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Hello All.....

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  • Hello All.....

    Been gone for a bit. Life has been a whirlwind of stuff happening -

    MIL passed away, FIL was in ICU for 2 weeks.

    Working on my Master's Degree is VERY time consuming, but worth it happyface

    3 student teachers are VERY time consuming (but I love em!)

    Interning/coteaching a college class on Wednesdays , great class, Curriculum and Interactions with Young Children, I LOVE it

    Planning and preparing to facilitate a weekend long conference is VERY time consuming, but I enjoy it

    Started homeschooling my 9th grade son, also VERY time consuming, but liking it so far

    Daughter at UCSC so been visiting Santa Cruz as much as possible

    But, I'm around and I miss you guys, so I'll pop in now and then to say hi.

  • #2
    HI mama!! we miss you, but understand you have more of a life than most of us so you are not here as much anymore....Ok i'll speak for myself...YOu have more of a life than I do...

    sorry to hear about your loss and troubles....Sounds like you have a lot of positive things working in your favor. Hopefully your family is well and your FIL health is improving...



    • #3
      Wow! Crystal, you have A LOT on your plate!!! First off, condolences for your loss... glad to hear though that FIL is doing a bit better.

      I am super excited that you are working on your Master's. That is the direction I am planning on going but it just isn't in the cards yet for me. Good for you though!!!! happyfacehappyface

      I knew you would pop in here and there, so rest assured that we won't forget about you when you are away!

      If I notice that too much time has passed before we hear from you though, I will send a search party to find you!!


      • #4
        Wow, your plate is full and spilling over! So sorry to hear about your MIL and FIL. Hope he's doing better now.

        Is it challenging to homeschool once they get to highschool age?


        • #5
          FIL is doing better. He has lost use of his legs, but otherwise is doing well and has actually quit smoking!!!!

          Yes, I have alot on my plate, but my life would not be quite right if I didn't!
          I truly enjoy all of the work I do, and hope that in time some of it will make a difference in the lives of providers and the world of ECE.

          AfterSchoolMom, I had never home schooled before, but my son was being bullied to the EXTREME and I couldn't allow it. The school could not guarantee his safety, so I pulled him and started homeschooling. It's actually fairly easy for me, and him, and it is giving him alot of time to pursue other, literature and art just to name a few. I think it will be very beneficial for him and I am now wishing I would have done it a long time ago.

          Thanks for your kind words's nice to know I was missed a little


          • #6
            You have been missed Crystal. I'm so sorry to hear about all the hard times and things happen in your family. It always happens all at once, doesn't it?

            And congrats on the masters work!! That must be fascinating but time consuming. I don't know how you do it. Please don't forget us.


            • #7
              Welcome back and so sorry for your loss. Glad your FIL is doing better.

              You are so very busy I don't know where you find the time for a Masters's program. Is this an online program or traditional program. I've thought about it, but wouldn't be able to go into a typical class program because of my own children. When do you find time to work on projects and assignments for your masters?


              • #8
                I was wondering where you went off to...thought you might be on vacation...Welcome back!! Sorry to hear about your MIL and's nice to hear he's doing better. Man I can't believe your plate. It's completely full!! Awesome your going for your Masters!!


                • #9
                  I'm sorry to here about the illnesses in your family. (((hugs)))

                  And I'm glad its all working out for your son being homeschooled!

                  I wish you lived closer to me...I would LOVE to take a class you were teaching!

                  I completely changed my whole program, curriculum, and the way I see things after talking to you on this a big THANK may not remember...but it started with a post about my kids obsession with the millions of toads in my yard..and you showed me how to run with it....and recommended some wonderful books....I've used emergent curriculum ever since, and will never turn back.

                  Be sure to pop in now and then! lovethis


                  • #10
                    I am working on my Masters through Pacific Oaks College. I am lucky that they started a cohort program in our area last spring. I go to school every two to three weeks on Saturday AND Sunday from 9a.m. -5p.m. In between I do A LOT of reading, writing, etc. I have been in classes since last January and will graduate May 2013. It is an incredible, life changing program and it is worth every minute (and pretty penny) that I spend on it. I do my assigments during naptime and in the evening.

                    MEYOU, I'll NEVER forget you guys!!!! lovethis


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by melskids View Post
                      I'm sorry to here about the illnesses in your family. (((hugs)))

                      And I'm glad its all working out for your son being homeschooled!

                      I wish you lived closer to me...I would LOVE to take a class you were teaching!

                      I completely changed my whole program, curriculum, and the way I see things after talking to you on this a big THANK may not remember...but it started with a post about my kids obsession with the millions of toads in my yard..and you showed me how to run with it....and recommended some wonderful books....I've used emergent curriculum ever since, and will never turn back.

                      Be sure to pop in now and then! lovethis

                      And, yes, I remember the toads VERY well! The class I am coteaching now is all about emergent fact we are using one of the books I recommended to you.


                      • #12
                        welcome back, Crystal! I feel like I am just getting to know you...

                        So sorry to hear about your family. I am glad FIL seems to be doing ok, though.

                        Tell me about the conference you're working on....

                        My son lives in Aptos now, and is attending Cabrillo College until he can transfer to one of the four year schools (USC you said, I think that's the one he wants to get in).

                        We have experience homeschooling. Both my oldest attended a virtual school for part of high school and got their diplomas from it. Not pure homeschooling, for sure. This semester, I am homeschooling my 5th grader. Currently using an "unschooling" approach, but not sure how long that will last. It's been 25 days, so I am just not sure yet.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by bbo View Post
                          welcome back, Crystal! I feel like I am just getting to know you...

                          So sorry to hear about your family. I am glad FIL seems to be doing ok, though.

                          Tell me about the conference you're working on....

                          My son lives in Aptos now, and is attending Cabrillo College until he can transfer to one of the four year schools (USC you said, I think that's the one he wants to get in).

                          We have experience homeschooling. Both my oldest attended a virtual school for part of high school and got their diplomas from it. Not pure homeschooling, for sure. This semester, I am homeschooling my 5th grader. Currently using an "unschooling" approach, but not sure how long that will last. It's been 25 days, so I am just not sure yet.
                          Thank you.

                          I am working on a conference that will be held in Tomales Bay March 2 and 3. About an hour and a half from Aptos/Santa Cruz area. We will be holding breakout sessions on a variety of topics, including emergent curriculum, nature based programs, transitional kindergarten, etc. I did this last year as well and it's a lot of fun, and in a great place! Unfortunately it is only open to programs that are local to our region at this time, otherwise I'd invite everyone's only $75 for lodging, meals and the conference!

                          Your son is only a few miles from where my daughter is. She is at UC Santa Cruz......great school, BEUATIFUL location! She is a cross country runner with a full ride.....we are very fortunate that she is going to a great school with little out of pocket from us.

                          I am still learning the whole homeschool thing, but so far I really like it. We'll see if we continue next year, but for now it was what I had to do to protect my son.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Crystal View Post
                            Been gone for a bit. Life has been a whirlwind of stuff happening -

                            MIL passed away, FIL was in ICU for 2 weeks.

                            Working on my Master's Degree is VERY time consuming, but worth it happyface

                            3 student teachers are VERY time consuming (but I love em!)

                            Interning/coteaching a college class on Wednesdays , great class, Curriculum and Interactions with Young Children, I LOVE it

                            Planning and preparing to facilitate a weekend long conference is VERY time consuming, but I enjoy it

                            Started homeschooling my 9th grade son, also VERY time consuming, but liking it so far

                            Daughter at UCSC so been visiting Santa Cruz as much as possible

                            But, I'm around and I miss you guys, so I'll pop in now and then to say hi.
                            I'm sorry for your loss! You sure are a busy lady! Just remember to make time for yourself! Even if only a bit each evening before bed, something for just YOU!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by PitterPatter View Post
                              I'm sorry for your loss! You sure are a busy lady! Just remember to make time for yourself! Even if only a bit each evening before bed, something for just YOU!
                              Thanks. And, I do! Just got back from the gym with my son, I talk to my Mom on the phone often and lay in bed and read a couple nights a week.

