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Who Has Husband As Partner

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  • Who Has Husband As Partner

    Ok so I really want hubby to quiet his job to stay with me to do this buissness. Who does this and how well does it work out:}

  • #2
    I do this and it really depends what kind of personality he has.
    Will he be willing to follow your lead?
    Will he goof off doing other things and leave you with all the work?
    It's awesome to have a man around, especially during interviews and when things break and my dh is really good with the kids but it took years for him to finally "get it" this is a real job and to learn how to be professional.

    There are a lot of advantages... you don't have to worry about paying employment taxes and you know he will never be late showing up to work!::::::

    The disadvantage... sometimes they want to change the way you do things and throw off your groove... so just really think about it.
    Last edited by Michelle; 02-05-2012, 10:01 PM. Reason: spelling


    • #3
      My hub is my "assistant" on paper but not my business partner, he has work in the evening and helps me out during the day if I need him like with lunch and obviously with our kids....but he has to want to do it and you have to think about how you will tell the parents, obviously some parents will automatically get turned off by the idea of another man (not my personal opinion) in the house Witt their children, but it is great to have my husband around during the day....


      • #4
        I've had it both ways. There's definitely pros and cons to it.

        CONS: Personally, I'd rather my husband be working outside the home. I don't like all of our income tied to one job and I really don't like paying over $900 to CalCOBRA for health insurance. Right now, my dh is on unemployment for a few more months, then everything will be on my shoulders. If you count the years as a teen babysitter, mother, and daycare provider - I've done this job for 45 years, I really don't need my dh telling me how to do my job. I get ticked off when he's sitting on the sofa watching reruns of Law & Order or playing with MY Kindle while I'm trying to get lunch, do laundry, etc and the boys are fighting.

        PROS: I don't have to run errands if I don't want to. He's great about driving to pick up the older kids from school. It's great to have an extra set of hands when we go on a field trip. He's great at helping the boys dress in the morning. He doesn't mind holding the new baby and giving her a bottle or entertain her. He's good about taking the boys out front to ride their bikes up and down the street.

        I like to have routines and it's hard when somebody else is underfoot.


        • #5
          My husband is my assistant on paper at the moment because he is on unemployment until April.nomg he is great with the children and my parents adore him. They all love Ryan as much as me. If he goes back in April I'll have to pay my sister 350 as my assistant. Is that a good amount? Thanks


          • #6
            You would see his obituary in the newspaper of our hometown if my hubby was here all day. I would kill him!


            • #7
              Originally posted by seebachers View Post
              You would see his obituary in the newspaper of our hometown if my hubby was here all day. I would kill him!
              Lol how funny:: I just hate to pay someone 350. But it might even out cause hubby makes good money.


              • #8
                Sort of. He is sort of retired, but he has a small business and is gone 3 days a week until about 1. Unless it rains, then he's at home. Since I'm open 6 days a week, he is here more than half the time. He doesn't help out much in the room, but the kids adore him. When he's home, they stand at the gate where they can see him and call to him. If we are home alone and they hear a noise outside, they all run to the gate and call him.

                His main help comes when one of the kids is having a bad day. He will pick them up (I have little ones) and talk to them. He is a genius with a crying baby. I swear, if this new baby is colicky, I'm going to demand that he stay home full time.

                He is my cleaner. The man loves to clean. I fix lunch, then I can just walk off and leave the mess. He cleans the kitchen and the high chairs and the floors. He saves me a ton of time every day. He also vacuums and makes the bed.

                He wasn't on my payroll last year, but he is this year.

                I have an advantage in that this isn't new territory for me. Except for the two years I taught school, we have worked together since we married in 1979. There have been random months that I stayed home and ran the farm, but at least 90% of the time, we worked together. We aren't sociable people and would rather be home than go out. So, we are generally together 24/7. People think we are really strange (and I guess we are), but it works well for us.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by seebachers View Post
                  You would see his obituary in the newspaper of our hometown if my hubby was here all day. I would kill him!
                  LOL, same here

                  He keeps threatening to 'retire' and become my assistant.


                  • #10
                    works well...most of the time

                    My hubby and I have been doing this together for more than 2 works well..I am the boss and he listens..I do think it is all in the personalities.. my husband is a big kid so that helps a lot..he can act silly and get down and dirty with the kids..I do more of the learning stuff..meal planning..discipline etc.


                    • #11
                      My husband has been working with me for 14 years. We work very well together and have a great relationship. It helps that we have the same philosophies of care/education/discipline, etc.

                      He does the book keeping, runs all of the errands, takes care of the playground, picks up all the dog poop, supervises outdoors, plays with the kids, etc. I take care of the indoor environment/play space and the planning for activities, meals etc. We work together with the children throughout the day.

                      It is important that you continue to treat it as a business, and that you're coworkers during the day. You nned to be able to count on him to not slack off just because he is at home, and you need to be able to leave any personal issues behind the bedroom door in the morning.....never discuss personal issues in front of the kids.

                      I can say, for us, it was the best business and family decision we ever made. If you can do it, and you think you can get along, I say go for it!


                      • #12
                        Wow! reading these posts really made me realize how much my dh really does.
                        He is on the roof right now fixing our leaking roof. happyfacehappyface
                        He is really awesome with the kids and he does drive the kids to and from school. I remember how hard that was when I didn't have his help.
                        We have awesome field trips together and he loves to read them stories with his cute voices and animated antics. He does playground duty and cleans ...sometimes. ::
                        If your husband is a big kid, then he will do fine.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by melissathayer28 View Post
                          Ok so I really want hubby to quiet his job to stay with me to do this buissness. Who does this and how well does it work out:}
                          Well, you can't tell him what to do but it is up to him if he would like to do business with you or not.

                          Personally, I don't want to be with my husband at home all the time to work with me and he might makes me nuts! Our marriage life are great, w love each other a lot. I just don't want to be with him all the time because I love to be an independent person. My husband is very awesome with my daycare kids and they love my husband. Also, my husband makes a good money at his job and he loves his job (he is a manufacturing engineer) and there is no way I want him to quit that job.


                          • #14
                            You do get some good tax benefits from it if you pay your husband in med insurance and benefits (covers the whole family). The work can be during or after hours and still qualifies to be paid in med benefits.

