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Table Size?

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  • Table Size?

    I would like to get a new table and right now have two 24x48 table against each other so it makes one table and it just takes up too much room.

    If I have 8 2-5y olds what size table would you suggest? We use it for art and eating. 30x60 or 30x72? I'd like to go the smaller route but don't want them squished either.

    What size do you have? Does it work well for you? Also for chairs how do you get away with different aged kids at one sized table?

  • #2
    Does noone have kids sized eating/art tables in their childcare?


    • #3
      I have a stop sign shaped table that seats 6-8 kids. It is child sized.

      My chairs are all 11 inch -13 inch so that covers most the kids age 2-6.

      Sorry no one responded yet.....

      I feel like I don't count with this question because I have a separate facility and EVERYTHING is kid sized here....(I am assuming you are wondering how to fit this in with your home.)


      • #4
        right now i have a 30x60 size table. I can fit 8 (ages 1-3) but its tight. Its chair to chair. I am currently looking for a new one thats 30x72 so they can spread out a little bit or I will have room for more kids.

        My chair sizes are the same as blackcats


        • #5

          This is what i currently have. I love that its 30 inches wide and wouldnt really go smaller. It gives a nice roomy area for them to do crafts

          Last edited by Michael; 02-16-2012, 02:24 PM.


          • #6
            I have a seperate space attached to my home (my livingroom/dining room are converted to just daycare) so it's all kid sized here too.

            I've been wondering if a different shaped table would be smaller or bigger in the size it would take up than the rectangle.

            We are in the process of adding a kitchenette so I don't want to take any play space away so I'm trying to reduce the space the current tables take.

            Daycaremama - how many kids do you have at the table?


            • #7
              A busy day I will have 8 and its tight. I am expecting 2 more kids soon and there is no way i can sqeeze more chairs in.

              I also have some older S/A kids that come and will sit at the table to eat also. i forget what height i have it set at but it "works" fine for them too

              My s/a are 10(big boy) and 11 (tiny girl)

