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Weekend Care

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  • Weekend Care

    Anyone who has experience with weekend care, what do you charge?

    I have a parent who's job just changed and she has to work one weekend day a month. On this week she would get Monday, Tuesday off. She wanted to know if I would be willing to watch her occasionally on that weekend day if she couldnt find anyone else.

    I told her I would think about it and get back to her.

    Now my stipulations would be I wont do anything before 8am on a weekend day and she usually picks up between 4 and 430. I would prefer to charge a daily rate rather than per hour. She will be 2 next week but talks like a 3yr old and is pretty much a breeze. Only thing is that she is one of those that absolutely needs a 2.5/3hr nap at noon otherwise she is an absolute bear.

    I normally get 185 a week for her m-f 6am-430pm. Not sure what I should charge her for the one weekend day. I dont mind doing it on an emergency basis, but want to make it a significant enough money where it detours from her always asking me. Also I am not sure why she told me she would have monday and tuesday off thos weeks, if she was planning on keeping her home those days that she has to work the weekend day. Normally she brings her wether she has to work or not.

    What do you think is fair?

  • #2
    I watch one boy every Saturday. He is only here five days a week, and his day off during the week varies because his mom's retail schedule varies. He's often only here three days or four days in the week because of how both parents' schedules fall. For this, I don't charge any extra at all.

    In your case, I might just tack on an extra day, or day + $10 or $15.
    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


    • #3
      I might do it for the same cost per week. This way you are paid double for the Saturday...which is prime time, IMO, for needing childcare and should be charged at a premium.


      • #4
        I have two like Silver's. One mom works retail, so she works almost every Sat and Sun. I just charge her for 5 days, and most weeks I don't have her but 4, but I do not work on Sunday. Well, I have actually kept her on Sunday a few times when she was in a huge bind. But I told her I won't do it regularly or often. The other is on call 6 days a week, which means I am too. But, every other weekend dcg stays with her grandma. I don't think either of these mom's has ever used me for 6 days in one week.

        My PHB says that my rate is for 5 days. If they need 6 days, I'm available, but it's $30 a day. I probably wouldn't charge Mom #1 because she would only ask if she was desperate, but I would charge Mom #2, because she's a "give an inch, take a mile" person.


        • #5
          please make sure it doesn't cut into your "ME" time though. If saturdays are important to you and ur family, I wouldn't suggest it, especially for just one child.

          but, if ur ok with it..and ur family is ok with it...go for it. get that double pay like anne had already mentioned. good luck!


          • #6

            I like the double pay idea. And I already know I am not agreeing to every weekend she needs me. She has to ask at least 2 weeks ahead of time and I will let her know yes or no.

            Some of my dcks i would say "NO" but this one she is almost like one of the family so there isnt anything family wise where I feel like she is intruding.


            • #7
              I am always open Saturdays and second shift and the rate is exactly the same as a weekday.
              I see little people.

