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How Has Parenting Changed

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  • How Has Parenting Changed

    since you were little, or started doing daycare or were in daycare.

  • #2
    ummm.... biggest one.... parents seemed to forget how to say "no" to their precious little ones.


    • #3
      Just a total lack of interest in their children. The self absorption is unreal.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Ariana View Post
        Just a total lack of interest in their children. The self absorption is unreal.
        Hmm, I think the exact opposite.

        I think some parents are too involved in every aspect of their child's life. I think too many parents mico-manage everything!! Some parent's are so concerned about little Jimmy's self-esteem that they can't possibly do what's best for him because they are so controlled by what he might think and feel.....or he might even cry?!?

        My parents let me suffer natural consequences because "it was gonna hurt them far more than it would me" but it was necessary so that I learned a good lesson and not just stopped crying...kwim?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
          Hmm, I think the exact opposite.

          I think some parents are too involved in every aspect of their child's life. I think too many parents mico-manage everything!! Some parent's are so concerned about little Jimmy's self-esteem that they can't possibly do what's best for him because they are so controlled by what he might think and feel.....or he might even cry?!?

          My parents let me suffer natural consequences because "it was gonna hurt them far more than it would me" but it was necessary so that I learned a good lesson and not just stopped crying...kwim?
          I agree

          Read a story yesterday where parents aren't letting their kids watch the fairy tales I grew up with bc they dont want to scare their children.


          • #6
            Yep..we went from "children should be seen and not heard" to "it's ALL about the children"

            Maybe we could meet somewhere in the middle????? Oh wait....we don't do compromise anymore, either (sorry-off topic...)


            • #7
              The new "No Cry" parenting paired with extreme narcissism (Golden Cog Syndrome) seem to be what I witness most in recent years.....

              Granted, I think I like it better than the "children should be seen, not heard" way I grew up... IDK...:confused:

              There has to be something in between..... That is where I shoot with my parenting goals.
              - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


              • #8
                Originally posted by bbo View Post
                Yep..we went from "children should be seen and not heard" to "it's ALL about the children"

                Maybe we could meet somewhere in the middle????? Oh wait....we don't do compromise anymore, either (sorry-off topic...)
                OK...yeah....get out of my head. It is scary in here.... We HAD to be typing at the same time.
                - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Catherder View Post
                  The new "No Cry" parenting paired with extreme narcissism (Golden Cog Syndrome) seem to be what I witness most in recent years.....

                  Granted, I think I like it better than the "children should be seen, not heard" way I grew up... IDK...:confused:

                  There has to be something in between..... That is where I shoot with my parenting goals.
                  @ Catherder....we posted at the same time...same answer..JINX!!!!


                  • #10
                    I think the time indoors and in front of screens has really changed parenting and children. I am continually shocked at how much screen time kids get. Also parents that do not take their kids outdoors ever. I have a DCG that never went to the park till 2 years old and has still never been in her own backyard (she's 2.5) and this according to the mom. The only reason they went to the park for awhile is because that is where her therapist met them for physical therapy.

                    I take my kids camping and we go on long walks. I know a lot of parents that regularly use strollers for up to 4, even 5 years if they ever do go on a walk. Kids need less screen time, more exercise!!


                    • #11
                      Lack of Boundries, Limitations, Ground rules, Consequences, and CONSITENCY

                      Sorry for the yelling, it just is so aggrivating sometimes.

                      Seems like today people/parents/kids have a very hard time admiting mistakes. Haven't figured out the ins and outs of it but I suspect has something to do with a disconect from the issues I mentioned above. Two quick examples come to mind, everyones jump to sue people and politicians.


                      • #12
                        I did not grow up in the US, in my country of Egypt, it is still much the same as when I was a child. The way children are punished there, people would go to jail here. Both of my parents would have been arrested for child abuse.

                        The only thing that I have noticed over the time that I have been here for almost 20 years, is that it seems like now parents fear their children.

                        Everything and anything parents do, I hear that children threaten their paretns with Ill call CPS or I call the cops on you.....


                        • #13
                          *parents cant say "no"
                          *parents who buy their children everything

                          *parents need "me" time, this bugs me the most because I don't ever get me time, not even when I go to the bathroom.

                          *tv time is crazy
                          *nutrition, omg I can write a book about this subject, and no eating pogo dogs is not a healthy food group

                          *education, so many parents don't care, they don't care if their child fails, they don't even go to parent/teacher interviews (sometimes we don't go but some have never gone)


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by daycare View Post
                            I did not grow up in the US, in my country of Egypt, it is still much the same as when I was a child. The way children are punished there, people would go to jail here. Both of my parents would have been arrested for child abuse.

                            The only thing that I have noticed over the time that I have been here for almost 20 years, is that it seems like now parents fear their children.

                            Everything and anything parents do, I hear that children threaten their paretns with Ill call CPS or I call the cops on you.....
                            dh grew up with the "wooden spoon" hanging on the wall, and his mom always said "I brought you into this world I can take you out"


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by countrymom View Post
                              dh grew up with the "wooden spoon" hanging on the wall, and his mom always said "I brought you into this world I can take you out"
                              OMG maybe we have the same mom...jk

                              she would tell me very mean words sometimes words that would make me cry much more than the physical abuse. My dads words were also very harsh.

