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Payment Shorted

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  • Payment Shorted

    I got paid yesterday. and normally when grandpa pays, he counts it out and tells me to count it to be sure. Yesterday at pick-up it was a big hectic, all the kids were trying to get out the front door, grandpa had errands to do and he handed me the money, didn't say a word. I put it in my pockets w/o counting it. I had no reason not to trust that it wasn't all there. When he left, I did count it to make a deposit. I found it was short by $20. I counted it again, still short. I tried calling but can not get a hold of anyone. Did leave a voicemail on cell phone.

  • #2
    Originally posted by melissa ann View Post
    I got paid yesterday. and normally when grandpa pays, he counts it out and tells me to count it to be sure. Yesterday at pick-up it was a big hectic, all the kids were trying to get out the front door, grandpa had errands to do and he handed me the money, didn't say a word. I put it in my pockets w/o counting it. I had no reason not to trust that it wasn't all there. When he left, I did count it to make a deposit. I found it was short by $20. I counted it again, still short. I tried calling but can not get a hold of anyone. Did leave a voicemail on cell phone.
    THat sucks!! I also had that happen to me once before as well!! THey did end up paying me, it was $20.00 shorted as well!! GOod luck!!


    • #3
      Wow does suck. I don't always count it out either so I'll think twice about it from now on. I'm just so used to all of the money being rolled up and being there that it wouldn't occur to me that I could be shorted! Hope you get it worked out soon!


      • #4
        I have to write a receipt for any cash received (so that I can keep up with it, and the parents have record of it). So, when I get cash, the parents know they have to stand there and wait on me to finish their receipt. I have only had one or two who were short. They figure out quickly that I am going to count it twice before I write the receipt, and I'll tell them immediately if it's not enough. Hopefully Grandpa just made a mistake and he will get it to you asap!


        • #5
          Originally posted by melissa ann View Post
          I got paid yesterday. and normally when grandpa pays, he counts it out and tells me to count it to be sure. Yesterday at pick-up it was a big hectic, all the kids were trying to get out the front door, grandpa had errands to do and he handed me the money, didn't say a word. I put it in my pockets w/o counting it. I had no reason not to trust that it wasn't all there. When he left, I did count it to make a deposit. I found it was short by $20. I counted it again, still short. I tried calling but can not get a hold of anyone. Did leave a voicemail on cell phone.
          Did you tell him about it right away? I sure hope you did!


          • #6
            No matter how busy I got I ALWAYS counted the money. Even if I had to tell the parent to wait.

            Speaking of that: at one time my former director/owner owned 2 centers. I was the assistant at the main one and my sister was the assistant at the other. All of my kiddos left but my sister was still at her center so I stopped by to say hi. She couldn't find the receipt book and she asked me if I could write out a receipt for a parent who was already gone. I said sure, got out the receipt book (which I found) and started to write one out. I said to my sister ok where is the money. My sister said that it was in the lock box. This was basically a mail box with a key, which we didn't have. Ummm sister said the mother already had the money in an envelope and stuck it in the box. The mother INSISTED on a receipt. However like I said my sister couldn't find the book so the mother just left.

            Naturally I refused to finish the receipt. Guess what? It was suppose to be $120.00 and it was only $100.00! I am sure it was an honest mistake but I always believe that the number 2 rule in daycare life is NEVER TRUST A PARENT (just kidding!)::


            • #7
              I didn't get a hold of him all weekend. This morning at drop off I mentioned that I was trying to get a hold him because the payment was short $20. He was like, what?! I'm sure he got my messages because he's always checking his phone. I said, it was okay, that things happen and Friday was a bit hectic. Well, he insists that it was right and that I counted wrong. After 2 yrs this is how I get treated? At pick up, he basically just picked dcb up, and didnt' really say much.
              I will be updating my handbook this month. Updated ones get handed out in June. I'm changing quite a bit. Like, paying the 3 day min rate for any/all of their vacations (they hate paying when they are not here). Parents will wait for receipt when paying in cash. (ususally they tell me to just give it to them on Monday) strickly enforce the 24 hr symptom free policy, and I will no longer be accepting subsidy for child care. So, I'm not sure how long they will be sticking around. But accepting subsidy is a pain in the butt. And now I have to have 12 hr in classes on nutrition, childhood obestiy etc by July 1. These classes costs like $8 per 2 hr class. That comes to $40. I don't have time for this. I will wait 30 mins past their normal drop off time, after which, I have the right to refuse child. I can't tell you how many times that boyfriend dropped off kids anywhere from 1-3 hrs past normal time and no one could notify me. Sorry for ranting on and on.


              • #8
                Originally posted by melissa ann View Post
                I didn't get a hold of him all weekend. This morning at drop off I mentioned that I was trying to get a hold him because the payment was short $20. He was like, what?! I'm sure he got my messages because he's always checking his phone. I said, it was okay, that things happen and Friday was a bit hectic. Well, he insists that it was right and that I counted wrong. After 2 yrs this is how I get treated? At pick up, he basically just picked dcb up, and didnt' really say much.
                I will be updating my handbook this month. Updated ones get handed out in June. I'm changing quite a bit. Like, paying the 3 day min rate for any/all of their vacations (they hate paying when they are not here). Parents will wait for receipt when paying in cash. (ususally they tell me to just give it to them on Monday) strickly enforce the 24 hr symptom free policy, and I will no longer be accepting subsidy for child care. So, I'm not sure how long they will be sticking around. But accepting subsidy is a pain in the butt. And now I have to have 12 hr in classes on nutrition, childhood obestiy etc by July 1. These classes costs like $8 per 2 hr class. That comes to $40. I don't have time for this. I will wait 30 mins past their normal drop off time, after which, I have the right to refuse child. I can't tell you how many times that boyfriend dropped off kids anywhere from 1-3 hrs past normal time and no one could notify me. Sorry for ranting on and on.
                If you do daycare for any length of time, you are bound to run into all sorts of things!!!! How well I know, I have changed my contract about 10-15 times over 6 yrs. maybe even more than that!!!! GOod luck and stay firm on everything!!!


                • #9
                  Here is my take-

                  You neglected to count the cash he handed you, the cash left his sight, you accepted it as payment for services rendered, so you really are SOL.

                  Think about it like this....if you filled your gas tank, walked in and paid the bill and next time you stopped by that station, they told you that you owed them $20 cuz they neglected to count the cash closely last time, would you pay them or laugh in their face?

                  Chalk it up to one of those "hard lessons learned in life", and from now on, ALWAYS count the cash in front of the person who gave it to you.
                  Spouse of a daycare provider....which I guess makes me one too!


                  • #10
                    I agree, count it with him there. I find it quite insulting though that after two years he would insist it was all there. Frustrating for you & I agree, change your policies RIGHT NOW!!!


                    • #11
                      I will count the money while he is still here. Normally I do, but Friday was just one of those days.

