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Does Anyone Have Cubbies?

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  • Does Anyone Have Cubbies?

    I want to order cubbies and want to get them from a company not home-made. If you have any certain brand or company can you please share your likes a dislikes?

    I'm in the COLD COLD north so we need space for boots, snow pants, winter jackets, and all that fun stuff during half the year.

    Do you have a bench on your cubbie or is it just straight up and down without a seating area? This is something I'm unsure about. I don't know if kids would actually use the seat and companies will always try to sell it by showing a picture of a child sitting on the seat to put on shoes but we all know they will sit on the floor first.

    If you don't have any cubbies, you can certainly share the website to your dream cubby and tell us why! I have a few days to think on this as i really need a better storage system than by 6 hooks on the wall.

    Also, what do you think any pro's and cons of this cubby would be?
    Last edited by Abigail; 01-25-2012, 02:47 PM. Reason: Added website

  • #2
    I just have a small cubbie shelf, it does not have the lockers in with it..I got mine at Lowe's for around $30 and I use it for their diapers, wipes and clothes and now Im also using it for toys too.. The link you posted looks like nice cubbies, if you have the space for it..and for what you need (room for the snow pants) it should work just fine. I would love something like that but do not have the space for it.


    • #3
      I have the exact cubbies in the link posted. My kids love them! I bought a plastic container for the top and they store there sheets and a smaller receiving blanket in them. Then on one of the hooks I have the recycle bags from toys r us and they store there extra clothes, gloves, hat, ect in them. Then they still have room to hang there coats on the other hook and shoes for the bottom. Oh and they slide there blankets under the coat and bag.


      • #4
        I have the one you pictured my only complaint was it could easily tip so it would have to be placed accordingly. Ok one more complaint. If your taking infants and allow diaper bags they will be easily reachable. Other than that I used it for many years till I needed a bigger one


        • #5
          OK, I'll tell you what I use, but don't anyone laugh, OK????

          I use those laundry sorters on wheels - the mesh ones. They come three to a grouping. They are roomy and VERY easily washable! They are airy (in case - oh NO - a wet mitten got thrown in!) and I've had kids stand on the bottom bars trying to reach things and they snap right back in place. They pull out easily for floor washing or moving around.

          And as you can see they are horribly expensive (9.95 for a three-group) at Wally World.

          I would like coat hooks somewhere separate (like near my door).

          The one thing that doesn't work well is that for the two year olds it is hard to reach their things that get down in, but I am usually helping them, anyway.

          One daycare I worked at had the cubes and hooks, but they were always a mess and things were always falling out of them.

          Here's one from Kaboodle that looks interesting!


          • #6
            I have the cubby shelves from Ikea. I then have a mesh square cubby box that fits in perfectly. To the left of that I have a really nice bar coat rack and attached to the top of it is my bulletin board full of kids pictures and weekly information.

            let me see if I can find a link


            • #7
              I have the kind without the upper shelf too, and I wish I had the ones you pictured. Even if they never used the bench, the upper shelf is nice for art work, notes to parents, and clothes to go home for washing. Then shoes can go in the bottom and not ruin the other stuff.

              I used to have two banks of these, which when I had 8 kids was great, because no one had to share. I put them in an L shape to create a sort of foyer. It was much easier to remove myself from the situation when a child acted up with their parent. I don't have room for 2 now, but I have a smaller group.

              It is nice when they don't have to share a cubby because there isn't really enough room, to be honest. Under our new Youngstar program, they have also told some providers that having the coats so close (like on hooks or in shared cubbies) is a hygiene issue, so it's just as well that they each have their own or share only with sibs.

              I don't know about the bench on this one, I have a seperate little bench for my toddlers, and a step for my pre-k's.


              • #8

                Browse our full range of products from bedroom furniture to complete modern kitchens and home accessories. Find the right IKEA product for you. Shop online and in-store today!


                • #9
                  You could contact Blackcat because her husband makes cubbies and other furniture. I also live in the cold north and I don't have cubbies. I have a coat room with lots (20+) hooks at various kid size heights, a shelf for gloves and hats, and a book tray. I also have 4 shelves up above child reach. From the lowest up they hold extra clothes for each kid, diaper baskets for each kid still in diapers, extra diapers and wipes, extra mats and sheets/pillows/blankets, anything else I need stored out of the way.
                  Celebrate! ::


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by bbo View Post
                    It is nice when they don't have to share a cubby because there isn't really enough room, to be honest. Under our new Youngstar program, they have also told some providers that having the coats so close (like on hooks or in shared cubbies) is a hygiene issue, so it's just as well that they each have their own or share only with sibs.
                    A hygiene issue? Really? Kids who play right next to each other all day long should have their coats separated? This just seems bizarre to me.
                    Celebrate! ::


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by lovelife View Post
                      I have the exact cubbies in the link posted. My kids love them! I bought a plastic container for the top and they store there sheets and a smaller receiving blanket in them. Then on one of the hooks I have the recycle bags from toys r us and they store there extra clothes, gloves, hat, ect in them. Then they still have room to hang there coats on the other hook and shoes for the bottom. Oh and they slide there blankets under the coat and bag.
                      Do you have a picture? Do you feel like it takes up a lot of space for the seating area? What color are you side panels? Did you have to put it together yourself? How old is yours?

                      Originally posted by DaycareMama View Post
                      I have the one you pictured my only complaint was it could easily tip so it would have to be placed accordingly. Ok one more complaint. If your taking infants and allow diaper bags they will be easily reachable. Other than that I used it for many years till I needed a bigger one
                      Did you have yours on an uneven surface or on carpet for it to tip easily? It seems really big and has a wider base so I don't imagine it would tip. I don't allow diaper bags for infants, only a bag that has just what you need for the day. I explain to parents they don't need supply a full diaper bag with extra clothes and toys and ointments or medicines if they need to go to grandma's or somewhere after daycare because I don't allow them or carseats in my home. Too much of a liability.

                      Originally posted by bbo View Post
                      I have the kind without the upper shelf too, and I wish I had the ones you pictured. Even if they never used the bench, the upper shelf is nice for art work, notes to parents, and clothes to go home for washing. Then shoes can go in the bottom and not ruin the other stuff.

                      I used to have two banks of these, which when I had 8 kids was great, because no one had to share. I put them in an L shape to create a sort of foyer. It was much easier to remove myself from the situation when a child acted up with their parent. I don't have room for 2 now, but I have a smaller group.

                      It is nice when they don't have to share a cubby because there isn't really enough room, to be honest. Under our new Youngstar program, they have also told some providers that having the coats so close (like on hooks or in shared cubbies) is a hygiene issue, so it's just as well that they each have their own or share only with sibs.

                      I don't know about the bench on this one, I have a seperate little bench for my toddlers, and a step for my pre-k's.
                      Yup, it's a "Best Practice" and that is why I want to get one now and one later when I need more. I have a huge daycare entryway just waiting for cubbies!


                      • #12
                        [B]Did you have yours on an uneven surface or on carpet for it to tip easily? It seems really big and has a wider base so I don't imagine it would tip. I don't allow diaper bags for infants, only a bag that has just what you need for the day. I explain to parents they don't need supply a full diaper bag with extra clothes and toys and ointments or medicines if they need to go to grandma's or somewhere after daycare because I don't allow them or carseats in my home. Too much of a liability.[/B

                        I had it on laminate flooring with and without carpet. The carpet was really thin like indoor outdoor.

                        I will have to measure mine. Maybe for some reason my base measurements weren't as wide? Maybe with it being older?? I will check and let you know


                        • #13
                          New Cubby Today

                          We got one like this delivered today. It well built (this is the exact one in the link) and big. On the heavy side, but moveable with two people, or one strong one. Just be careful when you get them delivered - they wanted to just drop it off in the front yard even though it was raining. - We had a hard time moving it in during daycare. Good thing one of my helpers is tough!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by View Post
                            We got one like this delivered today. It well built (this is the exact one in the link) and big. On the heavy side, but moveable with two people, or one strong one. Just be careful when you get them delivered - they wanted to just drop it off in the front yard even though it was raining. - We had a hard time moving it in during daycare. Good thing one of my helpers is tough!
                            I like that a lot! I've been thinking about going to something like that since my daycare has outgrown the cubbie system I have.

                            I have this one:

                            It gets crowded...I have 9 families and 16 siblings have to double up in the cubby trays and in the winter it is a nightmare with all the outerwear! The plus side is the colored trays hold extra clothes, etc and gives me a place to stick parent notes and take home items. In the summer it isn't so bad, but it would be nice for each child to have their own spot.

                            I used to have this bench under it:

                            Handy footlockers topped with a bench.

                            • Use with wall-mounted lockers or in the classroom
                            • Blue vinyl cushion included
                            • 5 storage cubbies
                            • Stationary
                            • Ships assembled
                            • Cubbies are 8-3/4"W x 14-1/2"D x 10-1/2"H
                            • 48"W x 15"D x 16"H overall
                            • Lifetime warranty

                            but they used it to reach cubbies, jump off of, lay on, etc. never for sitting on and putting on the shoes

                            What it comes down to is the number of kids you normally have, where you want it in your house and what the main purpose is going to be. Then find the piece that is right for you. I am partial to Jonti-Craft items myself but there are many good manufacturers out there. has some interesting modular items, but is more geared to centers space wise.

                            Good Luck!


                            • #15
                              I use the wooden crates from Michaels. I have them attached to the wall and each other. I had a hard time because they are under a window and the kids used to climb up to look out the window but they stopped finally!

