies. They may fuss and complain because I am busy and can not devote all of my time to them when I am busy but that is okay. They are learning. Learning to wait and learning to occupy themselves when I can't.

      You say that you had no idea daycare could be so hard. How long have you been doing this. It does get better with practice. :-) It gets better for me everyday........... even after 20 years.

      I absolutely love my days and love my families and love my kiddies so much!

      Some days are much harder than others for sure! Its all about trial and error as all children are so different.

      This is a wonderful site full of excellent advice and wonderful people. I have been reading advice on here for a long time and I have found great advice even though I have been in this field for so long. Just post and ask and you will get some wonderful ideas that you can try.

      Just be patient with your babies. Your families have put their trust in you to care for and protect the most precious thing that they own.


      • #18

        Yes, I have been at this for just a short while now...I do know it takes time and patients.

        Maybe I should have used a different word then angry (I could never be hateful/nasty towards a baby). I just meant the way things have been going with this one baby makes me angry because I have told the mom several times before about his sleeping issues and she just says " yea, that's my fault he still sleeps with me and I hold/rock/sing him to sleep. I tell her how hard it is on everyone here and ask if she could please start winging him off. He will not sleep in the am I have tried doesn't work with this baby at all.

        I get maybe 30-45 minutes of sleep out of him...and as far as food go's yes I know he is only 10mos and it takes time...the thing is that mom doesn't try at all w/him so its left to me, I do give him bottles but that doesn't feel this kid up...and so I'm left fixing bottles all day!

        I didn't mean to come across as a baby hater or anything...was just commenting on my current situation. Thank you for your feedback and advice!


        • #19
          Originally posted by frugalmama4 View Post

          Yes, I have been at this for just a short while now...I do know it takes time and patients.

          Maybe I should have used a different word then angry (I could never be hateful/nasty towards a baby). I just meant the way things have been going with this one baby makes me angry because I have told the mom several times before about his sleeping issues and she just says " yea, that's my fault he still sleeps with me and I hold/rock/sing him to sleep. I tell her how hard it is on everyone here and ask if she could please start winging him off. He will not sleep in the am I have tried doesn't work with this baby at all.

          I get maybe 30-45 minutes of sleep out of him...and as far as food go's yes I know he is only 10mos and it takes time...the thing is that mom doesn't try at all w/him so its left to me, I do give him bottles but that doesn't feel this kid up...and so I'm left fixing bottles all day!

          I didn't mean to come across as a baby hater or anything...was just commenting on my current situation. Thank you for your feedback and advice!
          Oh trust me! I have gotten ANGRY with parents at times!
          Thankfully the group I have now are really great!


          • #20
            Originally posted by frugalmama4 View Post
            Oh, yeah while I'm the subject of this dcb, he doesn't eat either...not baby food/table nothing. I think his parents are quick to just give him a bottle and therefore his not use to eating solid food yet, I do give him baby food he takes maybe three bites and then spits it out...throws the table food to the floor.

            I have two other babies well adjusted to eating table food this kids sees them and I know he wants some too...but every time I give him some he just spits/throws it out!!!!

            I didn't know this home child care was ganna be sooooooooooooo hard.
            oh honey I def. no your pain. I have one just like this except she has been with me for 6 months. I don't have the eating problem but now i have a sleeping problem with her. Suddenly she will wake up after 45min and scream and scream. For 2 weeks now, couldn't figure out why, but after I read this thread and did some scoping I found out that the parents can't take her crying so they are now rocking her to sleep and putting her in her own bed, and she is now 1yrs old. makes me so angry that she is also a spoiled brat of a child, yes people there are children who are like this, and I praying that the older she gets the better it'll be, but I blame the parents for making her this way. She will scream all day, cling to my legs, pull my shirt, shriek at the other kids if they come near her or touch her toys and cries like crazy at the other parents. I nothing works except if I carry her and i refuse to do this, oh she doesn't even know how to hold her own bottle and mom wants her on sippy cups????this is a child that I tolerate, and I have the right to do this. In my opinion, she needs a nanny all to herself but I know that no one will take this child on, no one has this much patience for her nonsense like I do, this is why I haven't termed.

