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I Am No Longer Doing Centers

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  • I Am No Longer Doing Centers

    One of my biggest struggles with starting my in home was trying to do centers with a variety of ages. I don't like having to keep them seperated because I think the different ages can learn a lot from each other. I have "areas" set up around my playroom such as the kitchen/drama area, block area, reading, dollhouse, cars etc. but I spend the majority of my morning trying to teach the kids to STAY and keep the toys in there designated areas. This was a big rule in the center I used to work were NEVER allowed to mix toys up! Today I had the large cardboard blocks in the block area and could not get the kids to stay there and build with them. So I sat down and just watched...this is what I saw...

    My 1 year old picked them up one by one and stacked them in the barbie house till the whole house was full, my 18 month old carried them to the top of the climber and slid them down the slide and just laugh as he watched them do this, my 2 year old put one in the stroller and pushed it around like a baby. I was quite entertained by watching them do this and honestly it was very relaxing because I wasn't chasing them around barking the rules at them. When it got to the point that they were all laying around and no one was playing with them then I asked them to help me pick up, which they did, and then the creative block play started all over again. This kind of play would NOT have been allowed in the very structured center that I worked at but I saw more learning involved by letting the kids be creative and come up with their own way of playing with the blocks. I will still continue to have toys organized in their areas but as long as the kids help to pick them all up at the end (which they are great !) then they get to do what they want. The day was so much more enjoyable and I didn't have any fights today either! Well, that was me on my soap box as to why I love doing in home now instead of working in a center
    Last edited by Michael; 02-13-2012, 05:21 PM.

  • #2
    Originally posted by iheartkids View Post
    One of my biggest struggles with starting my in home was trying to do centers with a variety of ages. I don't like having to keep them seperated because I think the different ages can learn a lot from each other. I have "areas" set up around my playroom such as the kitchen/drama area, block area, reading, dollhouse, cars etc. but I spend the majority of my morning trying to teach the kids to STAY and keep the toys in there designated areas. This was a big rule in the center I used to work were NEVER allowed to mix toys up! Today I had the large cardboard blocks in the block area and could not get the kids to stay there and build with them. So I sat down and just watched...this is what I saw...
    My 1 year old picked them up one by one and stacked them in the barbie house till the whole house was full, my 18 month old carried them to the top of the climber and slid them down the slide and just laugh as he watched them do this, my 2 year old put one in the stroller and pushed it around like a baby. I was quite entertained by watching them do this and honestly it was very relaxing because I wasn't chasing them around barking the rules at them. When it got to the point that they were all laying around and no one was playing with them then I asked them to help me pick up, which they did, and then the creative block play started all over again. This kind of play would NOT have been allowed in the very structured center that I worked at but I saw more learning involved by letting the kids be creative and come up with their own way of playing with the blocks. I will still continue to have toys organized in their areas but as long as the kids help to pick them all up at the end (which they are great !) then they get to do what they want. The day was so much more enjoyable and I didn't have any fights today either! Well, that was me on my soap box as to why I love doing in home now instead of working in a center
    This is us! Every toy has a specific home/container/drawer and MUST be put away in it's correct home when they clean up (I don't clean up, I just supervise). But what they do otherwise is up to them.

    I do not allow throwing toys and a few other rules, but for the most part, they can be as creative as they like. I don't like telling a child that they can only play with THESE blocks on THAT table and can't mix them up with any other toy.


    • #3
      We have areas in the playroom but I have no problem with the kids making up their own games and helping clean up at the end of the play time. Otherwise it is just too much work trying to keep things separate and really, it is not fair to the kids to insist that blocks are just for building towers, nothing else. blocks can be doll furniture, play food and a million other things.


      • #4
        centers.... areas.. what ever you want to call them I use them BUT those childcares that limit childrem are not doing those kids any favors. of course your doll needs to ride in that truck. and yes you need to go make a picnic for the house you just made of blocks.
        THAT is how preschoolers learn.
        It:: will wait


        • #5
          that is pretty much how we play here... my playroom LOOKS like I have centers but if you are here during free play time you would see much the same as you described - they mix and match things any way they want as long as they are using their imagination and playing nice and sharing I couldn't ask for anything more. My group is young too (very rarely over age 3) and having things stay in their "center" just doesn't work for this age group.


          • #6
            I have it that way too except I don't let them put toys in the reading area (I do have some board books in the house area so they can read to dolls) but I like to keep the reading area as a quiet/clutter free area.

            I also have table toys that must stay at the table.


            • #7
              yay! I am glad you figured that out!

              Mine are not good cleaner-upers, so I have the same situation as you, but don't have as many toys out as I'd like. I have 3 under 2, though, so they will eventually get it...


              • #8
                My children pretend that the wooden blocks are "brownies" and other food items. They usually are paired with the kitchen items (plates, silverware, play food, pots, pans). I haven't seen them build things with their "brownies" in awhile.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by iheartkids View Post
                  One of my biggest struggles with starting my in home was trying to do centers with a variety of ages. I don't like having to keep them seperated because I think the different ages can learn a lot from each other. I have "areas" set up around my playroom such as the kitchen/drama area, block area, reading, dollhouse, cars etc. but I spend the majority of my morning trying to teach the kids to STAY and keep the toys in there designated areas. This was a big rule in the center I used to work were NEVER allowed to mix toys up! Today I had the large cardboard blocks in the block area and could not get the kids to stay there and build with them. So I sat down and just watched...this is what I saw...

                  My 1 year old picked them up one by one and stacked them in the barbie house till the whole house was full, my 18 month old carried them to the top of the climber and slid them down the slide and just laugh as he watched them do this, my 2 year old put one in the stroller and pushed it around like a baby. I was quite entertained by watching them do this and honestly it was very relaxing because I wasn't chasing them around barking the rules at them. When it got to the point that they were all laying around and no one was playing with them then I asked them to help me pick up, which they did, and then the creative block play started all over again. This kind of play would NOT have been allowed in the very structured center that I worked at but I saw more learning involved by letting the kids be creative and come up with their own way of playing with the blocks. I will still continue to have toys organized in their areas but as long as the kids help to pick them all up at the end (which they are great !) then they get to do what they want. The day was so much more enjoyable and I didn't have any fights today either! Well, that was me on my soap box as to why I love doing in home now instead of working in a center
                  I work in a center, and have that same issue at times. I pretty much let them carry the toys to other centers, but with limits. Nearly all my toys are sets of small things, i.e. play food, little people, animals, etc. as opposed to larger, one-of-a-kind toys. So if I just let them mix everything together, "toy soup" is one of their favorite games , I'd have a horrible mess everyday. I just use my judgement - the three-year-olds and new kids arent allowed to carry toys out of centers until they can clean up reasonably well. My fours and fives always do it, to play their wildly imaginative games, and they know they will be responsible for cleaning up.


                  • #10
                    I have areas and when its clean up time everything has a home, but what they do with it during play is up to them. Today, they were crazy with my little ponies, they lived in this doll barn and so did all the hot wheel cars. I find that they love to go shopping alot and fill their shopping carts with "stuff" I like watching them make up games, discover new things to do with the stuff, thats what children should be doing, enjoy being a kid.
                    Hmm, I should take my blocks out tommorrow, my own kids love them.


                    • #11
                      I really didn't mean to come off as all centers are like that, but I worked with one perticular anal teacher. My daughter was basically raised there, which I am very greatful for being able to take her to work with me, but I feel like her creativity was kind of hindered because the Preschool lead teacher was a VERY "follow my directions with this art project" kind of teacher. When she went on to school she would get so upset in art class because her picture didn't turn out right or if I bought her one of those art kits she would make the product EXACTLY like the example on the box. We would go rounds about it. Now that she is older she is becoming more confident in her creative ability and it is so nice to see! Plus nowadays kids just don't "want" for anything anymore. When I look back on my childhood (I didn't go to preschool, it just wasn't the norm back then) I was a very creative child. I didn't have a basket full of play food and and dollhouse full of furniture. I had to PRETEND a lot of stuff! I used kleenex boxes and shoeboxes for furniture and baby beds, I DREW food on paper and used that when I played restaurant. I came up with creative play ideas based on what old stuff my parents had laying around the basement. We had tons of old books so I played library a lot. And my mom had a lot of old clothes in garage sale boxes...there was my dress up clothes. Of course I want to offer the kids in my care a lot of options and variety in toys but when they do decide to use a toy for something different I'm want to encourage that. As long as they are respecting them and helping to clean up.

