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In a Napping House, Where Everyone is Sleeping...

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  • In a Napping House, Where Everyone is Sleeping...

    Yep, that's my house today. All three daycare kids are snoozing away, both my kids are snoozing away, the house is quiet.

    It's the end of naptime for the dcks and I need to get a bottle warming for the baby. I need to get snack out and set up. Soon it will be time to swoop in and get the kids up, change diapers, take them potty. Give them snack and start dinner for my family after unloading the dishwasher while they eat. Clean up toys and keep working on laundry.

    But for now, this is a napping house, and everyone is sleeping. I am taking a little break, to sit back and enjoy the silence. To enjoy the peace and let my brain relax.

    This is the moment of calm, the eye of the storm of the day to day journey that is life. This moment where all is silent and it feels like the entire world is holding its breath, frozen in time, waiting.

    It's a wonderful feeling...even if it only lasted ten minutes.
    Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!

  • #2
    That's how it was for morning nap here. Now we need to get down for an afternoon nap as well. Everyone is getting cranky!


    • #3
      We HAD a nice nap, but now I'm listening to a 3 year old throw a hissy fit. I am HERE instead of THERE so I don't....never mind!


      • #4
        I like that book
        "God said, ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do.'"
        Acts 13:22


        • #5
          Originally posted by SilverSabre25 View Post
          Yep, that's my house today. All three daycare kids are snoozing away, both my kids are snoozing away, the house is quiet.

          It's the end of naptime for the dcks and I need to get a bottle warming for the baby. I need to get snack out and set up. Soon it will be time to swoop in and get the kids up, change diapers, take them potty. Give them snack and start dinner for my family after unloading the dishwasher while they eat. Clean up toys and keep working on laundry.

          But for now, this is a napping house, and everyone is sleeping. I am taking a little break, to sit back and enjoy the silence. To enjoy the peace and let my brain relax.

          This is the moment of calm, the eye of the storm of the day to day journey that is life. This moment where all is silent and it feels like the entire world is holding its breath, frozen in time, waiting.

          It's a wonderful feeling...even if it only lasted ten minutes.
          lovethis this!

          So poetic and something we can all relate to.


          • #6
            Originally posted by dave4him View Post
            I like that book
            I like it too. I had a boy that was scared by the illustrations though. Odd. But still a good book.


            • #7
              Love that book! They have a little video that has that story in it as well by the same name I believe. I rented it for the kids last month.

