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Potty Training-Signs Of Readiness?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
    Here is my situation, any input would be great!

    One with limited language and almost 3. Parents have been trying to potty train (I have no problem helping). Child though really doesn't speak alot and I think has no idea what it means to have to go to the bathroom. When they are on the toilet and don't go, they will say no go, but to actually tell me they have to go, not happening. I really would like to see the child doing this because they are getting way to heavy to be lifting up and down changing diapers. Also, less diapers for me to be changing!

    Next child, very broad vocabulary but same situation. Has no clue to tell me they have to go to the bathroom.

    I take them in with the diaper changers (about every two hours) and most of the time they will go, sometimes they won't. They kicker is they are probably dry 90% of the time. This indicates to me they are ready but don't know they have to go. So I'm perplexed on how to get them to know they have to go to the bathroom.
    For the 3 year old I wouldn't even pick for a changing table, in our Montessori training they taught us to stand a child on a stool while we sit on a stool and change them standing. For poops obviously this could get quite messy but if you catch them before they sit on it and get squished it ps easy if not then just put the changing pad on the floor and lay them down. It's also helpful to do this in front of a mirror so they can see what your doing and help them to be less distracted and also helps with teaching body parts.


    • #17
      So this kid held it for a few hours one evening and maybe did an hour another is that potty trained??? This mom sounds pushy. I would have backup diapers at your house just in case. Wouldn't surprise me if this mom sends the kid with only underwear even though you said no. I would use my backup diapers and then charge her. Forget what she is saying....the actions of her daughter show that she is not ready to be in underwear yet (and may not even be ready to potty train) and the actions of the mom says that she wants you to do the potty training at your house.


      • #18
        I assist with it, when the child tells me they have to potty. I have a little 2 1/2 yr. old supposively going thru potty training at home. They say they put him on it once a night, and goes each time they put him on it. He is with me for 8 1/2-9 hrs. a day. He is home with them the rest of it, probably an hr. in the am, and about 4 hrs. in the evening. Then also every weekend. They need to have child learn to use it at home, and when he is ready, and say I have to potty, I will assist with it here as well. I do not have time to place child on the potty every 1/2 hr. also for them to be supervised sitting on the potty about 10 min. to see if they will go.


        • #19
          I think I'm going to put a note with my potty training "rules" in her bag tomorrow. How does this sound?

          "I am happy to help in the potty training process when your child is ready. Parent must supply 2 changes of clothing, diapers and/or pullups. Child must wear clothing that they can pull up/down themselves. Child can wear underwear after they are accident free at daycare for 2 weeks."

          Should I add something about the communication of the child telling me they have to go and how often I can take them in to try?

