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Food Issue

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  • Food Issue

    I'm logged out for privacy....
    dcm tells me this morning she doesn't want 18mo dcb having an afternoon snack any longer. She thinks it will help him eat dinner better. Lunch is at 1pm- she doesn't pick up until after 5:30- I think this is crazy! He's been fussy at dinner and she's blaming my food schedule. But he's been fussy here too and it's because he's just teething and being a fussy toddler. Am I even allowed to withhold food this long? I won't. What the heck? This is ongoing micro-manage controll issue mom. I need support, urrrrggghh.

  • #2
    Are you on the food program? Just curious.

    Either way, he needs to eat. Her idea that he isn't eating dinner because he has had snack is rediculous. I would have her discuss her concerns with her pediatrician and they shold be able to give her some heads up or at least some education about what toddlers eating patterns are.

    I would simply tell her that you are sorry but your licensing requires ALL children be offered meals/snacks according to your meal schedules.

    This concept is as strange as parents who think keeping their toddler up all day will help them sleep at night.....:confused:


    • #3
      Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
      Are you on the food program? Just curious.

      Either way, he needs to eat. Her idea that he isn't eating dinner because he has had snack is rediculous. I would have her discuss her concerns with her pediatrician and they shold be able to give her some heads up or at least some education about what toddlers eating patterns are.

      I would simply tell her that you are sorry but your licensing requires ALL children be offered meals/snacks according to your meal schedules.

      This concept is as strange as parents who think keeping their toddler up all day will help them sleep at night.....:confused:
      No not on the food program. I'm really annoyed because I serve healthy balanced meals and snacks. Pm snack is a great time to catch up if they didn't eat well at lunch. Come to find out the dinner he didn't eat was rice and fish!! Yuck, who likes that anyway. I did say all of this this morning to her. (except the yuck fish part )


      • #4
        "Sorry, DCM, Witholding food is against regs. Maybe you should start taking him for an evening walk or a quick trip to the park to help him work up a great appetite. I have heard it works wonders "
        - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


        • #5
          I would still use the licensing rules as a reason why you cannot withhold food from her child. Parents cannot give you permission to do the wrong thing.

          Maybe print something off of here for her to read up on...

          I would also maybe keep track of what and how much he eats during the day with you so you can show her that his snacks/meals at your house have nothing to do with his habits at home.

          That whole concept by her still has me shaking my head...


          • #6
            If the child is in attendance at 330pm (or whenever you serve snack), it is offered. I can't withhold but he can decline.

            If you are worried about him not eating dinner, you can: A.) Pick up earlier, B.) Eat dinner later, or C.) Attempt to boost his appetite like physical activity.


            • #7
              This is mom who wants me to deny the binky here so she can give at home btw- I've posted about that a while back.

              I thought about just giving food and leaving it off his report but I don't like being dishonest. I feed my own baby whenever, if he won't eat dinner then he has a bed time snack. I don't stress about it.
              I will blame the regs. Thanks


              • #8
                ugh, that is a tough situation to be in.....especially when it sounds as though this mom wants you to participate in making her parenting be as easy as possible. I would have to tell that is a game you want no part of.

                I would go with the licensing rule as well. I bet there is no way she would call licensing and say, "Hey, my provider will NOT stop feeding my kid like I asked her too." ::

      ! ... some times the things we have come across our way just make me wonder and go


                • #9
                  I am not registered with the state, but I think that is AWFUL!!!
                  I would still offer it to the child, if they eat it great, if they don't, oh well.
                  I would never give in to that request.


                  • #10
                    I was thinking about this some more..:confused:.

                    If lunch is at 1, nap would be about 2-4, then snack at 4-4:30, right?

                    Maybe THAT is her issue? How LATE snack is served vs. it being served. :confused:

                    Most providers I know of serve lunch from 11-12 so snack is around 3-3:30.

                    Maybe by moving lunch back a bit the problem would be solved without much trouble? It may even help with future clients... I do know my clients would be upset if I did snack after 4pm... They typically eat dinner between 5:30-6:30.
                    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.

