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What Are You Doing, What Are You Doing, What Are You Doing....

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  • What Are You Doing, What Are You Doing, What Are You Doing....

    How do I curb this? I have a little boy, just turned 4, who asks this a million times a day.
    "what are you doing"
    cleaning up from snack
    "now what are you doing"
    still cleaning up from snack
    "what are you going to do next"
    go to the bathroom
    "then what"

    AHHHHH! Going crazy here! I feel bad for him, because during the day, the school age kids are at school, and the rest of the kids are 2, so not really on his level.
    I try to play with him as much as I can, but some of the times I am busy, and cant. He isnt very good at independent play, gets bored quickly.

    Any suggestions on how to curb his constant questions?

  • #2
    My response, every single time, is "It's none of your business."
    Doing what I love and loving what I do.


    • #3
      Ignore him... or get him involved with the clean up process

      or play the question all time favorite

      kid why are you doing that?

      adult- why is the sky blue

      kid- why? I can at home.

      adult- why do cats have fur

      Basically answer all questions with why. Kids crack up laughing at so do then stops...


      • #4
        Originally posted by meganlavonnesmommy View Post
        How do I curb this? I have a little boy, just turned 4, who asks this a million times a day.
        "what are you doing"
        cleaning up from snack
        "now what are you doing"
        still cleaning up from snack
        "what are you going to do next"
        go to the bathroom
        "then what"

        AHHHHH! Going crazy here! I feel bad for him, because during the day, the school age kids are at school, and the rest of the kids are 2, so not really on his level.
        I try to play with him as much as I can, but some of the times I am busy, and cant. He isnt very good at independent play, gets bored quickly.

        Any suggestions on how to curb his constant questions?
        Friend... you are wrong about the two year olds not being on his level. He IS on the same level. It's commonly thought that an age difference of two years is significant with the one to five year olds. It is incorrect. Never before in our history have we thought that a four year old and two year old weren't the "same age and level". This started with centers separating kids out by year age because they make more money if they group kids together in like age. If they do multi-level aged groups then they have to staff at the ratio for the younger kids.

        That was for money NOT based on development. The two year old will teach him far more than you ever could. The two year old IS his teacher. He NEEDS to learn to play with a two year old. It's for HIM not the two year old.

        A four year old is the same as a two year old. He needs to GO PLAY TOYS with the other kids. He's "doing" you because he knows you believe he is different. Show him you believe he is the same and he WILL be the same. He is a little kid and little kids are designed to play with little kids. The two year olds are little kids. Have him play with them... all day every day. Once he learns from them how to play THEN you can gradually start doing stuff with him... but make it sporadic and make it seldom. He NEEDS them. Have him "do" them.


        • #5
          OMGosh- Thank you for this post & the responses- I have the exact same 4yo!

          Drives me insane ::::::


          • #6
            Repeat "Go Play Toys" everytime he asks you something and don't answer his question.


            • #7
              I offer one real answer...when warranted. Otherwise, I ask them, "What do you think?" or I give them a nonsense crazy answer. Or "I already answered that."
              Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


              • #8
                ! I have a 9 year old afterschool girl who does the exact same thing!

                -What are you cooking
                -What are you making
                -What is for snack
                -Why is your table there
                -Why is he crying
                -Why are you doing that
                -What are you doing now

                OMG! It drives me crazy!

                I usually respond with a bunch of questions in a row back at her
                Why are you standing there, why is your shirt yellow, why do you have a ponytail, why do you have white socks......
                She normally gets the hint.


                • #9
                  My answer, I'm getting ready to wipe down the baby dolls, want to help? Or wash Legos, want to help, sort bookshelf, want to help? Wipe chairs, want to help?


                  • #10
                    I don't even say anything, I just point into the direction of the toys or activities he should be doing.
                    I see little people.

