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UGHHHHHHHH! I Hope this Day Gets Better!

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  • UGHHHHHHHH! I Hope this Day Gets Better!

    First off, the 4 dc brothers I watch are scheduled for 7 AM every morning. Well, this morning the dcmom's boyfriend dropped them off at 6:35!!! I was ticked! He says, "I hope it isn't too early." I say, yes, it is. They aren't supposed to be here until 7, my own kids are still sleeping. He says, oh, sorry, and hands the baby off and walks away!!! WTH?! Sooooo, for the next 20 minutes I continually repeated my self saying, you must be quiet, the kids are still sleeping, no it isn't breakfast time. UGH! I am not a morning person, so my head was spinning! It took everything I had to speak kindly (, which is one of our house rules).

    Maybe this should have gone in the vent folder?! Sorry! LOL!

  • #2
    Oh man! WHat a morning. I had a parent do that once too. She had a new work schedule and she "left too early" by accident. I still had a towel on my head. She felt really bad and hasnt done it again.


    • #3
      So sorry for the rough start...hopefully it got better?

      Mine started similar. 20 minute early arrival with 6 ounces of breastmilk (in one of those leaking plastic bags) all over my shoes at the door...:: Generally speaking, though, it is only uphill from there...

      Sending good vibes for a much better morning tomorrow!!


      • #4
        Oh I'm sorry!

        Personally when I was already at my former center and I would have parents knocking on the door, I didn't answer. The door stayed locked until 6:29 when I clocked in. If it was one of "those" parents (: I would wait until 6:30 haha

        One time it was 6:15 and I was there because I had alot to prepare that day and I wanted to get a head start. Sure enough 6:20 I had a parent who kept on knocking softly. Finally at 6:30 I opened it only for the mom to tell me that she locked the keys in the car with the baby inside! I was like OMG! Why didn't knock harder?!?! She said of all things.."oh I didn't know if you were cat napping or something!" Oh brother!

        On the flip side I did one time open the door a crack at 6:25 only to have a parent push the door wide open and telling me "MAN IT'S COLD OUTSIDE!" after that was when I said nope no more!


        • #5
          It was an ok day. We have a strange love triangle going on between a few of the kids. I posted a bit about it earlier. I am glad today is over!

          I would have just not answered the door, but he sent the boys ahead and they were dinging the doorbell and banging on the door, so I had to answer quickly so my own kids didn't wake up! UGH! I had a talk with the mom and she felt horrible. Oh well, life goes on! Thanks everyone!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Former Teacher View Post
            Oh I'm sorry!

            Personally when I was already at my former center and I would have parents knocking on the door, I didn't answer. The door stayed locked until 6:29 when I clocked in. If it was one of "those" parents (: I would wait until 6:30 haha

            One time it was 6:15 and I was there because I had alot to prepare that day and I wanted to get a head start. Sure enough 6:20 I had a parent who kept on knocking softly. Finally at 6:30 I opened it only for the mom to tell me that she locked the keys in the car with the baby inside! I was like OMG! Why didn't knock harder?!?! She said of all things.."oh I didn't know if you were cat napping or something!" Oh brother!

            On the flip side I did one time open the door a crack at 6:25 only to have a parent push the door wide open and telling me "MAN IT'S COLD OUTSIDE!" after that was when I said nope no more!
            oh my gosh, there was a parent one time at a daycare i worked for who locked her baby in the car. she came in frantic, and the director didn't know what to do. the mom was trying to call her husband, call a tow truck, etc. luckily, i overheard and was like....the cops will come and help in that case. actually, i can remember a time when the cops would help people who were locked out in non emergency situations, but now they only do it if there's a child involved. i was surprised the mom didn't know this cus she worked for social services, but she didn't. she called the cops and they were they within a few mins. the baby was only about 10 months old.

            i guess that's some good info. to know incase anyone doesn't already..cus the cops can usually come faster than a locksmith or husband.


            • #7
              just showing up

              I hate that more then anything, CD parents getting my hours of operartion mixed up with their contracted hours. So I posted a note on my board.

              This is how it reads:

              BUSINESS HOURS VS SCHEDULED HOURS daycare is opened m-f 7:00 to 5:30 pm, please do not get this confused with your scheduled hours. Your scheduled hours are the ones on your contract stating when you will be dropping off and picking up your child. If your earlier or later then those stated on our agreed upon contract you will be charge a late fee of $10 per every 15 minutes before or after your contracted hours. The state law does not allow me to have a child in daycare past 10 hours per day, so if you dropping off @ 6:30 am pick up time should be by 4:30 pm

