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Client-Parent Paperwork Folder

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  • Client-Parent Paperwork Folder

    Getting my start up folders together. Besides what DCFS needs what other paper work should be in the folder.

    handbook, permission slips for photo, transportation, water and get to know you question sheet

    do you have a what to expect form if so what does it look like?

    Thanks for your help. Have someone coming to fill paperwork Monday!!!

  • #2
    My what to expect, my background, all of that is in my handbook.

    When I have a client come I have packets completed. They include the list you have above as well as a sample menu (about 4 weeks worth) and a schedule. I also introduce them to my weekly report sheet, although I don't give them a copy of that. Also included is a child information sheet which discusses the child's likes, dislikes, favorites, quirks, etc; I also have a separate contract for infants. I can't think of anything else that I have in my packet right off hand, and don't have time to look right now. I'll try to get at it later, but now...... have to go make the kiddos brekky!


    • #3
      In my packet that I keep I have:

      Emergency Contact card
      Immunization Records
      Signed copy of sick policy
      signed contract
      signed medical enrollment form
      permission to photograph
      permission to use Sun block
      A large over the counter checklist (wipes, baby powder, diaper cream...ect.)
      Signed Parents night out form, acknowleding the times and rules

      Additional forms for infants:

      Feeding schedule

      Parents packet recieved upon enrollment:

      Welcome page (logo, contact info, cute little poem i found)
      copy of contract
      copy of sick policy
      Daily schedule
      Parents night out info
      Sample menu
      Thinking about adding a page describing what our food program is

      Hope this helps

