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2:30 ughhs

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  • 2:30 ughhs

    Does anyone else get the 2:30 uggh's ? All the kids are at school except for my 4yo son and 6mo dcb. Son and baby are napping and I'm TIRED. I've tried everything I can thing of to shake it off. This has been happening for the last month or so..I'm dreading summer - having 7 kids and being this tired.

    Any advice about how to overcome this?


  • #2
    I know how you feel - I really dislike that time of day. Honestly, the only way I get through it is with some caffeine and a bit of chocolate:: Sit with my feet up for a few minutes, and mentally gear-up for the rest of the day...some days it takes a whole lot more will-power to prepare for the afternoon than others!


    • #3
      I'm that way from 2-4 every single day for as long as I can remember. I want the advice as well from everyone of "how to shake it". I have tried everything.

      Good luck!


      • #4
        I was to, then I downloaded a 10 minute workout, onto my itouch, I do that, then grab a diet coke and weight watcher chocolate. Listen to some music and read some scripture.... It has done wonders!!!


        • #5
          I use to be a 2-4 girl, but it's gradually shifted 12:30-2:30 because naps have shifted. Once I'm up and moving around I seem to shake the feeling, but some days I wish I could just nap with the kids ::


          • #6
            I've always been a 2-4 girl. Before this son and I would lay down in my bed and "watch cartoons" aka the backs of our eyelids . It's a hard shift to not napping with him now that I have dckids!

