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Anyone Elses Kids Going Absolutely Bonkers??

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  • Anyone Elses Kids Going Absolutely Bonkers??

    My kids have been really out of wack today. This group I have right now has never acted like this. Hitting, constant screaming, running, annoying each name it.

    Three of them ran past me with a puzzle chasing each other all over the whole upstairs. I couldn't even say anything, i was so shocked and i have been correcting them nonstop for the past four days.

    I'm getting another job, Im basically waiting on them to tell me to start so I can give notice. Maybe they can feel it...

    I made a conscious effort not to act any differently and i dont feel that i have, but maybe i am and can't tell.

    I just know I'm glad tomorrow's Friday...

  • #2
    Will you be leaving us-. I always get sad when someone leaves the forum. Its like a friend you never get to talk to again.
    Each day is a fresh start
    Never look back on regrets
    Live life to the fullest
    We only get one shot at this!!


    • #3
      Originally posted by Country Kids View Post
      Will you be leaving us-. I always get sad when someone leaves the forum. Its like a friend you never get to talk to again.
      Nope! Its another center, hopefully better run. I love my kids, but I can't deal with the drama and blasé way that we operate any longer.


      • #4
        Mine sure have been and this week has been soooo long...I too am glad tomorrow is friday although the last hour to hour and a half of the day I am so over it, they are yelling and being defiant, fighting over everything..and it's getting colder around here so we can't even be outside as much as I like when it's nice, just to get out of the house and have more space to play and be free!

        Good luck with the new place!


        • #5
          My kids have been crazy also. And I have one with a dry hacking cough. I can't stand to listen coughs all day long. I feel bad because she can't help it but OMG!!!!!


          • #6
            Mine were possessed with demons and/or insane, provider-hating clients yesterday. Quite possibly the single worst behavior day I've ever had from the 4 and 5 year olds ever. By 4:30 the playroom was shut down and so was everything else with them spending the last hour sitting in a row waiting for moms and dads to come. Before that they had lost multiple toys and activities and the highlight of the day was a DCB blowing into his milk glass at lunch and spraying it all over my dining room, the other kids and himself.


            • #7
              Full or almost full moon all this week ~ mine have been just crazy! T.G.I.F.!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Hunni Bee View Post
                My kids have been really out of wack today. This group I have right now has never acted like this. Hitting, constant screaming, running, annoying each name it.

                Three of them ran past me with a puzzle chasing each other all over the whole upstairs. I couldn't even say anything, i was so shocked and i have been correcting them nonstop for the past four days.

                I'm getting another job, Im basically waiting on them to tell me to start so I can give notice. Maybe they can feel it...

                I made a conscious effort not to act any differently and i dont feel that i have, but maybe i am and can't tell.

                I just know I'm glad tomorrow's Friday...
                It's February......


                • #9
                  Oh yes mine have been off the wall this week!!!!
                  Lots of fighting.
                  Try to do an activity and it turns into a fight.
                  Try to do free play and it turns into a fight.
                  Try to change diapers and they start fighting.
                  Everything has turned into a fight.
                  They are all sick with colds and very tired this week. So no preschool program the past couple of days the kids didn't want to do it anyway. No activites done we have just been sitting around reading stories and watching movies as this seems to calm them down. I really don't watch tv but these past few days have been crazy so I say yay for tv because it has saved me!
                  I think I have said Hands to self and What are friends for a gazillion times this week! Glad when everyone is healthy again.


                  • #10
                    My mom said a full moon can affect kids behavior, I am not sure but my kids have been insane all week too! They have ripped books, peeled paint off my walls, knocked each other down, etc.
                    I like the lining them up and sitting waiting for mom idea!
                    I will probably end up doing that today.


                    • #11
                      Its like they're so extra wound up. If we're walking somewhere, they have to run, jump, push each other down. If they sing, they have to scream. If they're playing, they're arguing every five minutes. They only thing that hasn't broken down is nap (thank heaven).

                      So glad it's Friday.


                      • #12
                        Mine were fine on Friday. Of course I answered the door Thursday night with a glazed look in my eyes and stern requests that everyone talk to their children that night about listening or they might need a new DCP on Monday. I do believe I told most of the parents it was my single worst workday I have ever had along with a short list of the highlights of my day. That seemed to get the point across. Most of the kid's apologized the second they got in the door on Friday.

