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Advise Please? Boil

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  • Advise Please? Boil

    DCB & DCG siblings always have some rash or pimples when they arrive on Mondays. Then as the week progresses they all fade away. I have come to just assume diapers aren't being changed as often as they should and work with them as best I can.

    Now Monday DCB arrives as usual redness and few pimples. What I thought was a pimple is now a full blown boil. It's so swollen and when I tried to wipe the poo away it opened and puss is coming out. It's very hard and red. Poor child startes to cry because it hurts so bad. I plan on telling DCM at pick up that it needs to be tended to but more important is a fear I now have.

    Sibling DCG had MRSA in the past (last spring) Now I worry it may not be a simple boil but he never had the MRSA. When DCG would get boils I told DCM she had to return with a note from the Dr stating it was not MRSA simply because of her history with it twice before. I don't have anything in my handbook/contract about boils so can I tell her she has to have DCB checked by a doctor before returning and bring a Drs note stating it is not MRSA? I know she will be mad. She always is when I ask for Dr notes. She doesn't want to take her kids to the dr she always says they are closed or they are on vacation , they cant fit her in etc. So I just want to be ready. How do I handle this? I have 4 others to worry about catching this IF it would be MRSA.

  • #2
    Does your handbook/contract say anything about open wonds?

    You could call your local health department and discuss the concerns with them and follow their advise. That way if they say you should have the

    parent get a doc. note you can say the on the recogmendation of the health department you need a doc note before returning to day care.


    • #3
      Originally posted by familyschoolcare View Post
      Does your handbook/contract say anything about open wonds?

      You could call your local health department and discuss the concerns with them and follow their advise. That way if they say you should have the

      parent get a doc. note you can say the on the recogmendation of the health department you need a doc note before returning to day care.
      Thank you for the reply!!

      Handbook doesn't mention open wounds.

      I told her about the boil and she just shrugged and said "ok". I explained how painful it was to have him in tears and he should have it checked even as a precaution in case of MRSA. She wouldn't even look at me or say anything else. She just stood there with her hands in her pockets staring at the wall while I zipped her kids coats. Mad I bet!


      • #4
        Ahhh i hate boils. I used to get them down there when I was little. Just had one on my thigh recently and my rear after I gave birth to ds! Ouchie!!! Poor kiddos.


        • #5
          Originally posted by PitterPatter View Post
          DCB & DCG siblings always have some rash or pimples when they arrive on Mondays. Then as the week progresses they all fade away. I have come to just assume diapers aren't being changed as often as they should and work with them as best I can.

          Now Monday DCB arrives as usual redness and few pimples. What I thought was a pimple is now a full blown boil. It's so swollen and when I tried to wipe the poo away it opened and puss is coming out. It's very hard and red. Poor child startes to cry because it hurts so bad. I plan on telling DCM at pick up that it needs to be tended to but more important is a fear I now have.

          Sibling DCG had MRSA in the past (last spring) Now I worry it may not be a simple boil but he never had the MRSA. When DCG would get boils I told DCM she had to return with a note from the Dr stating it was not MRSA simply because of her history with it twice before. I don't have anything in my handbook/contract about boils so can I tell her she has to have DCB checked by a doctor before returning and bring a Drs note stating it is not MRSA? I know she will be mad. She always is when I ask for Dr notes. She doesn't want to take her kids to the dr she always says they are closed or they are on vacation , they cant fit her in etc. So I just want to be ready. How do I handle this? I have 4 others to worry about catching this IF it would be MRSA.
          Wow Mom sounds like an a$$ boils can be very serious and at times be very simple. When they become BIG like the size of a quarter or bigger, red, hard, painful, and hot to the touch it NEEDS medical attention it is probably infected and needs antibotics to clear it up and NEVER sqeeze a boil she also needs to soak him in a very warm tub a couple times a day and put antibotic cream on it. I learned the hard way about boils had one on my chin one time squeeze it my face swelled twice the size got cellulits and a fever of 103 was in the hosptial a whole week on IV meds this mom needs to wake up and take care of this before it becomes serious.


          • #6
            EEEk... I had a little girl with MRSA boil on her butt last year. It was awful. I told the mom that she could not come to daycare until seen by her doctor and get a dr.'s note and get on her antibiotics. Also per my own policy she would have to stay home for 3 days and also until the boil was completely drained and not oozing whatsoever. She also had to keep the wound covered at all times. Since it was covered by a diaper, it wasn't so hard to conceal anyway. The mom understood and did what she needed to do. This little girl had a few MRSA infections in her 3 yrs of life already. The mom told me this AFTER the fact she had one here. Her baby brother ended up having MRSA too a few months later when they moved away. So I'm sure he got it from her.

            Make sure you clean and disinfect the bedding, your chairs, couches etc that the child may have come into contact with. Wash your hands as often as possible. MRSA is very contagious and not something you want spreading around. It can be very painful too. I knew a little girl once that my son went to preschool with that had one on her butt and her parents did not get it treated... it got really bad and she had to have the whole area of the boil basically removed and cut out. She had a hole on her little butt cheek and was extremely painful for her. Good luck


            • #7
              POOR KID!!
              Do they go to a different parent's home over weekends? Perhaps a different diaper is being used at home then at daycare. Many kids are actually allergic to Huggies brand.


              • #8
                Originally posted by lymemomma View Post
                POOR KID!!
                Do they go to a different parent's home over weekends? Perhaps a different diaper is being used at home then at daycare. Many kids are actually allergic to Huggies brand.
                No parents and kids all live together.


                • #9
                  I know not everyone is religious but those who are can you please say a prayer for this little boy? He is staying the night in the hospital now.


                  • #10
                    Oh my gosh? What happened?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Breezy View Post
                      Oh my gosh? What happened?
                      I don't want to go into all the details but basically DCB was brought back to daycare yesterday morn, DCM said he was fine. Then diaper change and he flipped. It was MUCH worse. I called her told her to call the dr and take him in. She finally came at pick up time and said the dr. office was closed so she would have to wait. I told her to take him to ER. She hesitated and so I snapped! I raised my voice at her and told her he needs to go to the ER NOW!!

                      I called her after dinner to see what the doctors said, she said he still hadnt been checked but they were at the ER now. She called me back at 11:30 last night to say they wont be here in the morning because DCB has a severe abcess, now has a fever and is on IV and they want him to stay. I was feeling bad earlier for raising my voice at her in front of the kids but she had to understand how serious it was! Now I thank God I snapped at her because if not she would have taken that poor child home for yet another day.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by PitterPatter View Post
                        I don't want to go into all the details but basically DCB was brought back to daycare yesterday morn, DCM said he was fine. Then diaper change and he flipped. It was MUCH worse. I called her told her to call the dr and take him in. She finally came at pick up time and said the dr. office was closed so she would have to wait. I told her to take him to ER. She hesitated and so I snapped! I raised my voice at her and told her he needs to go to the ER NOW!!

                        I called her after dinner to see what the doctors said, she said he still hadnt been checked but they were at the ER now. She called me back at 11:30 last night to say they wont be here in the morning because DCB has a severe abcess, now has a fever and is on IV and they want him to stay. I was feeling bad earlier for raising my voice at her in front of the kids but she had to understand how serious it was! Now I thank God I snapped at her because if not she would have taken that poor child home for yet another day.
                        Good for you!!

                        Glad he's getting treated.
                        Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


                        • #13
                          Good for you for making that mother wake up! Omgosh I hope that little guy is okay - please give us an update as soon as you hear. ~Joy


                          • #14
                            I called to check on DCB this morning. He is still in the hospital. He had to have it cut open and drained. Now he is in recovery but they have to keep it packed she said. I am so mad at this DCM I just thank God she won't be face to face with me for the next 4 days! This could have been avoided or at least less of an issue had she taken him on Tuesday or Wednesday like I told her.

                            Thank you for your well wishes for the little boy!


                            • #15
                              Good for you!!!! Now thats what I call being the childs advocate!!

