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Naptime- What To Do For Early Risers

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  • Naptime- What To Do For Early Risers

    Naptime dilemma:

    14 month old is down to 1 nap a day. Previously sleeping 2-3 hours for that nap, when was 12 months old.

    Naptime is from 1-3. child wakes up crying everyday at around 2:00. What to do?

    Leave child in PNP and let them cry for the remainder of nap until they get the idea that naptime is 1-3?

    Go in and tell child to lay back down, nap is not over yet? (I am afraid this will make them cry louder and wake everyone up if they see me though).

    I dont want to set bad nap habits and have this 1 child only take 1 nap a day for 1 hour when everyone else is down for a solid 2-3 hours. Selfishly, yes it cuts into my down time for the day, but also the child is cranky after only 1 hour. What to do? Cry it out in PNP for the entire duration of nap?

  • #2
    Here are a couple Early Riser threads:


    • #3
      I had my 13 month old dcg wake up today before anyone else while I was still getting things done that needed to be taken care of before anyone was up. I let her fuss it out for a bit to see if she would go back to sleep while I peed, finished cleaning up, etc. It turned into a full out cry after a while and then shed stop and start up again. I just finished everything I had to do and then got her up. So not sure of the answer really but thats what I did today.


      • #4
        Also, everyone else has white noise where they nap so noone would hear anyone else.


        • #5
          My daycare kids all sleep in different rooms so not to wake each other up. Sometimes I have a girl that wakes up a little early. Luckily she does not cry just talks and plays in the crib and I wait until naptime is over. But its hard if there crying. I guess if you think they are still tired and they wont wake up any other kids it should be fine. If they start freaking out then I would go get them!


          • #6
            Stay on mat or in pnp until nap is over. If they are screaming I tough it out but my kids are separated. Better to wake a few for a week than to have someone get used to crying to get out of nap early. Not going to have my kids suffer b/c someone doesn't want to nap. And in my house, if you mess with nap (ie scream just to wake others, or intentionally wake others another way) you stay on mat much longer than the other kids, just to give you a good long opportunity to take a good nap ; )

