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Summer Care Rates

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  • Summer Care Rates

    Okay, so I've been wanting to pick up a few kids for the summer, just school age, so we can go places on trips.

    I made my rates in the same price range as most caregivers in my area which is $75-$85.

    The few calls that I have got they act shocked at that price.

    On one hand I don't want to be the cheapest person in town and I don't want to make it so I'm not making anything. But I don't want to be so high that I can't get anyone.

    I was going to cover the cost of field trips in the weekly rate, but I was thinking of going lower and asking the parents to pay for the cost. Maybe I can get more people then.

    I don't really need to make a bunch of money doing this, I'm a a stay at home mom anyways, but I like having the extra money...and getting out to do things with my son.

    Should I go lower? (I think a lot of these parents of school age kids, think that they should pay less because they are school aged kids, not babies needing to be changed)

  • #2
    At my former center...we would charge the full time preschool rate during the summer. Not including field trips. Those were extra.

    You don't want to go overboard because you don't want to scare people away. Yet you don't want to undercharge either and not make a profit. In fact, summers was where my former center WOULD make the most money because even though a field trip would cost say $1.50 (swimming)...we would charge 3.00. This would include gas, wear and tear, etc for the summer. However it will also include the fact that we didn't charge a supply fee where other centers in the area do.

    Use your best judgement and good luck!


    • #3
      To be honest, my rate for 5 days (includes field trips) is $140/week. 4 days = $120, and 3 = $100. I'm at a center in southern california, so I can't compare but you ought to call your local YMCA, Boys/Girls Clubs, etc to find out what they charge.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Former Teacher View Post
        At my former center...we would charge the full time preschool rate during the summer. Not including field trips. Those were extra.

        You don't want to go overboard because you don't want to scare people away. Yet you don't want to undercharge either and not make a profit. In fact, summers was where my former center WOULD make the most money because even though a field trip would cost say $1.50 (swimming)...we would charge 3.00. This would include gas, wear and tear, etc for the summer. However it will also include the fact that we didn't charge a supply fee where other centers in the area do.

        Use your best judgement and good luck!
        Well the mom who I was just talking to paid last summer about $30 less per child (2 of them) for the summer. But she was willing to pay for field trips. She was talking about buying the season pass to the pool, which she was going to buy.

        I also had a call last week and when I told the guy how much he really acted like he couldn't pay that much.


        • #5
          Originally posted by missnikki View Post
          To be honest, my rate for 5 days (includes field trips) is $140/week. 4 days = $120, and 3 = $100. I'm at a center in southern california, so I can't compare but you ought to call your local YMCA, Boys/Girls Clubs, etc to find out what they charge.
          The local YMCA charges like $85 a week with out lunch or snacks. They do local field trips in town (walking), which is just like parks, pool and library.

          I'm playing trips to the zoo and children's museum.


          • #6
            Originally posted by missnikki View Post
            To be honest, my rate for 5 days (includes field trips) is $140/week. 4 days = $120, and 3 = $100. I'm at a center in southern california, so I can't compare but you ought to call your local YMCA, Boys/Girls Clubs, etc to find out what they charge.
            I am on the opposite end.. Metro Atlanta. Here $85.00 - $140.00 is the going rate (gets higher the closer to the city you get / less space = less children allowed). Some have daily rates of $20.00 to $30.00 per day as well.

            In my experience the school aged kids worked me much more that preschoolers:: so don't undercut yourself if you can avoid it.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Golden Rule View Post
              In my experience the school aged kids worked me much more that preschoolers:: so don't undercut yourself if you can avoid it.
              Can you tell me how? I had two school aged girls last summer part time and they were easy pretty much, one was whiner then my son toddler son but other then that okay.

              I also had a k-gartener for the winter and he was easy.


              • #8
                I charge $125.00 for one child per week in the summer. The going rate here is $100-$140.00 and up- I know centers charge a whole lot more than this!!!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Persephone View Post
                  I also had a call last week and when I told the guy how much he really acted like he couldn't pay that much.
                  In my experience they ALL sound like they can't pay that much. :: They are hoping for a better Golden Rule said...don't undercut yourself!


                  • #10
                    Wow, where do I start? !!

                    My first year (1994) two 10 year old boys (brothers) went out my bathroom window (during afternoon nap/quiet time for the toddlers) and broke into my neighbors shed. They painted several trees and set a fire spraying paint and lighting it with a BBQ lighter. Luckily I had equipment to handle it without making a call. (their mother took them out to ride 4 wheelers after pick-up... Dad thought it was boys being boys... The parents refused to make them clean up or apologize to my neighbor.)

                    It got less "creative" over the years as I got older, stricter and wiser...but between boyfriend/girlfriend dramas, fights, "mean girls" tormenting less popular girls, destruction of property and general disrespect...I stopped keeping school aged kids.

                    I know not everyone has these kinds of issues... It just happened to me, personally Just be sure to have a backup plan for your backup plan..::


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Persephone View Post
                      Well the mom who I was just talking to paid last summer about $30 less per child (2 of them) for the summer. But she was willing to pay for field trips. She was talking about buying the season pass to the pool, which she was going to buy.

                      I also had a call last week and when I told the guy how much he really acted like he couldn't pay that much.
                      With this economy, childcare is kind of in a "buyers market" There are fewer families with both parents employed- and some of them have a mom or sister or something out of work thats doing daycare for them. In my area, a relatively small town, 40 new daycares opened in the last year or so- ladies who lost their job, or who were stay at home but the husband lost his job. Rates are lower here now than they were 9 years ago when I licensed. Then the average rate was about $100. It was up to $125, which is what county assistance programs pay. I have always kept my rate at that level, but in recent interviews I have heard the same thing, that other providers will drop their rates or negotiate to get the clients, and many are in the $100 or even less range again.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Persephone View Post
                        Can you tell me how? I had two school aged girls last summer part time and they were easy pretty much, one was whiner then my son toddler son but other then that okay.

                        I also had a k-gartener for the winter and he was easy.
                        School age kids are the same as every other kid, some are easier than others. I've had my share of dream children that can entertain themselves with the supplies I provide and are completely in their element in my home.
                        Others, holy crap, 8 year olds needing more supervision than the 2 year old.
                        It just depends.
                        I'm more partial to older kids just because I always have been, but an 8 year old dcb wiping poo on the bathroom wall, a 10 year old dcb throwing baseballs at the 12 year olds head, and a 7 year old dcg who I have to watch like a hawk, have had me reconsidering the ages I will care for.
                        My own DD will be 7 in June, so she's one of the school agers I keep. Some times she's lucky there are no gypsies hanging around, but she's usually pretty good and very easily entertained (bookworm), so the other girls usually follow her lead. They have in the past anyway, we'll see this summer.
                        I also charge the regular daycare rate ($25 a day). They may be easier in some aspects, except they eat more and don't nap.

