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What Do You Do The Night/Morning Before To Get Ready?

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  • What Do You Do The Night/Morning Before To Get Ready?

    I'm trying to find things I can do ahead of time to make me more efficient. I just feel like most days I don't get to spend as much time enjoying and interacting with the dcks as I'd like because I'm always prepping, cleaning or do something to keep on top of everything.

    What are some things you get ready or do the night before or in the morning before the dcks start arriving that help you utilize your time better during the day?

    So last night I just made sure all the older kids' water bottles were full and filled the baby's bottles with water so they'd be ready for formula in the morning.

  • #2
    I make sure everything is stocked-diapers,wipes,paper towels,toilet paper,etc.
    All toys picked up.I have everything that I can prepped for meals.Bottles made and cups filled for the littles. Check all emails and phone messages(cause who knows when I'l get a chance to respond to those.Make sure paperwork is all up to date,vacuum and that's about all.


    • #3
      really nothing, except a clean house. If my house is clean I really don't have too much to worry about in the morning.


      • #4
        I do my best to keep the house clean, but of course my DH and I sit down and watch a movie after our kids go to bed, so there's always dishes or something I have to do the morning before.

        I do my bookkeeping right after the last child leaves on MMK, then I make sure all of the kids' linens are in their place, have a fresh bag for diapers, remix the bleach solution, and put away the toys.

        I don't think you'd be able to have everything prepped when you do in-home daycare, because you live in your home, but those are the things I do. It's better to scramble with a little bit of cleaning IMHO than it is to scramble doing the little regulation things that can pile up.


        • #5
          This is one of the (many) things I envy about home daycare providers. I hit the ground running in the morning because my class is already there, and there are still a few there when I leave. And we have no cook, no maintenance staff, etc., we have to do it all you can imagine what my day is like.


          • #6
            Since my prograam is a little different than most I will resond in two parts.

            Part one: usuualy days AKA school days, I start with a clean house and I have snack preped and most of my families dinner preped before starting the lick ups.

            Part two: Summer and full days, I start with a clean house, I have brakfast/ morning snack prepped, and a s much of lunch as possible, I have the craft for the day preped and I have what ever is needed for the field trip ready.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Zoe View Post
              I do my best to keep the house clean, but of course my DH and I sit down and watch a movie after our kids go to bed, so there's always dishes or something I have to do the morning before.

              I do my bookkeeping right after the last child leaves on MMK, then I make sure all of the kids' linens are in their place, have a fresh bag for diapers, remix the bleach solution, and put away the toys.

              I don't think you'd be able to have everything prepped when you do in-home daycare, because you live in your home, but those are the things I do. It's better to scramble with a little bit of cleaning IMHO than it is to scramble doing the little regulation things that can pile up.
              Sounds like us, we get so little time together right now we usually try to watch tv or something in the evenings and it is a rare night when the dishes are put up before I get up and do it in theam.


              • #8
                I try to get up and take out the trash, sweep, vaccum if needed and straigten up my kitchen/dishes/enjoy some coffee and my breakfast with the news before the kiddos come in the am.

                In the evening, I try to make sure all the daycare toys are put up and the room is sectioned off from our dogs, diaper trash is out and that is about then I am bushed!


                • #9
                  In the evening I sweep, put away dishes, empty all trash cans, get the house completely ready so in the morning I can relax and have that much needed second cup of coffee. When kids arrive I grab a tote of toys, dump them out and start playing.


                  • #10
                    In the morning before kids arrive I prep morning snack and pour cups.

                    In the evening I make sure the kitchen is clean, the floors swept and the bathroom wiped down. I set out clothing for my own kids, make their school lunches and put out the unspoilables for breakfast the next day. I preset the coffee maker.

                    Before all the kids leave in the late afternoon we clean up the playroom and vacuum the areas used for daycare. They read books until they are picked up.

