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Early Riser

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  • Early Riser

    My daycare opens at 7am daily and I have a daycare parent who arrives early each morning. He/she walks in a few minutes or so before daycare opens. I have started shutting my entry door hoping that they would not enter my home without my notice. But unfortunately that did not work, on Friday she greeted me in my livingroom in the dark(before 7am). When I greeted mom and said " You're early today" her rely was "it's only a few minutes". I do have my own kids in elementary school and are responsible for getting them up, dressed, fed and ready for school each day. Please help any suggestions?

  • #2
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    • #3
      i would keep my door locked until opening time!


      • #4
        Keep your door locked and make a very big and very obvious OPEN/CLOSED sign for the door. Turn it around as you unlock the door...

        IF that doesn't work, stiffen the old backbone and say something...kind but firm!


        • #5
          Umm, lock the door? Seriously, I would have made her go outside if she entered my home before opening. And she would e lucky that I didn't call the cops on a suspected intruder.


          • #6
            Yes...Lock the door! Have the outside lights off until you open. And maybe have an "open/closed" sign, too, just to make the point more obvious in case they are actually that dense. This is your home...tell her that you never open before 7 a.m. It is disrespectful for her to be early every day like that.


            • #7
              really?? do you not have a lock on your door? I think that is the simplest and easiest solution. Since you are asking for suggestions I'm going to assume you don't have a lock on your door (???) - in which case you need to tell this parent that they need to knock or ring the bell before entering your home.


              • #8
                I am new to this forum, I respect and appreciate your comments and suggestions. Thank You!


                • #9
                  Yes, I do have a lock on my entry door and security screen door as well. Our entry door is located in a common area, which is frequently used by my family to gain access to our laundry room, carport and playroom in the morning. So it is usually left unlocked while they are getting ready for school. My kids are constantly going in and out. I thought it's basic "common sense" to not enter anyone's home without being greeted first. But I guess I was wrong. I have asked both parents to meet with me tomorrow. Just to clear up any misunderstandings and clarify the terms and agreements we've made in our signed contract. Thanks again.

