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Worried, BIG time

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  • Worried, BIG time

    I lost my first dcg this week after DCM found out that DCD was cheating on her while he is in Iraq. DCM took the girl immediately and moved 3 hours away.

    NOW, another dc family is thinking of moving too. 5 y.o. dcb is getting bullied at school and apparently hates the town we live in because of it. This family also has a 2 y.o. dcg so I would be down 2 more kids in the matter of less than a year. Granted, this isn't a for sure thing but it's still something I have to think about.

    I am feeling defeated today and irritated. I understand both situations and I feel for them but I'm so afraid of ending up with no kids all of a sudden. I have 10 all together but they are all part time. I have another 4 dck's from the same family where the mom is a professor so she's off for the summer. Then another 2 that will be leaving next March because care will no longer be needed. I have one after schooler that I won't lose for at least another 3-4 years. BUT MAN! I'm upset and concerned.

    This isn't really question based but I'm at a total loss since I've only been doing this since August of last year. We are in the adoption process and I can't bear to think of having to put that on hold from having no job/dckids. Not to mention, I've always dreamed of being a SAHM even if I'm working from home.

  • #2
    I can sympathize. I just lost a family of 2, kind of unexpectively.

    I knew mom was having a hard time at work and wanted to quit but didn't give me any real notice. She told me on Saturday that the next week would be the kids last.

    Another mom told me a few weeks ago that 3 yr old would come more often this summer since he wouldnt have school. Then this week told me that there are some weeks he won't be here at all, going to summer camp. She still hasn't given me the real schedule.

    I'm not licensed so I can't have more than 4 kids here at a time. They all pay by the day so if they aren't here then I don't make money.

    I'm frustrated with myself for not "knowing" how to set up rules when I started this last summer. All I can say is that, when I get my license in the fall, there is going to be some BIG changes.


    • #3
      I have in my contract that I require 2 week's notice. But when it's just as unexpectedly for a parent and the fact that she decided all in 24 hours notice to move and packed up her car...there isn't much I can fight her on.

      As for the other 2, I will be e-mailing DCM tonight to see if there is any real deal in moving. If I lose all 3 and then 2 next year, I'm liable to just go back to an office job. :-( The after-schooler isn't worth the money. And then not getting the other kids this summer.

      It sounds like I'm not the only one though, I'm sorry yours are going too.


      • #4
        I know it's hard when this happens, but keep your chin up. There are slow times and busy times in every business, and it's not like people are going to stop having kids A good friend of mine said that to me a couple weeks ago because I was feeling the same way you are right now. Her mother has had a daycare for over 25 years so she's seen it all.

        I sympathize ... In April I lost one 4yo who moved away, and the same day I finally reached my breaking point with some behavioural issues and termed my other 4yo. Then the next week one mother changed jobs and realized she didn't need me any more than 2 days per week, some weeks not at all.

        It all works out. Last week I filled my empty spaces with a family that seems wonderful, and the mom who changed jobs decided to go full time with her 2 kids because they don't want to lose me as their provider.

        Everything happens for a reason, you just need to ride the wave to find out what that reason is. Chin up


        • #5
          Thanks Amanda. It's easy to think you are the only one going through it. I'm hopefully getting a 4 year old next month as well so that should help offset. But, because it's not a for sure thing, I can't breathe yet.


          • #6
            Yes, it is hard. I lost 2 daycare children within 1 month!! One is going to someone she knows that is a stay at home mom without a contract!!
            The other one went to a friend that was much closer to her. THat was $260.00/week lost in 1 month!! I am still trying to replace them!! All I get is calls that either are newborns- 1 yr. old(I have 1 newborn contracted already) or want me to open an hr. later or stay open an hr. later in the evening!!! It is hard right now to replace children!! Too many daycares out there, and too competative!!!!!


            • #7
              Originally posted by TGT09 View Post
              I lost my first dcg this week after DCM found out that DCD was cheating on her while he is in Iraq. DCM took the girl immediately and moved 3 hours away.

              NOW, another dc family is thinking of moving too. 5 y.o. dcb is getting bullied at school and apparently hates the town we live in because of it. This family also has a 2 y.o. dcg so I would be down 2 more kids in the matter of less than a year. Granted, this isn't a for sure thing but it's still something I have to think about.

              I am feeling defeated today and irritated. I understand both situations and I feel for them but I'm so afraid of ending up with no kids all of a sudden. I have 10 all together but they are all part time. I have another 4 dck's from the same family where the mom is a professor so she's off for the summer. Then another 2 that will be leaving next March because care will no longer be needed. I have one after schooler that I won't lose for at least another 3-4 years. BUT MAN! I'm upset and concerned.

              This isn't really question based but I'm at a total loss since I've only been doing this since August of last year. We are in the adoption process and I can't bear to think of having to put that on hold from having no job/dckids. Not to mention, I've always dreamed of being a SAHM even if I'm working from home.
              You are very new to this and following the same pattern most do who start home day care. You start out with a lot of part time unstable situations and work your way up to stable families who have high indicators of staying with you for a while.

              You can easily end up with the only stable kids in the day care are the ones who are getting a really good deal money wise or the child is incredibly difficult and the parents can't get a better deal for stable care anywhere else. A really good deal for the parents usually means you are not getting paid anywhere what you should. The ones that are "not worth it" are the only stable client base in the begining.

              As you get experience you will be able to get more to full time stable families but it takes years. If you are feeling defeated this early in the game it may not work for you. I read years ago that the average home day care fails within two years.

              You have to be willing to take the knocks year after year in order to be successful in this business especially in this economy. Most of us are operating in areas where there are WAY more day care openings than there are kids available. This has driven the market to an all time low and forced even experienced providers to take undesirable situations like very part time kids or unstable worker or lifestyle parents.

              If you want this for a lifestyle then just keep open and keep working. Work long hours and try to weed your way thru your potential clients selecting those who appear to have the best work record, criminal record, relationship record etc. Over time you will be able to pick them and be picky. Not in your first three/four years of business most likely.

              One mistake I can see you making is trying to guess when they won't "need" care and planning on them leaving at that time. You can't do that and not be defeated. The ones you think will leave next March may very well be done next month. It's really hard to predict that DESPITE what the parents tell you. Things change and you are setting yourself up for disapointment if you believe they will stay for the next ten months and they leave in two months. You can't count your chickens before they hatch.

              Advertise and be willing to work outside of the box and you'll be alright. If you have families that aren't working then work VERY hard to replace with full timers. Keep interviewing whether you have an opening or not. If you find good stable full time clients then start terminating the nonprofitable or pia's families.



              • #8
                Originally posted by TGT09 View Post
                I lost my first dcg this week after DCM found out that DCD was cheating on her while he is in Iraq. DCM took the girl immediately and moved 3 hours away.

                NOW, another dc family is thinking of moving too. 5 y.o. dcb is getting bullied at school and apparently hates the town we live in because of it. This family also has a 2 y.o. dcg so I would be down 2 more kids in the matter of less than a year. Granted, this isn't a for sure thing but it's still something I have to think about.

                I am feeling defeated today and irritated. I understand both situations and I feel for them but I'm so afraid of ending up with no kids all of a sudden. I have 10 all together but they are all part time. I have another 4 dck's from the same family where the mom is a professor so she's off for the summer. Then another 2 that will be leaving next March because care will no longer be needed. I have one after schooler that I won't lose for at least another 3-4 years. BUT MAN! I'm upset and concerned.

                This isn't really question based but I'm at a total loss since I've only been doing this since August of last year. We are in the adoption process and I can't bear to think of having to put that on hold from having no job/dckids. Not to mention, I've always dreamed of being a SAHM even if I'm working from home.
                ((hugs)) I've been in the same boat many times. It seems like if one goes sometimes there's a terrible domino effect. Up side is that I've noticed a pattern in getting calls for new clients. My busiest time is right around when school lets out (next two busy times are just before school starts again and right after New Years) and I'm always slam full again by the beginning of July at the very latest.


                • #9
                  Thanks Daycare Mommy. I just had a moment and needed to hear some reassurance. I have no doubt in my mind that this is what I should be doing but I also know that we can't live without my income.

                  Hopefully, I can secure the new 4 y.o. week after next and it will let me breathe a little easier. Plus, I'm thinking it might be time to put out an ad in the newspaper...I've not had to do it because of other resources and networking.


                  • #10
                    I know its hard, but listen to the others,... our unemployment rate here is 14.8%. Last summer it was 18.5%. Believe me I know your fears. Especially when my husband was one of those 18.5%. Keep your attitude as positive as you can,.... YOU ARE NOT ALONE. We are all here for you to bounce ideas, vents and frustration off of. Keep your head up, do the best you can and you will come out on top.


                    • #11
                      I know how you feel. I lost a family of two in the fall when dad was laid off- right about Christmas shopping time. I lost a PT dcg the week before Easter when dad got fired- but I did replace the 2 I lost in October with 2 sisters, but not until January- so money was really tight all winter. I actually had my first interview in years where they didnt hire me- or even call me back a week ago, so I'm a bit discouraged too. Hang in there. I'm no longer a big fan of large families, because if the family leaves you lose such a large part of your income. Good luck in marketing. If you dont mind part time or drop in to tide you over monetarily- leave fliers & cards at your local temp agencies and employment agencies. Make a quick/short drop in contract, and in your flier let people know if they set up as a space available drop in with paperwork pre-filled out & shot records, if they get an interview etc its quick to have daycare available- then if they get hired on long term they can transition to a regular contract. I did that my first year or two and got some great clients out of it.


                      • #12
                        I know how you feel. I am going lose a family of two tomorrow due to their mother being laid off from her job. It happened to me many times but it all works out. I lost another family of two last September that I have been watching them for three years. I haven't been able to replacement their spot until two months ago. Just keep positive. You will get some more kids in the near future. I am down to one child but I am going to take a break for a month. I don't know how long I will find two kids. I am pretty sure I will find one soon. Don't worry everything will be okay.


                        • #13
                          WELL, update on this post!
                          DCG ended up coming back on Monday after a few days off with Mom. DCM decided that she's going to live in their house until dcd comes back from Iraq at least.
                          Not to mention, my phone and e-mail has been going non-stop with people wanting care for newborns and other toddlers! I guess it's a sign that I'm now in serious need around here, I guess my networking paid off! :-)


                          • #14

                            This is a business that can really be feast or famine. It can take a really long time to become established enough to get full and even then there is always that threat of lay-offs, etc. It's all about patience, I suppose. There's a quote by Harriet Beecher Stowe that is good to reflect on, and I know I'll slaughter it but it's something like "When you feel like giving up and that you can't go on-that's the time that the tide will turn." That's the basic gist of it. It can be tough to not get discouraged, but I just remember that people are always going to have babies and not everyone can stay home with their kids, so there will always be business. Sometimes it just takes a while. For everyone who is struggling with this, just hang in there!


                            • #15
                              Thanks! It is something I struggle's just so hard when you expect things to go one way and they go they opposite. I wish I could learn to not expect things but it's not in my DNA. :-)

