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Omg it worked!!!

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  • Omg it worked!!!

    I could not do the crying any more with this DCB so I put him in the PNP, grabbed the fan my son uses in the summer, cranked it on high (away from him) and 5 minutes later he is out like a light.

    THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, ladies for all your help.

    Now hopefully it works this afternoon too.

  • #2
    yipeee! happyfacehappyfacehappyface


    • #3
      New DCG that started here this week came with her own white noise machine. SOOOOOO glad the parents sent one because apparently this baby has never slept without it.

      Glad it worked out for you!


      • #4
        my kids are older and they fall asleep with the tv on (well we have them timed) but they all had the noise machines too. But my kids can sleep thru anything, I wonder if its because they are use to noise. I had to vacuum puke one very early morning and not one of the girls woke up, they even slept thru the tornado that went thru our backyard (unfortunatly I am not lucky and can never sleep at night)


        • #5
          thats great! some kids get just so overstimulated that crying is soothing to them because it blocks out other stimulation....provided something besides crying works really really well. heck, I even like to sleep with white noise or music


          • #6
            Well no such luck this afternoon. oh well, try again tomorrow.

