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  • Mud!

    There is dried mud on every square centimeter of floor I have. Spring is on the way!! happyface

  • #2
    Cool for you! We're expected to FINALLY be getting snow on Tuesday...about 6-12 inches. So I guess winter is on it's way for us! ::::


    • #3
      One time, we did a fire drill out of the window (which, of course, the kids LOVED) but I forgot to bring the house keys. So, we had to come back IN the window and I had mud marks alllll over the walls and floor was lovely::


      • #4
        Originally posted by Zoe View Post
        Cool for you! We're expected to FINALLY be getting snow on Tuesday...about 6-12 inches. So I guess winter is on it's way for us! ::::
        we got 9 inches of snow over yesterday and last night! happyface Might be able to get a snowmobile ride in at least once before Spring!

        I also heard that the storm coming Tues/Wed is going to be bigger than the one that just passed! happyfacehappyfacehappyface


        • #5
          Remember last week how I was saying it just plain muddy here because all it does is rain. Then we were actually able to go outside and play a couple of hours because the sun was out and it was sooooooo warm. Well we woke up the next day to it snowing!!!!! The downside was even though the flakes were HUGE, it was so wet that everything became soaked again-. Then it has bee nothing but very cold, cold rain and very cold, cold tempatures.

          Today on the weather they are calling for big downpours of rain Tuesday-Wednesday and then Wednesday night snow through Thursday. We will never get to go outside again I'm afraid!

          Spring can not get here fast enough this year!
          Each day is a fresh start
          Never look back on regrets
          Live life to the fullest
          We only get one shot at this!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
            we got 9 inches of snow over yesterday and last night! happyface Might be able to get a snowmobile ride in at least once before Spring!

            I also heard that the storm coming Tues/Wed is going to be bigger than the one that just passed! happyfacehappyfacehappyface
            I really wanted a nice winter since my kids are at such a fun age for sledding, ice skating, etc. And we haven't had any snow that lasted more than an afternoon! So hopefully this stuff lasts long enough for us to take them to do SOMETHING wintery this weekend!

            With the way things have been going, how much you wanna bet it will just rain?! Sigh...spring or winter! Just PICK one mother nature!


            • #7
              Being from the south, snow is rare. I would love to get some of your snow. I'll trade anybody 66 degrees and sunny for about 3ins of snow and true winter. But only for 2 days .::::


              • #8
                My DH is from South Carolina! I haven't been down there in the winter but I hear that you guys get more ice than snow. Ick. Don't envy you that.

                Just looked at the weather report. I was right! The 6-12 inches went down to 1-2 inches with a bunch of frozen rain. Fan-f'in tastic!

                OP, I am SOOOO jealous of you right now!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Zoe View Post
                  My DH is from South Carolina! I haven't been down there in the winter but I hear that you guys get more ice than snow. Ick. Don't envy you that.

                  Just looked at the weather report. I was right! The 6-12 inches went down to 1-2 inches with a bunch of frozen rain. Fan-f'in tastic!

                  OP, I am SOOOO jealous of you right now!
                  Aww, that is too bad.... here is the forecast for my area;

                  "Windy with snow, heavy at times. Significant blowing and drifting snow. Low 28F. Winds E at 20 to 30 mph. Chance of snow 90%. Snow accumulating 6 to 8 inches."


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                    Aww, that is too bad.... here is the forecast for my area;

                    "Windy with snow, heavy at times. Significant blowing and drifting snow. Low 28F. Winds E at 20 to 30 mph. Chance of snow 90%. Snow accumulating 6 to 8 inches."
                    So now it's less than one inch with it raining the rest of the day. But the problem is DH works up in the cities where it will actually snow/sleet, so he has to stay there overnight...I hate sleeping alone! Grr! Your weather just sounds downright dangerous blackcat! Be safe!


                    • #11
                      Our forcast-Lots and lots of rain today turning to rain/snow tomorrow. Our coast is expecting 70 mph winds in parts! UUUHHH, I so wish we lived somewhere where we could be outside more.

                      I have a friend who works at a preschool and they have to go outside every day-she hates it!!! There is no covered area to play and she was telling me how the kids get soaked every single day-. Not fun at for the teachers or kids.
                      Each day is a fresh start
                      Never look back on regrets
                      Live life to the fullest
                      We only get one shot at this!!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Zoe View Post
                        So now it's less than one inch with it raining the rest of the day. But the problem is DH works up in the cities where it will actually snow/sleet, so he has to stay there overnight...I hate sleeping alone! Grr! Your weather just sounds downright dangerous blackcat! Be safe!
                        Tell your DH to be safe too! Better to sleep alone for a few nights than to sleep alone forever.

                        I know, our weather is horrid right now but I am an "old lady" driver as my DH puts it. I will drive as slow as I feel comfortable and no one can make me do it differently.

                        I also have 4 wheel drive and am only a few miles from home so my trip home is pretty easy.

                        Lately our city and county workers have been on top of things when it snows or gets icy. They spend a good deal of money and time putting down salt, sand and ice melt as well as keeping the roads clear too.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                          Tell your DH to be safe too! Better to sleep alone for a few nights than to sleep alone forever.

                          My thoughts exactly. I was just venting.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Zoe View Post
                            My DH is from South Carolina! I haven't been down there in the winter but I hear that you guys get more ice than snow. Ick. Don't envy you that.

                            Just looked at the weather report. I was right! The 6-12 inches went down to 1-2 inches with a bunch of frozen rain. Fan-f'in tastic!

                            OP, I am SOOOO jealous of you right now!
                            So far we have had spring since January. I'm sure you would love to visit now. Tomorrows supposed to be 73 degrees.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Bookworm View Post
                              So far we have had spring since January. I'm sure you would love to visit now. Tomorrows supposed to be 73 degrees.
                              I'm packing my bags as I type this. :::::: Doubt I'd get far though, the freezing rain has been going since 8. Kinda worried about the second shift dcm picking dcg up. The roads have to be terrible!

