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Another Reason to Avoid Acetomenophen for Children

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  • Another Reason to Avoid Acetomenophen for Children

    I was reading the newest issue of Parents Magazine (March 2012) and they had an interesting little article in there about how acetominophen could increase the chance of athsma symptoms.

    "research suggests that acetomenophen reduces the body's level of glutathione (a molecule that helps decrease inflammation in the bronchial tubes), causing irritation for kids who have sensitive lungs". Dr. John T McBride - Akron Children's Hospital, Ohio.

    The article goes on to say that although there still needs to be more research done there is enough evidence for parents to give iboprofen instead (for children 6 months and older and under a DR's recommendation if under 2years old).

  • #2
    Wow...I have always given tylenol to my daughter because once, when she was a toddler, she threw up ibuprofen. I figured the tylenol was gentler on her tummy. She is 9 and has not been diagnosed with asthma (yet ), but she has had bronchiolitis several times since school started and she has just gotten off her neb again. She did not take tylenol constantly, but occassionaly for fever or headaches (this school year she was having headaches and tummy aches alot). This has me wondering......


    • #3
      Yes, it's got me wondering too about a dcg that I had. She was "teething" and always had a wheezing cough, by the time her parents scheduled an appt. it would be gone. I'm wondering now if maybe they were giving her tylenol for the teething which could have been causing the wheezing. I wish they would post the research information.


      • #4
        I've ALWAYS given Ibuprofen. For some reason I've just always associated bad stuff with acetomenophen. My youngest has only had acetomenophen a handful of times - once when he had a HORRIBLE fever after getting his one year shots (plus developed an ear infection and had a horrible diaper rash) so I was alternating ibuprofren and acetomenophen to keep his fever under control and again just recently as he had tubes put in his ears on Tuesday and they told us no Ibuprofen 10 days before surgery as its a blood thinner. Even then for those 10 days he only took acetomenophen once - he was still having ear issues and instead of putting him on an antibiotic AGAIN the doc just suggested we use ibuprofen/acetomenophen as needed until his surgery. This is scary though that it may contribute to asthma symptoms!

