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To Swing Or Not To Swing?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
    I have two swings. (used to have more but am down to 2). I have rules just like Silver. If you can get up on them, you can use them. NO ONE is allowed to push or pull anyone else on the swings. I will not lift up or down and I absolutely will not push you on the swings.

    I am slowly fading my swings out though because the kids just fight over them and I am seriously not getting 10 swings so....

    I am buying a geoclimber for the little ones. I had a big metal one for the bigger kids but don't take kids past Kindergarten any more so it had to go.

    The geoclimbers come in lots of different sizes for all the age groups. They are pretty reasonable priced and I think the kids would rather have one of them than to swing.

    I plan on buying through this company:

    Wow, those are reasonably priced!


    • #17
      Dang...I just convinced myself to get one of the small climbers this summer. We're already putting in a large (6 ft x 12 ft) sandbox. Might as well go all the way and add the climber, too!
      Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


      • #18
        Not to swing! I got rid of swings a LONG time ago. The kids ALWAYS walk into the kids that are swinging, they get knocked over, get hurt, etc. Way too many constant issues for me to deal with! Swings are not worth the hassle to me!


        • #19
          Love the dome climber!!!!! lovethis

          And the price? Totally doable.

          I am still not sure about adding swings. It doesn't help that my own ds (who was 14 mind you and old enough to know better!) broke both of his arms on a swingset at the park. Of course, we had no medical insurance at the time because dh had switched jobs and we were a month away from having it. Ugh.

          He's 19 now and I am STILL paying the bill from that!! ::


          • #20
            Originally posted by bbo View Post
            How very Montessori of you, Sabre! "when your body is ready......"

            My kids used to con strangers into pushing them on the swings once in a while. I am sure they were thinking "gee, what a lazy mom!"
            Why, thank you! I never thought of it that way... I made the rule because I *was* being lazy :: I was pregnant, tired of lifting them, and weary of the fights and arguments that arose from those children who didn't want to take turns (coughcough ALL OF THEM).
            Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


            • #21
              I have a playset with two swings and sould have a two seater but we put an infant swing in its place instead, it also has a slide on one side. Other items i have are ride ons, a little coupe car (need one or two more as they fight over it all the time), the roller coaster type ride on w track, a playhouse (used one a friend gave me), small and larger climber with a slide, toddler size castle climber w slide, bslls, table and chairs, picnic table, sand table, water tables, a used but new to us sanbox with lid (had a big digger arm thwt i didnt see the bucket was broken when i bought it so we had to take it off) thats big enough for a coupke of them to get in and play, lots of other random toys for sand and water/etc in storage containers and some mega blocks.

