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Don't You Hate It When They Twist Good Parenting Techniques?

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  • #16
    Yeah I never did get the 1-2-3 thing. The kid just learns that they can continue the bad behavior until you get up and move. My daycare kids know that I tell them what they need to do the first time and there are no second chances.

    I also try not to threaten with a certain punishment. If you watch closely then you can see the kids weighing their options. "Continue ramming this car into the wall or go to time out"

    I tell you what this profession has definately made me a MUCH better parent. Not only do I get to learn from my own mistakes, I get to learn from others too! If you ask my kids 15 years from now my oldest (13) would probably say I parented totally different than my youngest, who's 16 mos. Kind of not fair for my oldest but at least I am making progress towards the better rather than just staying the same!


    • #17
      Originally posted by cheerfuldom View Post
      what about the "counting to three" and then they hit three and nothing ever happens? or the "do you need a timeout?" question that is asked over and over. what kid is going to say yes to that??
      For awhile when my DD was two, I would count to ten to give her time to choose to do what I needed her to do (put on shoes, follow me, put the toy back on the shelf at the store, etc)--all things that were not immediate, safety concerns. I had time; I had patience; I could wait.

      HOWEVER--if I got to ten and she hadn't done it, there WAS a consequence. Usually, I did it for her instead of her getting to do it herself (a huge thing at her age, ), or I would pick her up and carry her, or she lost her privilege to walk and had to ride in the stroller/cart. This was a HUGE deal to her. She hated having her autonomy taken away. After a few weeks, she rarely got past four or five.

      Even now, all I have to do is say, "ONE..." and she usually complies instantly.

      I hate the "do you need a time out?" line, although the answer to your question, "What if they say yes?" is, you put them in a time out.
      Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


      • #18
        "One, twoooooooo......thrrrrrrrrr...." still works like a charm with my 8 year old. She runs like the wind when I start three. My 13 year old loves to ask me what I'm going to do the first time she doesn't run and I don't have a clue. ::::::

        I'm joking but I guess the point is that some techniques work even when they're silly if you follow up. She might not know what happens at 3 but she knows what happens when she doesn't listen to Mom.


        • #19
          I use the 1-2-3 and there IS a consequence. Works like a charm for me. Gives the kid a chance to make good decisions and if not...consequence.


          • #20
            I also use 1,2,3. I think more than half my DCK's learned to count from that method... ::


            • #21
              Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
              I also use 1,2,3. I think more than half my DCK's learned to count from that method... ::
              That's how my DD learned to count to ten!

              We would also use a ten-count to give her time to finish something she was doing. "Ok, you can look at that toy until I get to ten, and then we are moving on." "Ok, you can stomp in that puddle until I get to ten, and then we are walking into the store." etc.
              Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


              • #22
                ...LOL! even discipline techniques have an academic educational side ::


                • #23
                  Whats even more funny to hear is a man threaten punishment on a child.

                  A few weekends ago my cousin was visiting with his kids. My cousin tells his daughter, if you do that again (cant recall what she did) I am going to shave your head.

                  WTH.........I looked at him and said, I should smack you for saying that to her.......

                  REALLY DAD....


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by daycare View Post
                    Whats even more funny to hear is a man threaten punishment on a child.

                    A few weekends ago my cousin was visiting with his kids. My cousin tells his daughter, if you do that again (cant recall what she did) I am going to shave your head.

                    WTH.........I looked at him and said, I should smack you for saying that to her.......

                    REALLY DAD....
                    I know of someone who actually did that!

                    Forgot to add-a teenage girl!
                    Last edited by Country Kids; 02-23-2012, 10:49 AM. Reason: adding wording
                    Each day is a fresh start
                    Never look back on regrets
                    Live life to the fullest
                    We only get one shot at this!!


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by daycare View Post
                      Whats even more funny to hear is a man threaten punishment on a child.

                      A few weekends ago my cousin was visiting with his kids. My cousin tells his daughter, if you do that again (cant recall what she did) I am going to shave your head.

                      WTH.........I looked at him and said, I should smack you for saying that to her.......

                      REALLY DAD....
                      We have cut the hair of one of our children really short (no guard on clippers) as a means of discipline.


                      Now before anyone start to freak on me. It was for at the age of 15 not keeping his hair and body clean. BTW it worked like a charm have not that problem with that child again.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
                        I know of someone who actually did that!

                        Forgot to add-a teenage girl!
                        OMG really.... actually I do too.... but they were older.

                        One of my neighbors daughters got pregnant at the age of 16. This was about 10 years ago. Her mom decided that she wanted to punish her daughter and make her less attractive, so she shaved her head.......

                        It didnt work, she got pregnant again when she was 18...


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by nannyde View Post
                          Ring a ding ding

                          "Hey mom... this is Nan. Yeah I need you to pick Little Missy up asap. I have to care for the other children and my child and I can't have her with us because her hands are covered in chocolate and food. I asked her to please go wash her hands after you left and she said "no". I know we should both pick our battles and I don't want to make her do it if she says no. I just want her to be happy. It's not worth upsetting her. I need you to come and pick her up and maybe in the next day or two she will be okay with washing her hands. Just keep me posted every morning on whether or not she said yes. If she doesn't do it within a week maybe you should consult her doctor. Bring me a note if you do to let me know what he would like us to do if this should ever happen again."

