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DCK Just Kicked My Puppy!

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  • DCK Just Kicked My Puppy!

    I have a DCB age 3. He started last October. I have 2 dogs. A golden retriever that is the friendliest dog ever and our new puppy that just joined us 2 weeks ago.

    I had a couple of minor issues previously with my bigger dog and this DCB. Knowing that he's only been around dogs when he is at grandma's, I separated the dog from the kids and we discussed that you need to be nice to the animals.

    Literally 10 minutes before he was suppose to be picked up, I changed his pants, got his coat on and he went up to my puppy and kicked him. The dog yelped and ran away limping!

    I sat DCB down and asked why he would do that. Of course, I get the same usual response I always get, a whole lot of whining and "I want mommy".

    DCD picks up. I told him that he is crying and sitting because he kicked the puppy. I specifically tell DCD that if this doesn't STOP, he can't come here anymore. I just spent $650 on this puppy. I don't want anyone kicking it. Especially this kid! DCD says, "Ok, thanks for telling me. C'mon (name). Time to go."

    I am so sick of these parents treating their kid like he is an infant. Their answer to everything is a hug.

    What would you do? I know emotions are running high right now. So do I just wait and see if they come back on Monday or do I call DCM later on and discuss this. I have a 1 week deposit on file and they paid today for next week. Even if they leave, I've been paid 2 weeks.

  • #2
    I would not allow that to continue at all, for any reason. On the rare occasion that I had a problem with one of my dcks with my dogs I handled it swiftly and sternly and it stopped right away. I don't ever remember having to involved any of the parents, but I would if I didn't feel that it would stop immediately.

    There is absolutely no reason, at all, for a child to purposely hurt an animal.


    • #3
      That would be an INSTANT term for me. My dogs are part of my family. Nobody kicks my family.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Meeko View Post
        That would be an INSTANT term for me. My dogs are part of my family. Nobody kicks my family.
        That's what I'm sayin. These guys are my "babies!"


        • #5
          Originally posted by wdmmom View Post
          That's what I'm sayin. These guys are my "babies!"
          As far as I'm concerned, my dog is the only one of my kids I got to pick out!!!! Hurt him, leave. Period.


          • #6
            You need to protect your puppy and keep the littles away from it unless you are right there on top of the situation. While this situation sounds like he meant it, children can hurt a puppy even when they don't. Accidents happen.

            A neighbor had to have her beagle PTS because she allowed the dog in the basement unsupervised with children and found out that one child, who does not have animals was hopping up and down on the dog's back. It injured the dog beyond repair. The dog owner blames the child, I do not.

            You've had issues with this boy already, do not let this happen again. He doesn't get to be near the puppy any more. Baby gates or crate.

            The last thing you need when running a home Daycare is a dog that is afraid of children. A dog that is afraid is more apt to bite.

            My son was 5 when I brought home our Golden pup and he was not allowed to be alone with the pup AT ALL. But with my supervision, he actually helped train the puppy.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Kaddidle Care View Post
              You need to protect your puppy and keep the littles away from it unless you are right there on top of the situation. While this situation sounds like he meant it, children can hurt a puppy even when they don't. Accidents happen.

              A neighbor had to have her beagle PTS because she allowed the dog in the basement unsupervised with children and found out that one child, who does not have animals was hopping up and down on the dog's back. It injured the dog beyond repair. The dog owner blames the child, I do not.

              You've had issues with this boy already, do not let this happen again. He doesn't get to be near the puppy any more. Baby gates or crate.

              The last thing you need when running a home Daycare is a dog that is afraid of children. A dog that is afraid is more apt to bite.

              My son was 5 when I brought home our Golden pup and he was not allowed to be alone with the pup AT ALL. But with my supervision, he actually helped train the puppy.
              I agree with Kaddidle. Keep puppy seperate unless you are right there. Not only to protect the dog, but to protect the kids as well. A few more incidents like this from any child, and your poor doggy may become agressive. An aggressive golden would not be a good thing!

              As for the child, he is 3. I know it seemed purposeful, and it probably was. But a 3 year old's empathy is still developing. I'd have given him a stern lecture, and pointed out how it hurt the poor dog , who is now crying, and then don't give him another opportunity. Teach him to be gentle when you are right there.


              • #8
                My dogs are my babies and if a 3 year old kicked one of them, the kid would be GONE. I don't care how sorry the parents are (though it sounded like dcd in your situation could care less).

                I agree with PPs in that puppy should be separated if you aren't there to directly supervise. Give that pup an extra snuggle for me tonight! Poor thing!


                • #9
                  I was right there...10 feet from him. I had just put his coat on. He did this literally 3 minutes before dcd picked him up. The puppy was about 6 feet away sleeping in the foyer. DCB got up from the toys he was playing with, went over to the table where he kicked him for no reason. Never for one second did i think the child would do this but I never thought the puppy was in danger either. The kids arent allowed direct access to the animals. The only time they even see the dogs is at arrivals and departures...unless they are outside.

                  It just amazes me that that dcd has no apology, no concern, no I'm going to punish the child...NOTHING!!!


                  • #10
                    I have had this exact thing happen to me; one year ago. I even posted here about it on two separate threads. Here is the link to each thread:



                    In the end, the mom gave me two weeks notice on the very same day that I was about to write my own two week notice. On a later email I received from the mother; she basically thought I was making the whole thing up and punishing her child way too harshly; which is why she left. She was totally in denial about how serious her son's actions were.

                    I should not have let it go on, I should have given notice or immediate termination much sooner. It was a learning situation for me for sure.


                    • #11
                      I have 2 dogs who are very annoying, but gentle . I keep them separate from my dck's who are all 2 yo and younger. One of my dogs is a beagle, the other is a golden retreiver/german shepherd mix. The children I watch are just too young to be trusted to be gentle with my dogs. The dogs are both older so I worry when the kids want to sit on them. None of them have ever hurt one of my dogs on purpose, but the beagle especially cannot take rough handling. The dck's think they are ride on toys. So, once in a great while, I have let them pet the dogs, but usually the dogs are gated away from the kids. Just easier and safer that way.


                      • #12
                        That puppy is there to stay. DCKs come and go, eventually everyone leaves. I could not work with a child who was cruel to animals especially MY animals and a pup at that! I get the same blow off with parents. They never correct their kids! Depending on how bad you need this child (see I am desperate) I would tell parents if it happens again it is an instant term due to violence. (i have that in my contract!)

                        Sorry your fur baby got kicked!!


                        • #13
                          Kid would be done and gone. I think by keeping the child it is telling the kid, his parents, the other kids and other parents you accept the behavior. What if another child sees this one do it and now everyone thinks it's okay to use puppy (or any thing or else) a punching bag. Bye bye kiddo! Sorry I'm NEVER that desperate to let someone hurt someone I love. You will always figure it out and make it work WITH OUT that kid!!


                          • #14
                            Omg!! Poor puppy. A kick in the right place can cause serious internal organ damage. Not to mention dck is asking to get bit. You don't want your dogs developing a bad association with small children.

