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Fever Trouble

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  • Fever Trouble

    I have a six mo old dcg who has a fever of 101.2 I called mom and dad and told them the situation. Mom said she has to wrap up and will be on her way. It usually takes about an hour for them to arrive after work. I always feel guilty having to send a sick kid home. What if by the time they get here she doesn't have a fever anymore??

    I have other kids around that I don't want sick. I don't want to get sick... But I remember how stressful it was to have to leave work and I don't want them to get in trouble.

    Am I putting to much thought into this? When I worked away from home I would get the call that one of my girls was sick and even though it was stressful telling the boss I had to leave I couldn't wait to get to them!

  • #2
    Yes, you are putting too much thought into this... . If she has a fever, she has/had a fever. There really isn't much you can do about it if the fever is gone by the time mom gets there....more than likely it will surely be back if it is gone.

    I feel bad as well when parents need to leave work but like you said, you have other kids YOU need to think of and the parents need to think of their child. As long as their child isn't sick very often, a certain amount of having to leave work is expected and understood when people have children.

    You, however, need to do what is best for the group of kids you care for as a whole and not worry about one child....that is their parent's job.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
      Yes, you are putting too much thought into this... . If she has a fever, she has/had a fever. There really isn't much you can do about it if the fever is gone by the time mom gets there....more than likely it will surely be back if it is gone.

      I feel bad as well when parents need to leave work but like you said, you have other kids YOU need to think of and the parents need to think of their child. As long as their child isn't sick very often, a certain amount of having to leave work is expected and understood when people have children.

      You, however, need to do what is best for the group of kids you care for as a whole and not worry about one child....that is their parent's job.
      I tend to over think a lot of stuff !! It feels like the last couple weeks everyone's been sick so it feels like a lot! It just amazes me that parents bring their kids to me sick. They don't think about anything but having to go to work! I mean I get it, it's very important. But do they realize the domino effect it has?? Now everyone's sick including me! Had they kept the little one home that one day or two... It all could have been avoided (in theory!)


      • #4
        I had a Mom yesterday stay at home all day, she has laringitis, can't talk- but brought her sick 6 month old to me, that sounds terrible!!! I didnt know she stayed at home, til she picked up and told me that!!! OMG!!!!! I wasn't happy!! Then did end up taking the baby to the DR. but wasn't put on anything, so I was told anyway!! YOu want to trust all your daycare parents, but there have been a few other situations, which lead me to believe they are not always telling the truth!!


        • #5
          Originally posted by momma2girls View Post
          I had a Mom yesterday stay at home all day, she has laringitis, can't talk- but brought her sick 6 month old to me, that sounds terrible!!! I didnt know she stayed at home, til she picked up and told me that!!! OMG!!!!! I wasn't happy!! Then did end up taking the baby to the DR. but wasn't put on anything, so I was told anyway!! YOu want to trust all your daycare parents, but there have been a few other situations, which lead me to believe they are not always telling the truth!!
          I know for a fact they only tell us what they want us to know!! Especially if the truth is inconvenient for them! Unfortunately it usually has to do with illness and that's something that always effects everyone in some way! Last week I felt like I was running a hospital with all the fevers and coughs and snot!!


          • #6
            i used to over think stuff all the time.

            As everyone on here has taught me, don't let their problems become your problems. If your DCP gets into trouble with their work because they need to go home, then let it be their problem.

            I also hate having to send kids home. After doing it a few times, you get good at it. In fact, I cant recall the last time I sent a child home sick..

            Uh I better watch my words....It might come back and get me....


            • #7
              Originally posted by daycare View Post
              i used to over think stuff all the time.

              As everyone on here has taught me, don't let their problems become your problems. If your DCP gets into trouble with their work because they need to go home, then let it be their problem.

              I also hate having to send kids home. After doing it a few times, you get good at it. In fact, I cant recall the last time I sent a child home sick..

              Uh I better watch my words....It might come back and get me....
              Absolutely! I need to work on that! "don't let their problems become your problems!"

