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Unregistered Daycare Clause

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  • Unregistered Daycare Clause

    Hello. I am looking for some quick advice. I am one home visit away from being a fully licensed daycare provider in my county. The licensor already came one time and says after a short followup visit, I will get my license. She is calling back Monday to arrange a time for the final meeting.

    The problem is that I have three families expecting to start on Monday. I have been stringing them around for a while because this stupid licensing process dragged out longer than I would have predicted.

    I fear telling them I will have to wait another week (maybe longer) and still have no definitive date of when the licensor will come back to tell them.

    Let me get to the point: There is a clause in the MN state law that says the following:

    There are certain exclusions to the licensure requirement. Under Minnesota Statutes, section 245A.03,
    subdivision. 2, the following child care situations are excluded from licensure:
    A. child care provided by a relative to only related children,
    B. child care provided to children from a single, unrelated family, for any length of time;
    C. child care provided for a cumulative total of less than 30 days in any 12-month period.

    We know and hear about the top two quite a bit (daycare for related kids and for a single family without a license). The other clause says you can provide unlicensed care for 30 days in a 12 month period.

    My question is, should I start my daycare Monday since I am confident I will be licensed by the time the 30 days is exhausted? Also, have any of you ever used this clause?

    Thanks for the help

  • #2
    I hate to be the bearer of bad news but from my understanding, the clause is specifically for people who have no intention of being licensed and are providing temporary care. (Temporary being the operative word there.)

    Your only legal option is to delay your families from starting.

    Have you tried calling the state to check the status of your license? What if it is in the mail and you recieve it in Monday or Tuesday's mail.....kwim?

    Sorry, I didn't fully read your post and see that you haven't actually had your final meeting with your licensor.....if I were you, I would follow the law and wait til you have license in hand before providing care. Sure would hate to have a bad mark against you before you even open. THAT could be cause for denial of a license all together.
    Last edited by Blackcat31; 01-20-2012, 02:24 PM. Reason: added info


    • #3
      I say call the licenser before she leaves for the weekend and ask HER opinion on that...


      • #4
        Originally posted by bbo View Post
        I say call the licenser before she leaves for the weekend and ask HER opinion on that...
        The licensor is terrible about getting back to me - typically days between any contact. Also, if the clause if only for people who intend to never be licensed, why isn't that emphatically stated in it? Obviously this is the interpretation of...who? Because without people saying that, and just reading the law for what it is, that is not implied at all.


        • #5
          Originally posted by bbo View Post
          I say call the licenser before she leaves for the weekend and ask HER opinion on that...
          Also, why can I not just say I am babysitting them for the week...

