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  • Chickenhauler......

    you need to write a manual. . I love your direct no nonsense approach to things!

  • #2
    I vote for that idea too! Hilarious and no nonsense. Two things my life needs more of.


    • #3
      Originally posted by View Post
      you need to write a manual. . I love your direct no nonsense approach to things!

      I totally agree!! I could use some his brass or at least a great handbook on what to do in alot situations!!


      • #4
        Originally posted by mac60
        Unfortunately not everyone here thinks this "so called approach" is appealing. I personally find it quite rude much of the time.
        I think part of the reason why you think it's rude is because you tend to do and want to do the same thing yourself, but the 'norms' of society have bludgeoned you into thinking that you are not allowed to speak your mind on matters that might hurt someone's feelings.

        I have always thought of it this way-if someone's being a jerk, tell them. It's very likely they do not realize it, and you may be doing them a service by bringing it to their attention.

        In all honesty, I'm just a smartass. Many times my humor is misconstrued as being mean, but I'm a pretty good natured guy. Just got a sense of humor that has no 'off' button.

        Not very wise, and far from politically correct, and I don't 'play well' with idiots, so what comes off as rudeness is really what we all want to do, but I have never really cared about being polite to those who are jerks.
        Spouse of a daycare provider....which I guess makes me one too!


        • #5
          ! too funny....


          • #6
            Chickenhauler, I hope Greta and new baby are doing well!!
            Proverbs 12:1
            A reminder to myself when I resist learning something new.


            • #7
              Maybe being the only "other" guy here I find Chickenhauler's comments entertaining. I just wonder if his wife logs in and adds to the conversation. Afterall, she is the provider and MUST have an opinion.
              Last edited by Michael; 05-03-2010, 02:44 PM.


              • #8
                I, too, find Chicken's comments hilarious. Chicken has always reminded me of my husband (outspoken, brunt, to the point, and yet a kittycat underneath it all etc..) and his response to Mac just confirmed to me that Chickenhauler must be my husband's twin! ::
                Last edited by Former Teacher; 05-03-2010, 03:05 PM. Reason: oops didn't realize i would be censored HAHA! :)


                • #9
                  Chicken reminds me of myself!!


                  • #10
                    If we were all alike, we wouldn't have this forum. I personally enjoy your wit, Mr. Hauler. You are on the money most of the time, once the baloney is sifted through. It really is 1/2 common sense, 1/2 patience, and 1/2 balls.

                    Don't get your head stuck in the door on your way out, though.


                    • #11
                      I have spent 1/3 of my life in a fire station...Chickenhauler makes me laugh. I get the jokes....AND the point. ::


                      • #12
                        ,.. Im married to a factory worker! I totally get his humor.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Former Teacher View Post
                          I, too, find Chicken's comments hilarious. Chicken has always reminded me of my husband (outspoken, brunt, to the point, and yet a kittycat underneath it all etc..) and his response to Mac just
                          confirmed to me that Chickenhauler must be my husband's twin! ::

                          He reminds me of my brother, I quess that's the reason why I enjoy his comments and charming personality!!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by michael View Post
                            Maybe being the only "other" guy here I find Chickenhauler's comments entertaining. I just wonder if his wife logs in and adds to the conversation. Afterall, she is the provider and MUST have an opinion.
                            My wife is on here more than I am....(Gretas Little Friends).

                            She better behaved than I am in public, but she's just as goofy in person.....she had to be, to put up with me.
                            Spouse of a daycare provider....which I guess makes me one too!


                            • #15
                              i think the one thing you have to remember is that when people talk online, its hard to understand their point of view when you can't really "hear" them or see their facial expressions. sometimes i think "wow, that was a little harsh", but i try to remember i dont REALLY know where their coming from, or even know them personally, i always try to think before responding to people who piss me off. i've learned alot from everyone, even those with very different opinions and perspectives. i've learned too, that its easier tosometimes just ignore what i dont like,and move on with my day.

                              that being said, chickenhauer, i love what you have to say.

                              that goes for judy trickett as well.

                              whether they mean EVERYTHING they have to say, whether some of it is politically "incorrect", or if its just sarcasm, i find most of it useful, hilarious, and a breath of fresh air when i'm having a bad day. sometimes a good chuckle during the kids naptime is all i need to allow them to wake up and continue with their day

                              keep on posting !

