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Child Big for Her Age

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  • Child Big for Her Age

    I care for an almost 3 year old who is very big for her age. She is very clumsy and fast and does not know her own strength. She is constantly falling, and running into other kids, tripping over toys. She will fall and on the way back up will bang her head on something and fall again. Older kids are annoyed with her. Today she ran into my son (same age & small for his age) at the park and he just flew. I try to teach her to slow down and be gentle. I see a horrible accident waiting to happen to her or someone else. I do not think that I can take any children any smaller than her. She is a great girl, but I'm not sure what I can or will do about it. What would you do?

    By the way I can't figure out how to register?

  • #2
    Idk what I would do. Are her shoes to big for her? That could be a problem. I would say that you have to talk the parents...Maybe she cant see every well, and that is problem.. My 6 year old is very clumsy, but its do to her eyes. She isnt big for age or anything, but I jsut let her go and be a kid, we had lots of bruises and cuts and all, but nothing to major.

    Good luck


    • #3

      Her eyes may need to be checked. Her depth perception seems a bit off. I notice it when she uses her hands. Also, I'm sure the shoes don't help. They fit, but they are different everyday. In a year I've seen at least 50 diff pairs. That does not give her much time to get used to them. However, she has always been like this and we don't wear any shoes in the house, no socks for her for obvious reasons. Because of the weather we have just started going outside. I'm not too worried about my own son getting to beat up by it only the kids that are not mine. Thanks for your help!


      • #4
        I had a boy like that! I still have him, but he is older now and his height/weight have averaged out and he is more coordinated. He was a great kid and really tried hard to be careful so I just kept an extra eye on him and eventuall he out grew it!


        • #5
          I was big for my age and every one always thought I was older than I was. People expected more from me than what I was capable of for my age. Structured dance, gymnastics, soccer, that type of activity helps. Playing with graceful, intentional movements help, like carrying a tray with items on it or walking a line with a cup of water.
          I see little people.


          • #6
            I would try to get her to slow down and be more aware of her environment. Keep reminding her to walk and be careful. She could be a little ADD or something and that makes for clumsy people. My friends little girl was always big and scary. She would come after my daughter and look like Frankenstein, but that was just her way of playing. She got much better as she got a little older.


            • #7
              All good ideas. Another thing to consider is to cover your behind. Make sure the parents know on a regular basis that she falls, etc. And docuent a lot of those conversations. Then when she gets really hurt, you will have laid the foundation that you are not at fault.

