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Might Have To Eat My Words...FT Over PT

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  • Might Have To Eat My Words...FT Over PT

    So a little while ago I had a mom call me to ask me that if over the summer her son could come full time half days... He is currently full time days right now...

    Of course it would be a reduced fee if they came half day. I run half and full days...

    BUT then she wants to know if that will still save her full time full day spot for the fall????

    THis is where I might have to eat my words. Because I do have a waiting list of 9 kids right now.....

    OK all of you can laugh at me now.......
    Last edited by daycare; 02-28-2012, 02:23 PM.

  • #2
    I don't do half days anymore (at least not for half rate). Minimum tuition is equal to 3.5 days for up to 3 full days of care. How old is the DKB?

    And thanks for sharing. We're laughing with you, not at you.


    • #3
      I'm not laughing.

      Child care is an ever evolving process and as soon as you think you have it all either forget where you put it or someone comes along and forces you to see things from a different perspective.

      I try to grow WITH the needs of my clients but still make sure I keep my family a priority.

      It is definitely a delicate balance.


      • #4
        ....its ok I have to laugh at myself this is too funny.

        The DCK is 4. I do a day camps during the summer time and love the kids that only come half day....


        • #5
          Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
          I'm not laughing.

          Child care is an ever evolving process and as soon as you think you have it all either forget where you put it or someone comes along and forces you to see things from a different perspective.

          I try to grow WITH the needs of my clients but still make sure I keep my family a priority.

          It is definitely a delicate balance.
          so would you do allow for the family to go PT over the summer and then FT back in the fall??


          • #6
            thanks for not laughing at me..

            Its funny a few months back I couldnt get calls to come in and now I am trying to avoid them. I now have a waiting list of 9 kids and 1 interview next week for my last full time spot.

            So it is making it hard for me to want to just drop income over the summer knowing that there are 9 other kids that want to come full time all day..

            A lot of it too is that this child is some what difficult and I don't want to have to retrain the child all over again come fall....


            • #7
              Originally posted by daycare View Post
              so would you do allow for the family to go PT over the summer and then FT back in the fall??
              ONLY if I had no one else wanting the full time spot. If someone else wants the space (which is more $) then business wise, I HAVE to choose what brings in the most money.

              The only other option I could offer that mom is if I could find someone to use up the other half the day she doesn't want.....but then that same half wouldn't be available for her to take back again in the fall.

              So yes, tough situation to be in...but again, not YOUR problem. I also get the whole loyalty to a golden family and all, but come on, we all know that when it comes to doing what is best, we all look out for number 1 first.


              • #8
                See this would be ok with me. I have a teacher family who I let go in June and welcome back with open arms in September. I love my lighter summers days and wouldn't give them up. So for me a FTer wanting to go half days would be awesome. Maybe charge her for the half days plus a small weekly holding fee if she wants the FT space back in the fall.


                • #9
                  I wouldn't even discuss it with her. Changes in hours must be submitted to the daycare 2 weeks prior to wanting them to take place. If she is wanting this to happen this summer, tell her to talk to you in May.

                  This way you'll have plenty of time to put it on the back burner and decide.

                  The way I would consider it is this:

                  Figure out as FT how many hours he is there per week. How many of those hours are direct care hours?

                  Then find out what she is wanting for PT hours. Does this change the direct care hours. If so, by how many? Most times you are able to charge up to 80% of the FT tuition rate if you calculate direct care hours vs indirect care hours (naptime).

                  If DCM is willing to pay on the upwards of that 80% of PT tuition, I'd snag it. Do you have any deposit with her now? If not, I'd suggest collecting a 2 week deposit to hold the FT spot.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by JenNJ View Post
                    See this would be ok with me. I have a teacher family who I let go in June and welcome back with open arms in September. I love my lighter summers days and wouldn't give them up. So for me a FTer wanting to go half days would be awesome. Maybe charge her for the half days plus a small weekly holding fee if she wants the FT space back in the fall.
                    same here,.... There is a huge price difference from PT days to full time care by almost $90.00 each week.

                    I think I like your idea that I charge a fee to hold the spot of the PT rate plus $175.00
                    They still save $185.00 and I have the liter load....


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by wdmmom View Post
                      I wouldn't even discuss it with her. Changes in hours must be submitted to the daycare 2 weeks prior to wanting them to take place. If she is wanting this to happen this summer, tell her to talk to you in May.

                      This way you'll have plenty of time to put it on the back burner and decide.

                      The way I would consider it is this:

                      Figure out as FT how many hours he is there per week. How many of those hours are direct care hours?

                      Then find out what she is wanting for PT hours. Does this change the direct care hours. If so, by how many? Most times you are able to charge up to 80% of the FT tuition rate if you calculate direct care hours vs indirect care hours (naptime).

                      If DCM is willing to pay on the upwards of that 80% of PT tuition, I'd snag it. Do you have any deposit with her now? If not, I'd suggest collecting a 2 week deposit to hold the FT spot.
                      I only offer set times for PT care. which is only from 9am to 12:45PM NO breakfast and No nap...


                      • #12
                        I'm not laughing at you...with you maybe! That is kinda funny!

                        I'm not sure I would take her p/t if you have that long of a wait list, unless you want a lighter load over the summer months and don't mind the decrease in pay?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Mom&Provider View Post
                          I'm not laughing at you...with you maybe! That is kinda funny!

                          I'm not sure I would take her p/t if you have that long of a wait list, unless you want a lighter load over the summer months and don't mind the decrease in pay?
                          I don't mind a small decrease, but a huge one of almost $400.00 I would not do...


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by daycare View Post
                            I don't mind a small decrease, but a huge one of almost $400.00 I would not do...
                            So weigh it you love the little one? Have they ever given you issue? Could you go down in pay and be ok or would you start to feel negatively toward the family?

                            Lots to's just for the summer, not for a year or something extended...


                            • #15
                              The child is on the difficult side and does not do well with changes. I have had a very hard time working this child into the daycare. So I don't think that this would be a good move for this child. Parents DO NOT parent the child and the only issue I ever really HAD was the parent not controlling the DCK at pick up. But I fixed that by putting up two gates giving the DCK no where to go but into the parents arms...

