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DCG Came In Today With A 'Zit' On Face

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  • DCG Came In Today With A 'Zit' On Face

    I have almost 3y old DCG and she has a pimple/zit like bump on her cheek. Never seen this in a child. She does have eczema so could it be because of that or something else?

  • #2
    Yes, I have seen honest pimples on preschoolers before. I have had maybe 3 or so kids throughout 20 years that literally had a huge whitehead on their faces. Typically it only happens once/twice per kid.

    As a daycare provider, you really should just leave it alone. It will either pop on it's own, the kid will pick it open, it will go away on its own, or the parents will pop it.

    However, I popped them myself! I couldn't stand seeing the things and I didn't want them to pop on their own or the kid picking it open and them getting the goop everywhere! But you should leave it alone.


    • #3
      okay good. Just wanted to make sure it wasn't something other than a simple pimple. thanks!


      • #4
        You *might* want to have mom take her to the doctor or call her doctor about it--see the boil thread around here somewhere. It could be something else, and since they aren't precisely normal in children that age, I would want it checked out just in case.
        Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


        • #5
          Worst case scenario would be Mersa sp??? Should get tested just to see. I don't know much about it, but I hear it's contagious & hard to get rid of.


          • #6
            I'd have the parents check it out with a doctor... It could be Hand Foot Mouth Disease or MRSA... Make sure it doesn't drain at all at your home... Sanitize just in case! I had a brother & sister with HFM Disease last year here and it was awful... They both had pimples on their faces and then when I looked in their mouths, they had blisters and bumps in their cheeks and throat. VERY contagious... Maybe peek in their mouth to be see. I also had the SAME girl come with MRSA but she had a boil on her butt cheek. Also very contagious.

            HOPEFULLY its just a zit... but I'd take precaution just in case its not.


            • #7
              Okay, she's napping now but I'll check when she wakes up. Luckily she isn't bothered by it and I've been making sure she's not touching it, which she hasn't yet that I noticed anyways.
              I did email her mom to suggest she take her to the doctor. I hope it's just a pimple, I'd hate for this spread through my house. Hopefully if anything since she isn't touching it and we wash hands alot it would be fine.

