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I Feel A Little Guilty ...

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  • I Feel A Little Guilty ...

    So this past Tuesday I asked a dcm for the day off since I was feeling under the weather. It was no problem because her mom can watch dcg.

    Yesterday my son who is 1 was acting off and sleepy, I informed dcm that he seemed like he was not feeling very good.

    Well, last night my daughter vomited twice - it was around 10 -10:30 p.m. so I didn't call dcp's to inform them. This morning when my daughter woke up, she said she felt great, and she looked great so I thought perhaps it was something she ate.

    I, my son and my daughter never ran a fever.

    I informed dcp's at drop off of the vomiting from my daughter from the previous night.

    Then, today @ 5:00 dcg vomits all over everything. I call mom to let her know and she comes to pick her up.

    I feel a little guilty that I didn't inform dcp's of the vomit incident before they dropped off.

    What would you have done?

  • #2
    I would have called her in the morning and given her the choice of coming or not.
    Celebrate! ::


    • #3
      Originally posted by MissChristie View Post
      So this past Tuesday I asked a dcm for the day off since I was feeling under the weather. It was no problem because her mom can watch dcg.

      Yesterday my son who is 1 was acting off and sleepy, I informed dcm that he seemed like he was not feeling very good.

      Well, last night my daughter vomited twice - it was around 10 -10:30 p.m. so I didn't call dcp's to inform them. This morning when my daughter woke up, she said she felt great, and she looked great so I thought perhaps it was something she ate.

      I, my son and my daughter never ran a fever.

      I informed dcp's at drop off of the vomiting from my daughter from the previous night.

      Then, today @ 5:00 dcg vomits all over everything. I call mom to let her know and she comes to pick her up.

      I feel a little guilty that I didn't inform dcp's of the vomit incident before they dropped off.

      What would you have done?
      the thing is, is that usually we are contagious before symptoms even surface. So don't feel guilty. Really, there are just some things that we can't avoid and this sounds like one of them.


      • #4
        You did nothing wrong. As PP said, everyone is contagious before symptoms even start. You kept the dcp's informed and let them make their own choices.

        My son started vomiting last Thursday. Nothing else accompanied it but I told the parents anyway. I kept DD home from school Friday because her throat hurt and I was convinced she was going to get the same thing as my son. She didn't, but ended up staying home another three days because she had strep!

        Now my DH is showing signs. It's a long and drawn-out process to go through all family members and daycare families. But that's how it is. Thankfully all of my dcp's understood (most of them are in the medical field anyway and probably bring home more germs than their kiddos!

        Don't worry about it.


        • #5
          Nothing wrong with what you did. You can never tell if a bug is going to stick around even with a 24 hour policy.

          My ds had a tummy bug on New Years Eve.

          My daycare kids came back on Tuesday.

          Wednesday one of my dcm calls to say dcg is vomiting....

          10 minutes later both my dd's were vomiting....

          2 hours later another dcm texts dcb is vomiting...

          Thursday closed...

          Friday all of us parents had the tummy bug!!

          It was lots of fun!!!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by Zoe View Post
            You did nothing wrong. As PP said, everyone is contagious before symptoms even start. You kept the dcp's informed and let them make their own choices.

            My son started vomiting last Thursday. Nothing else accompanied it but I told the parents anyway. I kept DD home from school Friday because her throat hurt and I was convinced she was going to get the same thing as my son. She didn't, but ended up staying home another three days because she had strep!

            Now my DH is showing signs. It's a long and drawn-out process to go through all family members and daycare families. But that's how it is. Thankfully all of my dcp's understood (most of them are in the medical field anyway and probably bring home more germs than their kiddos!

            Don't worry about it.
            I had a neighbor boy (now 17) whose only symptom of strep was throwing up. He never had a sore throat. Wonder if your son is one of those types of kids.


            • #7
              I never tell parents when my kids are sick unless it's something that requires quarantine at the recommendation of the doctors. So flu, no but chicken pox, yes.


              • #8
                i don't tell my daycare parents when I or my kids are sick/have been sick. It is just too much for them to be aware of every sniffle and cough. I take their kids when they are contagious on accident sometimes (you know, before it is clear that there is something going on) and likewise, they are accidentally around us some times when we are getting sick. its just the nature of all of us being together for 50 hours a week. sometimes their kids bring in something, sometimes its us....thats just life. I don't feel guilty because to be honest, the majority of the time it is the daycare kids bringing in stuff. If there was something serious going around, then yes, I would mention it.

